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On Heat Equations With Variable Properties

Thesis Info


Adeel Ahmed


Saleem Asghar


Department of Mathematics




COMSATS University Islamabad

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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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عبداللطیف تپش

عبداللطیف تپش(۱۸۹۵ء ۔۱۹۴۳ء) لاہور میں پیدا ہوئے۔ منشی فاضل اور بی۔اے کے امتحانات پاس کرنے کے بعد کچھ عرصہ پنجاب ہائی کورٹ میں ملازمت کی۔ پھر گورنمنٹ انٹر کالج پسرور ضلع سیالکوٹ میں علومِ شرقیہ کے استاد مقرر ہوئے۔ پسرور میں ملازمت کے دوران مزید تعلیم کے لیے مطالعے کو جاری رکھا اور ایم ۔اے فارسی کا امتحان ۱عزاز کے ساتھ پاس کیا۔اس امتحان میں تپشؔ یونیورسٹی بھر میں اول رہے ۔ (۴۲۷) تپشؔ کو شعرو شاعری سے حد سے زیادہ دلچسپی تھی۔ ان کے اوقاتِ تدریس بڑے دلکشا اور معلومات افزا ہوتے۔ کالج میں بزمِ ادب کی جان ہوا کرتے تھے۔ گورنمنٹ کالج پسرور میں قیام کے دوران متعدد ادبی مجالس اور مشاعروں کا مقصد طلبا کے ذوق کی نشوونما اور فروغ زبان اُردو تھا۔ جو بدرجہ اتم ہوا اور کئی طالب علم شاعر بن گئے۔ گورنمنٹ کالج پسرور میں ۴ مارچ ۱۹۳۲ء کو ابو الاثر حفیظ جالندھری تشریف لائے تو کالج کے وائس پرنسپل پروفیسر سراج الدین آذر نے کالج سٹاف کا تعارف کراتے ہوئے عبداللطیف تپشؔ کے بارے میں کہا :

یہ شاعر ہی نہیں شاعر گر بھی ہیں۔(۴۲۸)

تپشؔ کا شعر و شاعری کا ذوق جبلی تھا۔ انھیں سر عبدالقادر (مدیر مخزن) جیسی علمی و ادبی شخصیت کی دامادی کا شرف بھی حاصل تھا۔ جس کی وجہ سے آپ کے شعری ذوق کی بہت جلد اصلاح اور ترقی ہو گئی۔ تپش ؔ نے سر عبدالقادر کی علمی صحبتوں سے بصدِ رنگ استفادہ کیا لیکن آپ کی طبیعت نظم کی طرف مائل نہ ہو سکی۔ بلکہ آپ غزل ہی کے شائق و دلدادہ رہے۔ آپ شروع میں بہت پرگو اور مشکل شاعر تھے لیکن کثرتِ مشق سخن سے ان کے کلام میں سادگی و پرکاری آگئی۔ اُن کے کلام ہندوستان کے ممتاز ادبی رسائل و جرائد میں شائع ہوا کر تاتھا۔ (۴۲۹) آپ کی شاعری میں دل کشی اور سادگی...

معاملة المخطئين والجاهلين في ضوء السيرة النبوية العطرة

Allah Almighty had created man with the instinct to choose between good and evil. It is nature that being a human to be indulged in some activity unconsciously and then to realize and feel sorry for the crime committed. To err is human and to forgive Devine. So sins should not be treated as a single entity for there are of various types, ranging from the small mild ones to the big severe ones, thus dividing people who commit them accordingly. When our father and mother, ate from the forbidden tree, which was wrong, they realized it there and then, and instantly felt pain and remorse and abstained from it and declared repentance with humility and knocked the door of Allah for mercy and forgiveness. Allah the almighty heard their prayers and embraced them in his mercy and forgave their sin, for he is most gracious, and most merciful. Similarly our prophet has set an ideal for treating the sinners, he did not turn his face away from them nor did he declare abandoning them or excommunicating them or even counting them as dirt that should be avoided or looked down upon. He treated them with an open heart and with utmost compassion, sympathy and tolerance, and took them by the hand to the righteous path, his sympathy was always present, a sun that never sets. This article is basically to deal with prophetic examples and virtual self how the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) treated the sinners and ignorant. It is suggested that the public and the rulers should be made aware about the with deal to able be would they that so, (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prophet Holy of teaching sinner and ignorant in an effective manners by following the teaching of. (صلى الله عليه وسلم) Prophet Holy

Development and Appraisal of Economical and Sustainable Approach for Weed Management in Drill Seeded Aerobic Rice Oryza Sativa L.

Traditional rice cultivation by puddling and manual transplanting is a labor intensive activity and require significant quantities of water and power. The increasing scarcity of water threatens the sustainability of transplanted rice. In many areas of Asia, transplanting of rice is being replaced by direct seeding as farmers respond to increased labor cost and decreased water availability but weed control is one of the major constraints to direct seeding. So, to control weeds in direct seeded rice studies were designed. Experiments were conducted for two years to develop sustainable and economical methods for managing weeds in aerobic rice grown by direct-seeding at Student’s Farm, Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad during the years 2008 and 2009. The first experiment was laid out in RCBD having five weed control approaches; hand weeding, hoeing (with kasula), inter row cultivation with tine cultivator, inter row cultivation with spike hoe and chemical control with Nominee 100 SC along with control (no weeding). Weed dry weight was 300 g m -2 , 257 g m -2 , 225 g m -2 and 157 g m -2 less in hand weeding, hoeing tine cultivator and Nominee 100 SC respectively than no weeding. Maximum fertile tillers were recorded in hand weeding (369.73 m -2 ) and were followed by hoeing (356.94 m -2 ) and tine cultivator (346.78 m -2 ). Hand pulling, hoeing, tine cultivator, Nominee and spike hoe gave 28, 25, 22, 12 and 6% more number of kernels per panicle respectively. Paddy yield was 221, 203, 181 and 105% more in hand weeding, hoeing tine cultivator and Nominee 100 SC respectively than no weeding. Highest net returns (Rs. 56905) were obtained by hand weeding while highest BCR (1.75) was obtained in tine cultivator. A second experiment was laid out in split plot design randomizing inter row cultivation implements in main plots and inter row cultivation frequencies in sub plots. Weed dry weight was 199.16 g m -2 less when tine cultivator was used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS as compared to weed dry weight in inter row cultivation at15 days after seeding (DAS). More fertile tillers in tine cultivator and spike when used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS were observed. Paddy yield was 159% more when tine cultivator was used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 as compared to paddy yield in inter row cultivation at15 DAS. Tine cultivator gave maximum net return and BCR when used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS. Tine cultivator gave maximum net return and BCR when used at 15, 25, 35 and 45 DAS. Both experiments were replicated thrice. Net plot size was 3.0 m x 6.0 m in both experiments. Weed control by tine cultivator displayed excellent rice yields when repeated cultivation was done, and with the reduced labor inputs compared to hand weeding and hoeing, is a viable and economical method.