ملا حاجی عبدالرزاق
ایک روشن خیال روشن ضمیر افغانی مصلح عالم کی وفات
اسلامی دنیا میں آج جس چیز کا سب سے زیادہ رونا ہے، وہ ایسے علمائے کاملین کا وجود ہے، جو دین و دنیا دونوں کے علوم و ضروریات پر پوری نظر رکھتے ہوں جو علوم مذہبی اور علوم عصری دونوں کو یکجا تطبیق دینے کے خواہشمند ہوں، جو مذہب اور تمدن کو باہم منطبق کرسکتے ہوں، جو زمانہ حال کی ضروریات کے مطابق احکام مذہبی پر نظر رکھ کر ملک و قوم کی رہبری کا فرض انجام دے سکتے ہوں، جو مساجد کی امامت کے ساتھ صفوف جنگ بھی درست کرسکتے ہوں، جو رموز علمی کے پہلو بہ پہلو نکات سیاسی کو بھی سمجھ سکتے ہوں، ایسے علمائے مصلحین کا وجود کچھ نہ کچھ مصر و ہندوستان و ترکی و روس و تونس میں تو معلوم تھا، مگر افغانستان کی نسبت کسی ایسی مفید مقدس ہستی کا علم نہ تھا۔ امان، افغان کابل مورخہ ۲۴؍ رمضان المبارک ۱۳۴۳ھ سے ابھی اس کا حال معلوم ہوا اور ساتھ ہی وفات کی خبر پڑھی۔
ملا حاجی عبدالرزاق خان افغانستان کے امام وقت اور مشہور مدرس و عالم تھے، ہندوستان میں آخری تعلیم پائی تھی، ان کا سلسلۂ فیض بڑا وسیع تھا، افغانستان کے تمام نوجوان علماء ان کے شاگرد یا شاگرد کے برابر ہیں، ان کا تعلق ایک قدیم علمی خاندان سے تھا، مروجہ اسلامی و مشرقی علوم کے حصول کے بعد وہ ۴۰ سالوں سے درس و تدریس میں مشغول تھے اور آخر وقت تک یہی شغل جاری رہا، اگرچہ وہ تمام فنون میں درس دیا کرتے تھے، لیکن ریاضی، ہئیت اور حدیث میں ان کو کمال تھا، وہ اسلامی تاریخ، جغرافیہ و اخلاقیات میں بھی واقفیت نام رکھتے تھے۔ان علمی مشاغل کے باوجود موجودہ سیاست سے بھی کافی دلچسپی رکھتے تھے اور...
The present study investigates how English language learning interacts with the gender identities and roles of female learners at the University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan. Who learns what and how, is influenced by the learners’ gendered and sexualized identities (Pavlenko, 2004). Language learners have to navigate power relations within the classroom and their specific communities and develop understanding of their limitations and opportunities within these communities. Institutional practices and gender ideologies inhibit their access to networks which in turn affect their linguistic output and interactional opportunities. Within Interpretive epistemological framework eight female learners of final year (fourth year) Linguistics studying at IELL were interviewed and observed twice during one year to gather data for the present study. From the data it appeared that Pakistani females’ access to linguistic resources is mediated by cultural norms and societal expectations. Throughout their academic journeys the learners’ agency remained active due to which they were able to invest in their ESL learning and challenge socially imposed identities on them.
We successfully performed green process using the aqueous leaf extracts of medicinal plant Sageretia thea (Osbeck.) to produce multifunctional metal oxide nanoparticles. The biosynthesized Zinc oxide (ZnO), Iron oxide (Fe2O3), Nickel oxide (NiO), Cobalt oxide (Co3O4) and Lead oxide (PbO) nanoparticles were subjected to intensive physical characterization techniques like XRD, FTIR, Raman, EDS, SAED, HR-SEM and HR-TEM. Debye Scherer approximation was used to determine the size of the biogenic nanoparticles. Average sizes of the nanoparticles were calculated as 12.5 nm (ZnO), 29 nm (Fe2O3), 18 nm (NiO), 27 nm (PbO) and 20.03 nm (Co3O4). As synthesized nanoparticles were investigated for their possible biological applications. Antimicrobial, cytotoxic, enzyme inhibition, antioxidant and biocompatibility assays were performed. Antibacterial properties against 6 pathogenic bacterial strains using disc diffusion assay and their MIC’s were calculated. Significant antibacterial potential was revealed for ZnO nanoparticles. Furthermore, the effect of UV-illumination in the enhancement of antibacterial properties was studied. Agar tube dilution method for linear mycelial growth inhibition was used to determine the antifungal potential of biogenic metal oxide nanoparticles. Significant cytotoxicity was revealed against Artemia salina. Dose dependent cytotoxicity is reported for the biosynthesized nanoparticles against Leishamnia tropica (promastigotes and amastigotes) and HepG2 cell lines using MTT cytotoxic assay, while their biocompatibility was assessed against freshly isolated human macrophages and RBC’s. Median lethal concentration (IC50) values were calculated. Significant protein kinase inhibition is indicated by Fe2O3 nanoparticles while insignificant alpha amylase inhibition is reported for biosynthesized nanoparticles. Moderate DPPH radical scavenging activity while insignificant total antioxidant and total reducing potential was indicated. In addition, ZnO nanoparticles were deposited on the 3D porous substrate (nickel foam) to fabricate electrode material for supercapacitor applications. The fabricated NiF/ZnO electrode showed high specific capacitance of ~ 453 F g-1 at a relatively high current density of ~ 2 A g-1. The electrode also showed excellent cycling performance with 86% specific capacitance retention after 1000 cycles. Our results suggest that biosynthesized metal oxide nanoparticles can be used in diverse applications.