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Impact of Occupational Stress on Job Burnout With Moderating Role of Psychological Capital and Social Support

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Aleena Shah


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The medical field is quite challenging as employees have to work day and night under extreme pressure and long and irregular working hours. This work pressure and exhaustion leads to occupational stress. Occupational stress when unaddressed, leads to burnout which severely affects the physical as well as mental health of females in medical field. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship of Occupational Stress and Job Burnout on the female medical staff of Public Health Sector by introducing the moderating variables of Psychological Capital and Social Support. The role of positive psychological capabilities and support from supervisors and family in lowering the stress and burnout has also been studied. This study is conducted on female medical staff i.e. Lady Doctors and Nurses working in Public Hospitals of Pakistan. The Sample of the study comprises of 250 female medical employees. Data is collected through Quantitative data collection technique i.e. Questionnaires. Results show that occupational stress causes job burnout and psychological capital moderates the relation between occupational stress and job burnout. The three dimensions of psychological capital namely, self-efficacy, hope and resilience moderate the relation while optimism does not moderate the relation. Results also show that family support acts as a moderator between burnout and stress but supervisory support does not moderate this relationship.

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