تفسیر القرآن مسلمانوں کا عظیم کارنامہ ہے۔قرآن مجیدکے ہر پہلو کو انسانیت کے سامنے اجاگر کرنے کے لیے ہر زبان میں متعدد قرآنی تفاسیر تحریر کی گئیں۔اردو زبان میں تفسیر ی ادب عظیم سرمایہ ہے۔تفسیر القرآن نے اردو ادب کے ارتقا میں تعمیری اور مثبت کردار ادا کیا۔ قرآن پاک کی پہلی اردوتفسیر مراداللہ انصاری کی تفسیر مرادیہ ہے۔ ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی اپنی کتاب "تاریخ اردو ادب " کے صفحہ نمبر 104 پر لکھتے ہیں کہ تفسیر مرادیہ پہلی مفصل اردو تفسیر ہے۔اس تفسیر کا اسلوب علمی و ادبی نہیں بلکہ مبلغانہ ہے۔شاہ عبدالقادر ؒ اور حکیم محمد شریف ؒکےتشریحی و توضیحی تراجم اردو تفسیری ادب کی روایت میں بنیادی حیثیت رکھتے ہیں۔ان کی پیروی میں اردو زبان میں قرآنی تراجم و تفاسیر کی تعداد ایک ہزار تک پہنچ چکی ہےاور یہ سلسلہ ابھی تک جاری وساری ہے۔اور اہل علم نئی نئی ضروریات کے پیش نظر اردو زبان میں قرآن کریم کے نئے نئے انداز میں ترجمہ و تفسیر پیش کر رہے ہیں۔ہرترجمہ و تفسیر میں ایک نیا انداز اور اسلوبِ بیان پایا جاتا ہے۔ اردو تفسیری ادب مفسرین کرام کا لائق ستائش کارنامہ ہے جو نہ صرف علمی و فکری اور نفسیاتی رکاوٹوں کا ازالہ کرتا ہےجو قرآن فہمی کی راہ کو مسدود کرتی ہیں بلکہ یہ عظیم ادبی سرمایہ قاری کو قرآنی تعلیمات سے شناسا بھی کرتاہے۔
بیسویں صدی عیسوی میں علم تفسیر کے باب میں متعدد نئے تفسیر ی رجحانات سامنے آئے۔ سرسید احمد خاں کی طرح مرعوبانہ فکر کی جھلک پرویز اور خلیفہ عبدالحکیم کے ہاںملاحظہ کی جاسکتی ہے ۔سید امیر علی کی تفسیر "مواہب الرحمٰن" کا اسلوب انتہائی دقیق ہے۔مولانا ثناءاللہ امرتسریؒ کی "تفسیر ثنائی "میں مناظرانہ اسلوب پایا جاتا ہے۔عبدالماجد دریا آبادیؒ کی "تفسیر ماجدی "میں عصری رجحانات کے ساتھ ساتھ ادبی اسلو ب بیان بھی نظر آتا...
Imm Ibn Taymiyyah is a well-known scholar of Muslims. He was an ocean of knowledge and wisdom. His books prove his excellence He was born in 661 Hijrah in Harrn (Syria). He learned every kind of knowledge especially religious knowledge i. E knowledge of Qur’n, Tafsr, Hadth, Fiqh, Jurisprudence, philosophy, inheritance law, mathematics, grammar, literature, and poetry etc. He wrote hundreds of books about the above mentioned fields. He was permitted to give Fatw (verdict) in his early age. He was successful in achieving the position of Ijtihd (authoritative interpretation of Islamic Law). Ibn Taymiyyah Studied the Profound Books of religions and sects. Then he analyzed the works in the light of senior Imams and Qurn and Sunnah. He is an extra ordinary person in his knowledge and writings. In brief we can say the fatws of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah have printed in thirty seven volumes. His first ratiocination in Fatwa is from the Holy Qurn. He presents the arguments from the Hadith and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S. A. W). He considered Ijm ‘ (consensus of Muslim opinion) as a proof of Shar‘ah. He presents the point of view of various schools of thought, He trusted in the books of ancient scholars. He also answers the anticipating ambiguity and complication. A few of his fatwas begin with all praise to Allah. His fatws are concordant with the life of the Muslims. In this article a deep study of fatwa of Ibn Taymiyyah has been taken as a guideline for fatwa in Islamic methodology.
Improving Writing Skill with Special Reference to Management Sciences at BBA Level Writing is human visual communication using signs or symbols that are associated by convention with units of language, meaning or sounds and are recorded on the surface of such substances as paper, stone, clay etc. Writing involves the encoding of a message of some kind, that is, we translate our thoughts into language. Reading involves the decoding or interpretation of this message. As the reader is someone who is not physically present, the writer has to ensure that what he has written can be understood without his help. Thus, it is only by the organization of sentences into a text that is as explicit as possible and complete in itself that we are able to communicate successfully with our reader through the medium of writing. All the four language skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing are inter-related. These are not separate in actual practice. Of all the four skills, writing develops very slowly and it is considered a very complex skill. Writing is an expressive art in the field of language. Writing depends on mechanical as well as mental processes. The mechanical element includes the motor ability to draw the letters of the alphabet and knowledge of spellings and punctuation conventionally used in the language. The mental process includes an adequate knowledge of the syntactical and lexical aspects of language and its usage. The thesis deals with the difficulties faced by many students at BBA level. The main focus of this thesis remains on the syntactical as well as grammatical areas where most of the students find difficulty; the thesis also gives some suggestions that can be applied to improve the writing abilities of some students. The students were also analyzed in the writing practice and it was seen that the majority of the students showed weakness in making structures and meaningful sentences. The surveys, questionnaires and interviews also revealed that there are very few purpose built exercises for the students at BBA Level Business Communication and its related extensions like creative writing, public speaking and Report Writing require special attention on the part of teachers as well as students. We cannot ignore the importance of this module. The researcher asserts that the students have potential to improve the writing skill with special reference to its significance in the modern business environment if they are provided with updated and innovative writing situations in and outside the classroom. Therefore, the researcher has selected this area in order to draw the attention of teachers as well as students.