چلے چلو کہ منزل ابھی نہیں آئی
نحمدہ ونصلی علی رسولہ الکریم امّا بعد فاعوذ بااللہ من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
معزز اسا تذہ کرام اور میرے ہم مکتب شاہینو! آج مجھے جس موضوع پر لب کشائی کا موقع مل رہا ہے وہ ہے:’’چلے چلو کہ منزل ابھی نہیں آئی ‘‘
صدرِذی وقار!
منزل کے حصول کے لیے جدوجہد ہر ذی روح کی خواہش رہی ہے، ہر کس و ناکس اس کے لئے کدوکاوش کرتا ہے، اس کی زندگی کا ہر لمحہ حصولِ منزل کے لئے وقف ہوتا ہے، ہمہ قسم لوگ شبانہ روز اس مقصد کے حصول کی خاطر کوشاں رہتے ہیں ، حصول منزل میں ہر آنے والی رکاوٹوں کو ختم کرنے کے درپے ہوتے ہیں، اور پھر یونہی ان کے لمحاتِ زیست گزرتے رہتے ہیں۔
جنابِ صدر!
حشرات الارض سے لے کر انسان تک ہر ایک اپنی منزل کی طرف گامزن ہے، ہر ایک کی اپنی ایک منزل ہے، مورومگس کی منزل اور ہے، گل لالہ کی منزل اور ہے، جوئے نغمہ خواں کی منزل اور ہے، حر یرو پر نیاں کی منزل اور ہے، زمین پر رینگنے والی مخلوق کی منزل اور ہے، گل لالہ کے گردبھنبھنانے والی شہد کی مکھی کی منزل اور ہے، غلاظت پر چکر لگانے والی مکھی کی منزل اور ہے۔
صدرِ محترم!
گلستان میں عندلیب خوش الحان کی منزل اور ہے، برگد کے درخت پر موجود بوم کی منزل اور ہے، آبادی میں شجر سایہ دار کی منزل اور ہے، ویرانے میں خشک تنے والے درخت کی منزل اور ہے، فضاء میں محو پرواز عقاب وشاہین کی منزل اور ہے ،مُردار کے گرد چکر لگانے والی گدھ کی منزل اور ہے۔
پرواز ہے دونوں کی اسی ایک فضا میں
کرگس کا جہاں اور ہے شاہیں کا جہاں اور
جنابِ صدر!
The present study was conducted with the aim to investigate the relationship between Selfefficacy, Life satisfaction, and Quality of life in local tourists of Pakistan. Data was collected from local tourists, a total of 151 men and women. A correlational research design was used along with snowball sampling to collect data from participants by using of Self-efficacy scale (SES), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and Quality of life scale (QOL). The results revealed that there was a significant positive relationship among self-efficacy, life satisfaction, and quality of life in local tourists of Pakistan. Further, the results showed that self-efficacy and satisfaction with life are significantly correlated with factors of quality of life. Self-efficacy, satisfaction with life, and quality of life are found more in tourists who travel more frequently in a year. This study has implications for developing the tourist industry and encouraging local travel for Pakistani‘s as an intervention to improve the health and wellbeing of people.
Ever since Pakistan carried out its nuclear tests in 1998, the international community has voiced grave concerns over the prospects of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons or fissile material falling into the hands of non-state actors or terrorists. The threat of nuclear terrorism has gained exclusive attention after the events of September 11, 2001, with concerns that terrorists could create even greater destruction if they had gained possession and know-how of nuclear materials and technology. Today nuclear security has become a leading issue of concern in contemporary international politics. Various academics as well as policy analysts have expressed their apprehensions regarding the security of Pakistan’s nuclear programme. So many hypothetical scenarios are being projected in the Western media, portraying a dramatically chaotic situation about Pakistan’s nuclear assets. Since the international community is facing serious challenges regarding nuclear insecurity, any single nuclear incident by a non-state actor may disturb global peace. Elaborating on the serious security threats to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, Western security analysts and policy makers have pointed out a potential threat from radical militants and their sympathizers in the civil and military organizations. Additionally, it is a fact that terrorist attacks on military installations, including suicide bombings, have been observed in the last few years, all heightening the perception that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are not secure. Several suppositious situations have been developed by Western analysts in this context; such as, terrorists attacking Pakistan’s nuclear facilities, controlling its nuclear weapons, accidental or unauthorized use of nuclear weapons and questions on nuclear weapons’ security when military installations are under attack. The other side of picture presents a highly professional and confident Pakistan with state of the art safeguards and highly evolved personnel check mechanism involved in its nuclear security protocol. Pakistan’s nuclear establishment has always strongly rejected such claims by media and policy institutes. Pakistan’s nuclear weapons’ safety and security system is as much advanced and robust as the infrastructure of any other nuclear weapon state. International concerns regarding Pakistan’s nuclear weapon programme are based on hypothetical scenarios that have little chance of materialization. This study is an attempt to conduct an in-depth evaluation of the international concerns cultivated through media, Pakistan’s response and the safety measures taken by Pakistan. It is an overall assessment of the issues related to nuclear safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme. The study suggests that Pakistan needs to improve and strengthen its nuclear diplomacy through effective global representation with special focus on countering negative propaganda, which would be the best way to mitigate international concerns about the safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear assets.