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Home > Servant Leaders and Job Outcomes: Mediating Role of Organizational Justice

Servant Leaders and Job Outcomes: Mediating Role of Organizational Justice

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Shagufta Ejaz


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The purpose of proposed research study is the empirical examination of how servant leadership affect employees job outcomes: Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment. Further the study investigated the mediating effect of the Overall Organizational Justice on the relationship of the Servant Leadership (SL) with Job Satisfaction (JS) and Organizational Commitment (OC). The data is collected from the Employees working in 5 Private Sector Banks in Pakistan. The information and data is gathered via self-administered questionnaire from a sample of 120 employees and is analysed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Hayes?s (Process Mediation Model 4).The results demonstrated that the Servant Leadership (SL) positively affects the employee?s Job Satisfaction (JS) and Organizational Commitment (OC) while working in the presence of overall Organizational Justice (OJ). However, findings also show that overall Organizational Justice mediated the relationship of Servant Leadership with the employee?s Job Satisfaction and Organizational commitment. The study has theoretical and practical implications for HR and bank managers.

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