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Usability Enhancement for Elders/Aged Users With Less Computer Literacy Using Ribbon Controls

Thesis Info


Hammad Anjum


Iftikhar Azim Niaz


Department of Computer Science




COMSATS University Islamabad

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Computer Science




2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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ایلافِ وفا کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

ایلافِ وفا کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
اخلاق حیدر آبادی
(شعبہ اردو ، رفاہ انٹر نیشنل یونیورسٹی ،فیصل آباد)
شاعری انسانی تخیل کا پُر جمال اور بلیغ اظہار ہے۔ شاعری میں نظم نے انسانی فکر اور ادراک کو مربوط اور پر اعتماد ہو کر آگے بڑھایا ہے۔ آرائش خیال کے لیے کبھی پابند نظم اور کبھی نظم ِ معرا کو خوب پذیرائی حاصل ہوئی۔ پھر آزاد نظم نے نسبتاً انسانی فکری جہتوں کو زیادہ بے باک انداز اور آزادی کے ساتھ پیش کیا ۔اردو شاعری کے منظر نامے میںنظم گو شعرا ابلاغ کی سطح پر پیش رفت کرتے نظر آتے ہیں۔ وقت کے ساتھ نظم کی روایت نے تخلیق کار کو ایک نئے آہنگ سے متعارف کرایا۔
شاعری کی بابت بہت کچھ کہا گیا ہے اور کہا جاسکتا ہے مگر مختصر اور جامع طور پر ہم کولرج اور شیلے کے ہم زبان ہو کر کہہ سکتے ہیں ’’شاعری تخیل کی زبان ہے‘‘ ۔کانٹ نے بہت دل نشین اندازمیں اپنی کتاب ’’انتقادِ محاکمہ(Aesthetic judgment of critique) ‘‘ میں اپنے کلیدی جملہ میں اپنے نظریہ تخیل کا خلاصہ یوں پیش کیا ہے
’’ تخیل اس مواد سے جو فطرت اس کے لیے مہیا کرتی ہے،ایک فطرتِ ثانی تخلیق کرنے والا ایک زبر دست عامل ہے‘‘(۱)
شاعر یا تخلیق کار کے پاس اظہار کے لیے جو چیز اساس بنتی ہے۔ وہ اس کا احساسِ تخیل ہے۔ ابلاغ کے لیے علامت، استعارہ ،مشاہدہ اور تجربہ تو ہوتا ہے۔ بلکہ الفاظ کے انتخاب کا کڑا فیصلہ بھی شاعر کو ہی کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ اسی طرح نظم کا نام بلا شبہ علامت ہے۔ کسی چیز کی ماہیت نہیں ۔ شعریات کو صنف میں علامتی سطح پر وابستہ کیا جا سکتا ہے۔ حالی ؔ کا یہ قول’’ نفسِ شعر وزن کا محتاج نہیں‘‘ اب تک ایک بامعنی اور راہنما ہے۔ عبدالسمیع اپنی کتاب ’’اردو میں...

شیخ ابن تیمیہ کےاصولی تفردات کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ An Analytical Study of the Ibn-e-Teymiyah’s Usooli Distinctions

The very existence of theology was a prelude to the competition of philosophy and the support of religion. Other religions, for the sake of legitimacy of their religion, have been raising objections to Islam in all respects. The mixture of nations, non-Arab influences, the negligent rhetoric of scholars and shaykhs, and the erroneous beliefs and practices of the people were tarnishing the clean face of Islam. In the time of Ibn Taymiyyah, there was an emphasis on theology. Theologians specialize in their knowledge and art of rationalism and logic. Their method consisted of reasoning and inference, rational and logical proofs. In contrast to them, the Hanbalis were holding the line of reasoning from the apparent meaning of verses and hadiths and texts. In the case of debates and debates, the weight of the theologians would be heavy and the opponent would be considered ignorant. Ibn Taymiyyah paid homage to the authenticity and supremacy of the Qur'an and Sunnah in such a way that he made critical commentary and analysis on philosophy and Greek logic and reasoned weaknesses and errors. One-half or two-thirds of his total writing services on the subject of speech and logic. This shows that Ibn Taymiyyah was feeling the need of defending Islam in this regard because in his time these sciences and arts had become very popular and common practice. The far-reaching effects of his thoughts and opinions in this regard have been felt in every age. The issues in which he has differed are the result of his research, jurisprudence and ijtihad, and constant reflection. The basis and foundation of which is the Quran and Sunnah, the interaction of companions and speculation. In these Ijtihad issues of hiss, there is a collection of arguments and proofs related to the Quran and Sunnah. In this article, an introductory and analytical study of Ibn Taymiyyah's fundamental differences will be presented.

مسلم امہ میں فکری اصلاح: جہات اور تدارک

Intellectual reforms in Muslim Umma (Dimensions & Solutions as per contemporary perspective) is a title, which is widely spread. Thought is a general term. Its involvement is existing in each department of human education. Every item of the world requires thoughts. Thinking is common and knowledge is different than thinking. Knowledge and thoughts are essential for each other. But when thinking converts from the ordinary to its specific philosophical meaning, then improvement starts from the thinking. Thought is also used in the meaning of thinking exploration, passion, and crazy and adore, similarly, religious & secular. Intellectual system plays a key role in the rise and the fall of societies and nations. Islamic thinking is a separate code of nature living system from secular thinking system. The thesis has an idea of the Islamic thinking which provides results from a combination of thoughts and actions together. So it has a separate code of nature in humanities. The thesis lemmatized in two ways. Mostly focused on religious traditions. Council reforms situation could be recovered. However, non-Islamic and secular thoughts also briefly considered into account & written, so obvious traits of Islamic thoughts can be highlighted. Due to this reformation of Muslim thinking, Muslim thinking and physical rehabilitation can be made possible to achieve its real goal. First of all meanings of thinking and optimization specific and struggle made with the help of words & sentences to emphasize the thinking. Muslim Ummah should understand the status of Islamic thinking and about the thinking condition of Muslim nation. In this way Muslims can get the religious, political, economic and cultural rise again. The concept of thinking reforms presented in Muslim nation is less than other reforms. These are the four religious, educational, political, and cultural dimensions which are developed during reparable work in demise rule and people forget the thinking of demise rule. Muslim Nation divided into three parts of the world. Reformation of Muslim thinking is not possible without each part's confusion's through into practical measures and thinking revivals proposed, being remained in the same region. These three sections of Muslim world are different in terms of population, means and in terms of wealth.