مولانا محمد یوسف بنوری
۱۹۲۷ء کا زمانہ تھا، میں اس وقت ندوہ میں پڑھتا تھا، درس کے دوران اور بحث و تحقیق کے سلسلہ میں مولانا انور شاہ صاحب کشمیریؒ کا تذکرہ ہوتا تھا، ہمارے استاد مولانا حیدر حسن خاں صاحب شاہ صاحب سے بخوبی واقف تھے، اُن کی مجلس میں شاہ صاحب مرحوم کی وسعت علم، بے نظیر حافظہ، ندرتِ فکر، اور دقت نظر کا ذکر آتا تھا، شاہ صاحب کے بعض شاگرد بھی کبھی کبھی آجاتے اور اپنے استاد کے علم و کمال کا والہانہ ذکر کرتے، گرمیوں کی چھٹی میں مولانا سیدطلحہ پروفیسر اورینٹل کالج لاہور لکھنؤ آتے، مولانا حیدر حسن خاں صاحب مرحوم اُن کے شفیق استاد تھے، ٹونک اُن کا وطن تھا، اس طرح تلمذ کے ساتھ وطن کی مشارکت بھی اُن کو ندوہ لاتی، اور بعض اوقات کئی کئی دن مولانا حیدر حسن خاں کے ہاں ان کا قیام رہتا، مولانا طلحہ کی عقیدت اور مولانا حیدر حسن خاں کی شفقت قابل دید ہوتی۔
مولانا سید طلحہ صاحب نے مولانا انور شاہ صاحبؒ کو قریب سے دیکھا تھا، اور ان کے حلقہ درس میں کئی بار بیٹھے تھے، اُن کی مخصوص صحبتوں میں بھی شریک ہوئے تھے، علوم اسلامیہ پر خود اُن کی اچھی نظر تھی، خصوصاً تفسیر حدیث، اور رجال کا بہت اچھا مطالعہ تھا، حافظہ بھی غضب کا پایا تھا، لیکن بایں ہمہ وہ شاہ صاحب سے بہت زیادہ متاثر تھے، اور ان کی وسعت نظر، حفظ و اتقان، مہارت علوم، اور مجہتدانہ صلاحیت کے بیحد معترف تھے، ان کا تذکرہ بڑے کیف و وجد کے ساتھ کرتے، کہا کرتے تھے، کہ اگر میں نے مولانا انور شاہ صاحب کو نہ دیکھا ہوتا، اور اُن کے حافظے کا ذاتی تجربہ نہ ہوتا، تو مجھے ان رواتیوں کو تسلیم کرنے میں تامل ہوتا جو کتابوں میں سلف کے حافظے کے بارے...
There is no doubt that Islam is a religion of peace which ensures peace regionally and globally in the light of its teachings. It is not only a religion of worship, but it is a religion includes ethics and caring for others and takes care of the rights of individuals as well as society. The life of Prophet Muhammad, r is the best role model in creating world peace atmosphere as He had ordered his followers and believers to realize peace in their societies. Islam guarantees peace even in war situation as it provides full protection and refuge to all those innocents who do not participate in the war. It is not unknown now that the contemporary world is witnessing events that souls hate and hearts alienate which caused racisms and populism and that their effects threatened communities and destroy firm foundations of peace. So in this contemporary perspective, the importance of research and writing about world peace increases subject to all of the studies levels, whether in universities or conferences especially in light of the biography of Holy Prophet Muhammad r. In this research, I will focus on the following points: Peace and its practical examples in of Holy Prophet Muhammad r. Explanation about the concept of peace and its practice in life of Holy Prophet Muhammad r. Clarifying the most prominent contemporary security challenges in the light of the Prophet's biography. Discussion on common misconceptions about Global peace matter and their correction in the sacred Biography of the Prophet Muhammad r
Phosphorus (P) unavailability in alkaline and calcareous soils is a severe problem due to high pH and CaCO3. Fixation with Ca+2 is the major cause of low P availability to plant. It was hypothesized that coating of phosphatic fertilizer with organic polymer may cause steady release of P to increase crop yield, and improve P use efficiency in calcareous soils. For the assessment of this theory, number of lab and field experiments were conducted to study P accessibility span in soils treated with polymer coated phosphatic fertilizers. Laboratory experiments were directed to screen out the best polymer concentration (1%) and number of coatings (two layers of polymer) on different sources of phosphatic fertilizers (DAP (di-ammonium phosphate), SSP (single super phosphate), NP (nitrophos) and RP (rock phosphate)). Then these were checked in the presence of different concentrations of CaCO3 in soil. It revealed that with increasing CaCO3 level, the phosphorus fixation also increased. But the fixation was less in case of polymer coated phosphatic fertilizers at different field capacity moisture levels to quantify the available P from different sources of phosphatic fertilizers coated with and without polymer. Results showed that polymer coated phosphatic fertilizers gave better response even at 50% field capacity moisture level because it has capacity to hold water many times of its weight. The best performing polymer concentration and number of coatings on different phosphatic fertilizers were screened and tested on wheat crop in a pot study. Results revealed that coated fertilizer can increase crop yield over uncoated phosphatic fertilizer. To check its effect on yield a field trial using wheat as test crop was conducted according to RCBD (randomized complete block design) with selected polymer coated formulations. Data related to wheat growth and yield parameters indicated that polymer coated phosphatic fertilizers increased grain yield 25-31%, photosynthetic rate 8-25%, P concentration in plant 21-41%, P uptake by plant 27-116%, agronomic efficiency 6-58% and recovery efficiency 8-133% over uncoated phosphatic fertilizers.