تفسیر القرآن مسلمانوں کا عظیم کارنامہ ہے۔قرآن مجیدکے ہر پہلو کو انسانیت کے سامنے اجاگر کرنے کے لیے ہر زبان میں متعدد قرآنی تفاسیر تحریر کی گئیں۔اردو زبان میں تفسیر ی ادب عظیم سرمایہ ہے۔تفسیر القرآن نے اردو ادب کے ارتقا میں تعمیری اور مثبت کردار ادا کیا۔ قرآن پاک کی پہلی اردوتفسیر مراداللہ انصاری کی تفسیر مرادیہ ہے۔ ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی اپنی کتاب "تاریخ اردو ادب " کے صفحہ نمبر 104 پر لکھتے ہیں کہ تفسیر مرادیہ پہلی مفصل اردو تفسیر ہے۔اس تفسیر کا اسلوب علمی و ادبی نہیں بلکہ مبلغانہ ہے۔شاہ عبدالقادر ؒ اور حکیم محمد شریف ؒکےتشریحی و توضیحی تراجم اردو تفسیری ادب کی روایت میں بنیادی حیثیت رکھتے ہیں۔ان کی پیروی میں اردو زبان میں قرآنی تراجم و تفاسیر کی تعداد ایک ہزار تک پہنچ چکی ہےاور یہ سلسلہ ابھی تک جاری وساری ہے۔اور اہل علم نئی نئی ضروریات کے پیش نظر اردو زبان میں قرآن کریم کے نئے نئے انداز میں ترجمہ و تفسیر پیش کر رہے ہیں۔ہرترجمہ و تفسیر میں ایک نیا انداز اور اسلوبِ بیان پایا جاتا ہے۔ اردو تفسیری ادب مفسرین کرام کا لائق ستائش کارنامہ ہے جو نہ صرف علمی و فکری اور نفسیاتی رکاوٹوں کا ازالہ کرتا ہےجو قرآن فہمی کی راہ کو مسدود کرتی ہیں بلکہ یہ عظیم ادبی سرمایہ قاری کو قرآنی تعلیمات سے شناسا بھی کرتاہے۔
بیسویں صدی عیسوی میں علم تفسیر کے باب میں متعدد نئے تفسیر ی رجحانات سامنے آئے۔ سرسید احمد خاں کی طرح مرعوبانہ فکر کی جھلک پرویز اور خلیفہ عبدالحکیم کے ہاںملاحظہ کی جاسکتی ہے ۔سید امیر علی کی تفسیر "مواہب الرحمٰن" کا اسلوب انتہائی دقیق ہے۔مولانا ثناءاللہ امرتسریؒ کی "تفسیر ثنائی "میں مناظرانہ اسلوب پایا جاتا ہے۔عبدالماجد دریا آبادیؒ کی "تفسیر ماجدی "میں عصری رجحانات کے ساتھ ساتھ ادبی اسلو ب بیان بھی نظر آتا...
The preachings of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) are equally beneficial for both believers and non-believers. While Muslims have reaped many benefits from prophetic teachings, those who do not believe in the Holy Prophet (saw) are also inclined to study his teachings and conclude that the scientific principles we are formulating now, were revealed by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) many centuries ago. Whether it be the secrets of hygiene, medicine and treatment, or matters of implicit principles of creation, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s teachings contain golden principles that encompass the secrets of success in all matters ranging from the survival of human health to the matters of creation. The purpose of this article is to explain the sayings of the holy prophet*( P.B.U.H) which lead to scientific proofs and indicate that it is the teachings of the Prophet (P.B.U.H), from which today’s intellectuals deduce principles. But the Prophet ( PBUH) many years ago, made those golden principles clear through his edicts and rulings in the time of technology scarcity.
There is a global concern about progressive increases in greenhouse gases especially CO 2 in the atmosphere by human-induced activities. An increasing awareness about environmental pollution by CO 2 emissions has led to recognition of the need to enhance soil C sequestration for minimizing greenhouse effects, by sequestering C through sustainable agricultural management practices. Conventional tillage has many benefits including reducing soil compaction, preparing favorable seedbed, and controlling weeds, contrarily; it accelerates erosion, off-site movement of nutrients, and enhances loss of soil organic matter. Conservation management systems like no-till (NT) and crop rotation have been reported to increase soil organic C content by creating less disturbed environment. Variations in the soil C substances due to tillage operations or crop rotations have been recognized, however, the information on C sequestration is limited. The present study was planned to improve our understanding that how no-till and crop rotation can enhance C sequestration and soil quality. The study was conducted on Vanmeter farm of the Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon Ohio, USA from 2002 to 2007. Tillage treatments included conventional (CT) and no-till (NT) were factored into continuous corn (CC), corn-soybean (CS) and corn–soybean-wheat- cowpea (CSW) rotations by following randomized complete block design with 6 replications. The findings of present long-term study revealed that no-till had significantly improved biological, chemical, physical and humified carbon fractions compared to conventional tillage. In case of biological parameters total microbial biomass (C mic ), basal (BR), and specific respiration rates (qCO 2 ), potentially mineralizable carbon (C min ), increased because of no-till compared to conventional tillage. Microbial biomass and associated biological properties decreased significantly with increase in soil depth irrespective of tillage; however, the decrease was higher in case of no-till than conventional till. Among crop rotations corn soybean wheat showed significantly improved impact on microbial biomass and associated biological properties. However, crop rotation had variable effect on biological properties along the soil depth.Soil physical parameters like aggregate stability, macroaggregate, particulate organic matter and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen were significantly improved with no–till as compared with conventional tillage. When measured along the soil depth they decreased significantly with increase in soil depth. Corn soybean wheat rotation had significantly improved the various physical parameters as compared with continuous corn and corn soybean. Likewise, No-till showed significant increase in total, active, passive salt extractable and microwave extractable carbon and nitrogen fractions compared to conventional tillage. Among crop rotation corn-soybean-wheat had higher values of physical parameters as compared with other crop rotation treatments. Tillage and crop rotation had non-significant interaction influence on biological, chemical and physical parameters; however, with time as factor the interaction significantly influenced the biological, chemical and physical properties. Total humified carbon, sugar free humified carbon concentration and stocks did not vary significantly, however, the humic, fulvic acid, humic and fulvic acid glucose and humin contents were significantly increased under no-till and decreased under conventional tillage over time. Similar effects on humified carbon fractions by crop rotation were observed. Tillage and crop rotation had a non- significant interaction on humified carbon fraction, the inclusion of time as a factor with tillage and crop rotation interaction significantly influenced the carbon fraction. No-till with all crop rotation acted as net biological, chemical, physical and humified carbon sink while conventional till with different crop rotation acted as a carbon source. The estimated soil quality index was significantly higher in soil under no-till than conventional tillage. Similarly the corn soya bean wheat had shown significant difference in soil quality index as compared with other crop rotations. Sensitivity index revealed that soil microbial biomass can be utilized as sensitive indicator of soil quality.