خادمِ نعت
سید صبیح رحمانی
(مدیر:نعت رنگ ، کراچی)
ڈاکٹر شہزاد احمد کا نام نعتیہ ادب کے خدمت گزاروں میں کسی تعارف کا محتاج نہیں۔انڈیا ہو یا پاکستان اہل نعت اُن کے نام اور کام سے خوب واقف ہیں۔ انھوں نے اوائل عمری ہی سے صنف نعت کے فروغ و ارتقا کے لیے بہت محنت کی ہے۔ابتدا میں اُن کی چھوٹی چھوٹی تالیفات سامنے آتی رہیں جو اپنے عہد میں نعتیہ شاعری کی جمع آوری اور نعت کے اشاعتی منظرنامے کو وسعت دینے کا سبب بنتی رہیں۔اُن کی ادارت میں ماہ نامہ’’حمدو نعت‘‘ کراچی کا اجرا ہوا جس نے تفہیم نعت میں اپنا حصہ ڈالا۔ بے شمار نعت کاروں ، نعت شناسوں اور نعت خوانوں پر لکھے گئے ان کے تعارفی مضامین ایک تسلسل سے سامنے آتے رہے جو آج محققینِ نعت کی تحقیقی ضرورتوں کو پورا کرنے میں آسانیوں کا سبب بن رہے ہیں۔ کراچی و حیدرآباد کے نعت گو شعرا پرمضامین کی صورت میں اُن کے تفصیلی تذکرے اپنی اولیت اور افادیت کے پہلو سے اہمیت کے حامل ہونے کی وجہ سے یادگار قرارپائے ۔اُن کا کاروانِ ذوق و شوق آگے بڑھتا رہااور انھوں نے مزید کئی منزلیں کامیابی سے طے کیں۔ اُن کا تحقیقی مقالہ’’اردو نعت پاکستان میں‘‘سامنے آیا جسے اب اپنے موضوع پر کتابِ حوالہ کی حیثیت حاصل ہے اور پھر’’ ایک سوایک پاکستانی نعت گو شعرا ، اساسِ نعت گوئی، انوارِ عقیدت اور اُردو میں نعتیہ صحافت‘‘ جیسی اہم کتابوں کی اشاعت کے ساتھ اُردو کے کئی نامور شعرا کے کلیات نعت کی ترتیب و تدوین نے انھیں نعت شناسی کے معاصر منظرنامے میں ایک الگ تشخص عطا کیا ہے۔میں سمجھتا ہوں یہ سب اُن کے اخلاص اور مسلسل محنت کا پھل ہے۔یہ بات یقین سے کہی جا سکتی ہے کہ اب پاکستان میں فروغِ نعت کا کوئی جائزہ ڈاکٹر شہزاد احمد...
Introduction: A total of 144 medical colleges are contributing to the country’s progress. Excessive usage of social media is a cause of not only the deterioration of physical and psychological health of medical students, but has also become a defining reason of procrastination and attaining less than ideal grades. Where most western institutes implement strict social media policies in medical schools, those in Pakistan are gravely lacking. Objective: The objective of this research implementation of social media in medical schools of Pakistan and then identify the need to develop such policies. Methods: We conducted qualitative research in which method of data collection was primarily focus group discussions (FGD) of a total of 40 participants from five different medical colleges of Pakistan. The participants included medical practitioners and medical students(n=20) who were further divided into four groups of five participants each. FGD was conducted online. Results: Content analysis revealed seven core themes as point of discussions to be highlighted. Almost all participants were grossly unaware of the importance of social media usage regulation and its implementation in medical schools. Conclusion: At the end of the FGD it was unanimously agreed upon that there must be a uniform and standard social media policy defined by the regulating bodies of medical schools. This research may further be conducted by including policymakers in the sample. KEYWORDS: Social media, policy, medical colleges.
Introduction: Day case surgery services are increasing all over the world. The prevalence of postoperative pain after day surgery is found to be high ranging from 17% to 60%. Little is known about the prevalence of postoperative pain, in Kenya and East Africa, after day case surgeries.
Objective: The objectives of this study were to investigate the prevalence of postoperative pain after day surgery at Aga Khan University (AKUH), Nairobi, to determine the severity/intensity of postoperative pain following day case surgery, and to determine the influence of anxiety and worry on the patients report on postoperative pain.
Study site: The Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi.
Study design: Prospective, non-interventional study.
Study population: All patients aged between 18 and 68 years scheduled for day surgery at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi.
Sample size: One hundred and fifty patients.
Duration of the study: This is a prospective study that was carried out between March and June 2009.
Methodology: Consecutive sampling was carried out until sample size was achieved. The purpose and nature of the study was explained to patients before informed consent was obtained. They were explained how to score their pain by using a visual analogue scale prior to the surgical procedure. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the patients. Follow up information was obtained through interviews over the telephone at 24 and 48 hours, after discharge from the DSU.
Results: The prevalence of postoperative pain after day care surgery was found to be 58% within 30mins postoperatively, 55.3% after 24 hours, and 34.7% after 48 hours following surgery. The prevalence of moderate to severe postoperative pain was 9.6%. This study has shown that the association between postoperative pain and anxiety was significant at 24 hour and 48 hour follow up. However such association with worry was significant only at 48 hour follow up.
Conclusion: The overall prevalence of postoperative pain after day surgery at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi was noted to be different from what has been reported in the literature. The prevalence of moderate and severe pain however, is less than reported in the literature.