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Home > A Power Efficient Data Volume Based-Mobile Data Collection Dv-Mdc in Wireless Sensor Networks Wsns

A Power Efficient Data Volume Based-Mobile Data Collection Dv-Mdc in Wireless Sensor Networks Wsns

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Syed Muhammad Abrar Akber


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a vast and widespread domain of computer networks. WSNs have appeared as one of the most attractive domain for the future research and are one of the most researched domains during the last decade. The WSNs have some inherent limitation like limited bandwidth and extreme energy constraint etc. These limitations challenge the research community to devise optimum operating environment for WSNs. Data gathering in WSNs is of prime importance considering these limitations and it is desirable to devise efficient schemes for data gathering. In order to optimize the operating environment of WSNs, the inherent limitations (limited bandwidth, extreme energy constraint, etc.) are required to be tackled efficiently. The data gathering and transmission operations of WSNs are major energy utilizers, hence these operations of WSNs are required to be optimized. In this research, a new scheme of data gathering for WSNs based upon the amount of data volume sensed by the sensors has been proposed. The sensors send a one bit beacon message to indicate the availability of sensed data in their buffer. DV-MDC exploits this fact and visits only those nodes which have generated some data during a particular round. Consequently, unnecessary visits to the nodes are avoided which leads to energy efficiency. The MDC visits only those sensors which had sensed the data and not the entire sensor field. The proposed data gathering scheme has been validated with the help of simulation. The simulation results show that DV-MDC offers better performance in terms of throughput and energy efficiency. The results are also validated by a comprehensive comparative analysis.

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Characterization and Classification of Heart Rate Signals Usning Linear and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis Techniques

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