فرنچ ایم ، پیری
مشہور ترک دوست فرنچ ایم، پیری لوطی، کی ۷۳ سال کی عمر میں موت کا تمام دنیا کو علم ہوچکا ہے، لیکن اس سے بہت کم لوگ واقف ہوں گے کہ اس کے مکان میں جاپانی، چینی اور ترکی وضع کے کمروں کے علاوہ ایک مسجد بھی تھی۔ (دسمبر ۱۹۲۳ء)
Intelligence system is considered to be one of the important tools used by military and civil secret agencies to defend and strengthen a nation. Intelligence system is thought to be one of the oldest studies of known history. Intelligence system consists of correct and accurate information, gathered after great struggle and facing difficulties. This department is related to both peace and war. Intelligence is a basis of formulating all military strategies and plans. The importance of Intelligence system both in day to day life and as a nation cannot be overemphasized. This article narrates the history of espionage, which is as old as the history of mankind itself. Five thousand years ago, the Egyptians has a well-organized secret service. In the ancient western country, it was called as; hakim’, in Spain (Undles) as ‘Sahib al Madina’, in Tunis as ‘Ray’ and in Iran the as “Areef”. Nowadays it is known as ‘Muqadama-Tul-Haaraat’, Salaf-Us-Saliheen calls its “Shurtaa” and some calls it as ‘Sahib al-us-us’ as they use to move throughout the night to look for anti-state elements. The first ever victim of intelligence warfare was Hazrat Adam (A) where Satan revolt against him. Similarly, the incident of Hazrat Yousaf (A) is the indication of old age practice of espionage. Due to jealousy, his brothers sold him as slave and told their father that he has been eaten alive by a wolf. Hazrat Musa (A) had his network of espionage. Even birds had been used for spying, like in the case of Hazrat Suleman (A) where he was informed by the hopp bird about the Queen of Saba. The study of the Bible reveals that instead of Hazrat Eessa (A), Yehuda Skruti was crucified but still nobody knows for sure that whether he was a true follower of the Jesus or was an implanted agent of the Romans Intelligence Agency. Anyhow, Bible declared him as a Roman spy. The ongoing tribal wars in ancient Arabs further emphasized this activity. The rest of the world had already well developed intelligence system. But in Arab, it was in its development phase and it was the Holy Prophet (PBUH) who got it from his ancestors and developed it. In addition to the intelligence systems of the early prophets, the relevant events in the realm of Nijashi of Habsha and Alexander the Great, have been narrated in this article.
This topic basically discusses the issue of the difference in the antecedent of the pronoun in the Holy Quran. In addition to that, it also throws light on the influence of the difference in the antecedent on the interpretation of the Quranic verses along with the preferred statement regarding the difference in the antecedent such as the difference in the antecedent of the pronoun in the following Quranic verse: وَكُنْتمُْ عَلى شَفا حُفْرَة مِنَ النارِ فأنَْقذكَُمْ مِن ْھَا (آل عمران )103: By pondering over this Quranic verse, we find that there are three statements regarding the antecedent of the pronoun ""ھا in ""منھا. First, the antecedent of the pronoun is ""النار. Secondly, the pronoun stands for ""حفرة. Thirdly the reference of the pronoun is ""شفا. The preferred one is the first statement because of three reasons which are as under: 1-The purpose of Allah Almighty in this Quranic verse is to save the Muslims from "("النار Fire or Hell) and not from "("حفرة excavation) or "("شفا bank of Hell). 2-"النار" is the nearest antecedent and according to the principles of exegesis when it is possible for the nearest noun to become antecedent, the farther one should not be taken as antecedent. 3-There is not conformity in femininity between the pronoun ""ھا and its antecedent ""شفا. And as for as the antecedent ""النار is concerned it conforms with the pronoun ""ھا. 4-The apparent meaning of this Quranic verse determines this antecedent as well. Obviously, there are various factors which are involved in creating differences in the antecedent of the pronoun such as having not mentioned the antecedent clearly and the possibility of being various antecedents at a time. Indeed, the influence of the difference in the antecedent on the interpretation of the Quranic verses is one of those issues which have been discussed by many interpreters of the Holy Quran, writers, scholars and linguists. Going through the various books on the interpretation of the Holy Quran, we find that this aspect of the Holy Quran has been discussed by them in bits and pieces but no exclusive work is available on this topic in one book. So the efforts have been made in collection and compilation almost all important and relevant material on this topic so that it may be brought to the readers in a comprehensive, well organized and an approachable shape. This thesis contains three chapters and each chapter has its sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with the literal, technical and metaphorical meaning of ()اختلاف i.e (Difference) and its reasons. The second chapter discusses the meanings of the pronoun and its grammatical rules. The third chapter throws light on the Influence of the difference of the antecedent of pronoun on the interpretation of Quranic verses. In addition to that the results, findings and recommendations have been stated at the end of this Ph.D thesis.