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Home > Prevention of Dos/Ddos Attacks Through Expert Honey Mesh Security Infrastructure

Prevention of Dos/Ddos Attacks Through Expert Honey Mesh Security Infrastructure

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Shehneela Kiran


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



Asian Research Index Whatsapp Chanel
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Today, Denial of Service (DOS) and Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDOS) are rapidly increasing on the Internet. DDOS attacks are used to overload the network infrastructure and services. Such kinds of attacks lead to the unavailability of services across networks. In this research, different types of DOS/DDOS attacks and prevention measures are also discussed. Honey pots can be used to ensure the continuous availability of services across networks. Honey pot is defined as a trap that mimics, notice and records overall activities of the attacker. Honey pot is used on server side, recognizes different kinds of attacks, protects user?s confidential data and records all malicious activities. Minimal computer resources are required in honey pots. These can be used as potential sources of risk for the network. Honey pots have a limited preventive character and a high degree of intrusion detection. In this research, Honey pots will be implemented in a demilitarized zone where two firewalls are used to protect internal and external traffic of the network. In suggested solution, honey pots are implemented as virtual machines (VM) which can be hosted on some physical servers. VM?s share resources, so multiple honey pots can be hosted on one server. The security mechanism of Honey pots VM is same as real servers but some vulnerability is deliberately left in order to trap the attacker. These VM?s observe the incoming traffic and notice the malicious activities continuously, once an attack is detected, all traffic from attack source will be forwarded to the honey pot VM network. In this way, malicious data will not route towards the production servers. The preventive action will be taken for a DDOS attack through the honey mesh system is based on fuzzy rules. Fuzzy control logic is used with reasoning which is approximation value rather than exact values. The purpose of this research is how to prevent different types of DOS/DDOS attacks through expert honey mesh security infrastructure. In this research, software simulation tool DDOSSim will be used to identify and simulate DDOS attacks via defense mechanism. The performance will be evaluated via taxonomy of input and output parameters in order to detect and prevent DDOS attacks.

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Every year, the development in handheld communication technologies is being made at an extraordinary speed and the smartphone has seen a spectacular enhancement throughout the world. Today smartphone has become an essential gadget in our lives. In many ways, the smartphone facilitates our relationships enabling us to contact those who would not otherwise be able to converse face-to-face. In fact, smartphone has been converted into an all-in-one device as it provides access, like SMS, voice and video call, Internet through Wi-Fi, sharing and editing MS word files. It has become an important aspect of youth’s daily life that has moved from a mere ‘technological object’ to a key in ‘social object’. Despite of the fact, this device has projected many challenges and prospects. The overall functions and usage of the smartphone has attracted youth to different purposes and to perform various functions in their daily life. However, the present study is primarily a cross-sectional social survey applying quantitative approach. A questionnaire on five-point Likert scale was developed to collect the data from subjects. Cluster, multistage simple random and purposive sampling techniques were applied to select a sample from four universities. The sample comprised 800 subjects (male and female) studying at BA/BSc and MA/MSc level in selected universities (p.78). Different tests like Regression Analysis, t-test, ANOVA, Chi-Square and Cross-tabulation were applied to analyse the results and interpretation. The reliability of questionnaire was also assessed through Cronbach’s alpha which was 0.79 (p.80). Almost all the subjects (youth) were found using smartphone in different ways and at different times. Their responses showed that they were selective in using social network applications. The male subjects, in majority, used social applications for building social relationship as compared to female subjects. Most of the male subjects liked WhatsApp, Facebook, Round and Viber; whereas, female subjects had been using WhatsApp and Facebook only for social relationships. The overall results proposed that smartphone usage habits had impacted positively on the social behaviour of youth. Most of the subjects were found using smartphone in activities like making friends for social relationship, capturing pictures of friends during social gathering and sharing x them with other friends. They also used emails with smartphone for sharing some social events or other activities with friends. The overall findings documented that smartphone usage had a positive impact on values, beliefs, education, social relationship and social behaviour of youth in Pakistan which was significantly proved. The majority of the subjects agreed that smartphones usage led to increase social relationships, and had a positive impact on their social behaviour. The results of t-test of selected variables also proved that youth (both male and female) was more inclined to the smartphones usage. The results also showed that emerging patterns of social behaviour were associated with the smartphone usage in social connection. Based on findings, it has been suggested that university teachers may establish learning environment for youth like BYOD (By Your Own Demand) or SMILE (Smartphone Interactive Learning Environment). In the nutshell, it is convenient to conclude that the smartphone has become an essential part of the youth’s life for interaction, sharing, liking, etc. The most prominent findings were that youth with higher levels of smartphone usage had a greater tendency to engage in using social networking applications for social relationship.