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Home > Molecular Study of Lmbr1 Gene in Limbs Deformed Individuals from Bahawalnagar

Molecular Study of Lmbr1 Gene in Limbs Deformed Individuals from Bahawalnagar

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Rana Naumaira Saif


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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LMBR1 gene is consisted on a protein membrane and in human body it is re responsible for the limb development. As it is the promising gene for the limb development so recently many research is in process for exposure of potential application of this gene. The rapid increase of limb deformation in humans has led to more interest on the study of this gene from researcher and scholars. In this study we had taken the blood samples of 42 individuals including two families of limbs deformed were collected, age range of the patients was from 3 years to onwards, and had symptoms from moderate to severe from different areas of District Bahawalnagar. Physical sings were used as the selection criteria. 3.5-4ml venous blood was drawn and stored into 50ml tube containing 400?l EDTA, labeled with code number. The results obtained through different characterization e.g. (inorganic method, DNA estimation, sequencing of PCR product and electrophoresis) for LMBR1 gene exon 3 and 4. Thermo-cycler programs for the amplification of primers were not show any mutation in premier exons. Gel was visualized and in trans-illuminator and hence to ensure the amplified product. No further mutation has been observed in DNA strand. The DNA strands shows similar behavior of LMBR1 exon 4 and 3 for effected and normal individual. The mutation in this specified LMBR1 gene is not responsible for Limb deformity. Therefore LMBR1 gene is not accountable for any mutation caused limb deformity in an individual.

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ماحولیات کا تعارف

ماحول کو عربی زبان میں "بیئۃ" کہا جاتا ہے۔ ا س کا مادہ "بوأ " ہے۔

صاحب "معجم الوسیط" رقمطراز ہیں:

" (البيئة) الْمنزل وَالْحَال وَيُقَال بيئة طبيعية وبيئة اجتماعية وبيئة سياسية"[1]

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