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The Impact of Audit Committee Attributes on Audit Report Lag and Financial Performance: Evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange

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Nazik Hussain


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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During the last couple of decades, some serious scandals like Waste Management, Enron, WorldCom, Satyam, Swissair etc. were observed in corporate sector around the World. This loses confidence of stakeholders and due returns on their investment.The research proves that directors? standards, audit quality and audit report lag (ARL) play significant role in controlling corporate mishaps and consequently ensure due returns to firms and investors. In order to address this issue, the US Senate approved a framework on its Code of Corporate Governance (CCG) by the name of Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 which was amended in 2012. A lot of countries of the world also adopted this Act in year 2002. In order to be at par with international community, Pakistan introduced its own CCG in 2002 which was also amended in 2012. As per CCG, board of directors has to constitute various sub-committees to provide safeguards to the stakeholders? interest. One of the boards? subcommittees is an audit committee (AC) which is constituted to perform number of functions to ensure timely release of truly audited corporate financial statements, protect assets and monitor various accounts of company. The research has proved that mere existence of AC in a company is not much fruitful rather it has number of distinctive attributes that affect its working with respect to ARL and firms? financial performance. The most common attributes of an AC includes AC size, proportion of non-executive directors in AC, number of AC meetings per year, AC gender, AC members skill and experience and AC chair independence etc. This study is conducted to observe the impact of AC attributes on ARL and firms? financial performance as evidence from Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). A sample of 137 companies from 28 diversified non-financial sectors for years 2013, 2014 and 2015 is taken from PSX to observe the phenomenon. STATA software is used to measure descriptive and regression results of panel data based on fixed effect model. The results show that all sample firms used to comply CCG in respect of AC size and frequency of AC meetings while compliance in respect of non-executive directors in AC and independent AC chair in some companies has not been found.The overall ARL in non-financial sector firms has been found almost 83 days. AC meetings, AC gender diversity and AC chair independence have negative and significant impact on ARL while, AC size and existence of non-executive members in AC have insignificant impact on ARL. Financial performance of firms is measured via Tobin?s Q and return on equity (ROE). Tobin?s Q has been gradually increasing in this period. Positive and significant impact of AC size and AC meetings while insignificant impact of non-executive members in AC, AC diversity and independent AC chair has been found on Tobin?s Q. ROE has also increased over the period of three years. Negative and significant impact of non-executive directors in AC and AC meetings, while insignificant impact of AC size, AC chair independence and AC diversity has been found on ROE.

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Effect of Biochar in Improving the Nodulation, Growth and Yield of Rhizobium Inoculated Ming Bean Vigna Radiata L. .

Biochar is a carbon rich product and highly porous charcoal substance that is distinguished from other charcoals in its intended use as a soil amendment. Biochar can persist in soils for many centuries and has great potential to improve agronomic production when applied as a soil amendment. In this study, a number of rhizobial strains were isolated from the root nodules of mung bean from the different fields of Faisalabad. Fast growing rhizobial isolates were selected and were further screened for their ability to promote growth and nodulation of mung bean seedlings under axenic conditions. The four most effective isolates (MR1, MR3, MR4 and MR5) were selected to evaluate their potential to improve growth and nodulation in biochar-amended soil. Three different biochars (wheat straw (WSB), rice straw biochar (RSB) and cotton stick biochar (CSB)) were produced by slow pyrolysis at 350°C with 30 min residence time. Selected rhizobial strains (MR1, MR3, MR4 and MR5) with four levels of biochar (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%) were used to find the best combination of rhizobial strains and biochar. Rhizobial strains MR4 and MR5 at 1.0% biochar level successfully improved nodulation, and fresh and dry weight of mung bean. Regarding plant growth, overall response of CSB was greater than WSB and RSB. At 1.0% application rate, CSB resulted in better nodulation, and fresh and dry biomass than WSB- and RSB-amended treatments. On the basis of results obtained from this study, CSB at the 1.0% rate with rhizobial strains MR4 and MR5 were selected for a pot trial. The rhizobial strains were evaluated in pots amended with four levels of CSB (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%) for improving growth, nodulation and yield of mung bean plants. All these attributes were improved by increasing the concentration of biochar. However, better results were obtained at 1.0% biochar-amended soil. Rhizobial inoculation significantly improved the growth, physiology, photosynthesis, moisture contents, oil contents, fiber and chlorophyll contents of mung bean. Moreover, the combined effect of rhizobial inoculation and 1.0% biochar was better than their sole use. The selected rhizobial strains (MR4 and MR5) along with 1.0% biochar were also evaluated to study their effect on growth, nodulation, nitrogenase activity and soil microbial community composition. The growth, nodulation, nitrogenase activity, soil microbial biomoass C, N, P were significantly increased by the application of 1.0% CSB and rhizobial inoculation. However, more promising results were obtained due to their combined use. The combined application of rhizobia and biochar is an effective strategy to improve productivity of mung bean.