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Home > Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Earthworms in Industrial, Forest, Agricultural and Urban Areas of District Kasur Punjab Pakistan

Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Earthworms in Industrial, Forest, Agricultural and Urban Areas of District Kasur Punjab Pakistan

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Naveed Akhtar


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




Metal contamination of urban and agricultural soil is a potential threat for human health. With increasing population, human activities like rapid industrialization, unchecked urbanization and agricultural activities significantly contribute to the heavy metal pollution. Metal contaminants present in environment can enter into the food web so cause harmful effects on living organisms. The present proposal aims to address the heavy metals pollution like Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) and Arsenic (As) in soil, and bioaccumulation of these metals in soil dwelling organisms ?earthworms?. For this purpose, 40 sites were selected including urban, agricultural, industrial land forest areas. Briefly, soil samples and earthworms were collected from selected sites and stored under standardize conditions. Soil digests, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extracts and earthworms? digests were prepared using acids under standard lab conditions. The digests and extracts were assessed for heavy metal contamination by the use of atomic absorption spectrophotometer following the standard protocols. We found that high levels of metal contaminant were present in selected samples of soil of industrial and urban areas. The highest concentration of Chromium was found in industrial soil samples (mean 2352 ?g/g). Additionally, the bioaccumulation of these metals in earthworms also showed significant concentrations. However, the soil and earthworm samples from agricultural and forest areas had comparatively low level of heavy metals. These results indicate that industrial and urban areas of district Kasur are affected in terms of heavy metal pollution due to excessive anthropogenic activities. Furthermore, bio-accumulation of these heavy metals in earthworms serves as a useful bio-indicator of soil pollution. . The average range of heavy metals in soil of industrial areas were; Cd (26.931?g/g), Cr (2352.3?g/g), As (21.62?g/g) and Pb (6.64?g/g) whereas in earthworms from industrial areas were; Cd (33.43?g/g), Cr (31.085?g/g), As (0.30?g/g) and Pb (11.45?g/g). Similarly the average range of heavy metals in soil in urban areas were; Cd (18.153?g/g), Cr (1354.9?g/g), As (22.824?g/g) and Pb (30.612?g/g), whereas in earthworms from urban areas were; Cd (23.206?g/g), Cr (17.215?g/g), As (0.27?g/g) and Pb (11.89?g/g).The total accumulation rate of cadmium, lead, chromium and arsenic in the biomass of the earthworms was significantly higher in industrial and urban areas of Kasur rather than agricultural and forests.

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