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Factors Leading to Cloud Computing Adoption: A Study of Textile Spinning Units

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Umair Pervez


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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In a country, where industry has to suffer prolonged daily power outages, keeping vital computing infrastructure running smoothly is not an easy endeavor. Cloud computing is a relatively new phenomenon that is growing at a very rapid pace as a solution to many problems faced by industry. Cloud computing is not something new and has evolved from virtualization and containers which are battle hardened and proven technologies. Cloud computing which comes in many flavors provides an opportunity for organizations to improve their operational efficiencies. Cloud computing offers agility, cost reduction, device and location independence, low maintenance costs, multi tenancy, scalability, security and improved performance. Clients can adapt and scale to changes in workload. It offers automatic resource provisioning and de provisioning which ensures resource availability levels tightly matched with current demand. Organizations can benefit immensely by adopting the right technology in the most efficient manner. Adoption of cloud computing is not an easy task. Many organizations think that the adoption decision is a mere technological decision. This is certainly not the case as many other factors weigh in this adoption decision. In order to ensure the smooth cloud transition with minimal loss, arrangements need to be done before hand and a clear road map have to be developed and followed. In this research we focus on cloud computing adoption in textile spinning sector of Pakistan. The spinning units form the backbone of the textile industry and are faced with stiff competition. Cloud computing adoption provides this sector an avenue to improve its operational efficiencies through reduction of fixed and recurring computing costs. The research proposes a conceptual model to investigate cloud adoption based on two renowned technology adoption theories i.e. Roger?s Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Fleischer?s Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE). This research paper combines the two theories into a single theoretical model based on factors relevant to the cloud computing platform. Data is collected through online questionnaire which is then analyzed to present a clear framework for cloud adoption in this sector

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