قدرتی وسائل کا تعارف
فیروز اللغات میں قدرتی کے لغوی معنی " طبعی، فطری، اصلی، حقیقی، پیدائشی" [1] بیان کئے گئےہیں۔ جبکہ وسائل کا لفظ وسیلہ کی جمع ہے اس لئے فروز اللغات میں وسیلے کے لغوی معنی "وسیلے، واسطے"[2] کے بیان کئے گئے ہیں۔ علمی اردو لغت کے قدرتی کےلغوی معنی "قدرت سے منسوب، فطری، خلقی، پیدائشی، اصلی، ذاتی۔ "[3] بیان کئے گئے ہیں۔ جبکہ اردو لغت میں وسیلہ کے معنی "ذریعہ، واسطہ، سبب"[4] بیان کئے گئے ہیں۔
"البحث اللغوی عند العرب "میں قدرتی وسائل کو بیان کیا گیا ہے:
"المعجم مبوب بحسب ما في الكون كله من آثار في الأرض، وآيات في السماء وبكل ما تحمل الدنيا ويدب فيها من إنسان أو حيوان أو طير أو نبات، وما تحفل به بطنها من معدن، أو ينتأ فوقها من صخر"[5]
کائنات میں زمین اہم قدرتی وسیلہ ہے جس پر انسان، جانور، پرندے، حیوانات اور دوسری اشیاء پائی جاتی ہیں۔ زمین کا پیٹمعدنیات سے بھرا ہوا ہے جبکہ دوسرے قدرتی وسائل زمین کی سطح پر پھیلی ہوئے ہیں۔ پانی، ہوا، خوراک اور روشنی و حرارت جیسےقدرتی وسائل کرہ ارض پر جانداروں کی حیات و بقا کے لئے بنیادی ضروریاتِ زندگی ہیں۔
معروف مسلم فلاسفر امام غزالیؒ لکھتے ہیں:
" الأموال إنما تحصل من المعادن والنبات والحيوان"[6]
امام غزالی ؒ کے مطابق انسان کی معاشی ضروریات کرہ ارض پر پائی جانے والے قدرتی وسائل معدنیات، نباتات اور حیوانات سے پوری ہوتی ہیں۔ پس ثابت ہوا کہ دنیا کا پورا معاشی نظام تین بنیادی اور بڑے قدرتی وسائل معدنیات، نباتات اور حیوانات پر انحصار رکھتا ہے۔
بھارت کا ماہر ماحولیات A R Agwᾱn لکھتا ہے:
Worldwide, malnutrition is the severemost health problem leading to the highest rate of disease and mortality among children less than 5 years of age. Objective: To find out the association between malnutrition and demographic profile. Methods: 350 malnourished children were chosen by non-probability convenient sampling technique from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore. Children were assessed through pre-tested questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 21.0. Results: 45% malnourished children were 1-3 years of age, majority of the children were females (52%), 89% children were from rural areas, 82.6% children were from low socioeconomic status, 54.6% mothers were uneducated, 50% malnourished children were not having their own house, 115 malnourished children were having 3 or more siblings and 89 mothers were having less than one year of pregnancy gap. Conclusions: Low socioeconomic status, illiteracy of mothers, rural area, gap between pregnancy and female gender has been found to be linked with malnutrition in children below 5 years of age.
Automobiles release a number of toxic metals into the surrounding environment. They enter human body through food chain and cause many toxic effects. Plants prove good indicators of their existence. In this study five herbaceous plant species (Calotropis procera, Datura alba, Ricinus communis, Parthenium hysterophorus and Cenchrus ciliaris) commonly growing along two roads i.e. Motorway (M-2) and Faisalabad-Sargodha road (FSR) in the Punjab, Pakistan, were collected. Plant and soil samples were collected in all the four seasons (2013-2014) from roadsides. Samples taken 100 m away from roads were designated as control. Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) metals were analyzed in all the plants and soil samples by ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrophotometer). Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents in plants and soil samples were also measured. Relative plant attributes i.e. photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll contents and carotenoids), gas exchange characters (photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), internal CO2 concentration (Ci) and water use efficiency (WUE)), total soluble proteins, total free amino acids and total antioxidant activity were studied. Significantly higher concentrations of all the metals were found along roadsides in plants and soils as compared to controls and they clearly showed spatial and temporal variations. In both plants and soil samples, higher contamination of metals was recorded during summer season, while, the least contamination was noticed during winter season. The metals concentrations were obtained in the order Zn > Ni > Pb > Cd. Higher metals, C and N concentrations were recorded along FSR road as compared to M-2. Pull-111 was proved to be the most polluted site. A general reduction in photosynthetic pigments, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and total soluble proteins were recorded, whereas, increase in internal CO2 concentration, water use efficiency, total free amino acids and total antioxidant activity was observed under metal toxicity. Among plants, Calotropis procera leaves accumulated the highest level of Pb, Cd and Ni, while, Ricinus communis showed tendency to accumulate high quantities of Zn, thus, these plant species can be used as good biomonitors / phytoremediators. The metal contents in plants at most of the sites showed significant positive correlation with traffic density. High level of metals was also found in fuel (petrol and diesel) and soot samples. So, control measures are required to overcome transport sector related pollution which may become severe in forthcoming days.