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Home > Analysis of Critical Success Factors Csfs for Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning in Manufacturing Industry

Analysis of Critical Success Factors Csfs for Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning in Manufacturing Industry

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Sajawal Hussain Khan


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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ERP implementation is a complex, long-term, and costly process. The ERP implementation dynamics varies according to the nature and type of the industry and organization. Each industry possesses its own unique information flow systems, business processes, human resources, localized requirements and adaptation level to the new systems. These factors can be visualized and considered by understanding the complete hierarchy and structure of the industry. Previous studies have shown that the 90% ERP implementation not completed within time & budget as well as the implementation success ratio is only 33%. Furthermore, many organizations found unsuccessful in attaining the complete benefits of ERP implementation. Therefore, it is required to identify Critical Success Factors for ERP implementation in different organizations and industries. The motivation of this research is to identify CSFs for implementation of the ERP system in manufacturing industry. A questionnaire-based instrument was prepared to gather data from the personals in the concerned industry. Data has been analyzed by using the Principal Component Analysis as statistical techniques. Correlation calculated between each selected CSFs and the goal objective. PCA and correlation analysis shows that the 38 Factors are playing a major role in ERP implementation success whereas the remaining 22 CSFs are not important for the success of ERP implementation in manufacturing industry.

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