In the present study, Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model was used as an underlying model to study the development of Job Burnout, Work Engagement and their respective antecedents i.e., Job Demands and Job Resources in Information Technology sector of Pakistan. Using a cross-sectional survey design, the researcher tested the fundamental assumptions of JD-R Model along with some new pathways where Job Demands and Job Resources directly and/or indirectly influenced Job Burnout and Work Engagement of Information Technology employees. The researcher also examined the direct impact of Job Demands and Resources on Employees? commitment and Job Performance. Moreover, the study was also conducted to explore the direct and/or indirect effect of Job Burnout and Engagement on commitment and performance of IT employees. This study further investigated the moderating role of Employees? experience in managing burnout, improving work engagement and overall performance of IT workforce. Total 260 usable responses were collected from 130 Public Sector and 130 Private Sector Information Technology employees in Pakistan. The researcher used a data mining software - SMART PLS3 to test direct, indirect, and interactive relationships among various constructs of the study.
Pakistan suffered from exhaustion and disengagement/cynicism due to Job Burnout which caused a reduction in their commitment towards their work and their organization. It was also found that there was an inverse relationship between burnout and job performance of IT employees in Pakistan. Interestingly, this study highlighted that IT specific job demands (Time pressure and Work Load) lead to burnout among IT employees but didn?t have had a direct negative impact on Employees commitment and performance outcomes.
The present study confirmed that IT employees in Pakistan are provided with Job resources like Self-efficacy and Work Control helped to reduce the negative impact of Time Pressure and Workload on their motivation and performance outcomes. Moreover, these resources have had a positive impact on Employees? energy and dedication towards their work. Further, it was observed that while IT related Job demands didn?t have a direct impact on Employees Commitment but through Engagement Job demands can be used to improve Employees? commitment. In the similar vein, the study proved that engagement in meaningful activities indirectly diminishes the negative impact of deadlines pressure and workload on the Job performance of IT employees. Self-efficacy and Work Control have reported having a weaker positive impact on Employees commitment but including Employee Engagement as a mediator fortifies the positive impact of Job resources on Employees? commitment. However, work engagement didn?t improve the insignificant positive impact of Job resources on Job Performance of IT employees.
This study tested both Continuance Commitment (CC) and Affective Commitment (AC) of IT employees. The results showed that IT employees in Pakistan, in general, have longer job tenure than organization tenure. Hence, it is implied that they are committed to their organizations due to need rather than desire. It was also noted that individual performance (IRB) of IT employees was better than overall organizational performance outcomes (OCB). Consequently, employees? commitment plays no role in improving job performance of employees. Moreover, this study provided no evidence for mediating role Employees? Commitment to Job Demands relationship with Job performance and Job Resources relationship with Job performance. This study reported interesting results regarding the moderating role of Experience. This study highlighted that experience neither play moderating role in reducing the negative impact of burnout on job performance nor it improves individual and organizational performance using Job resources.
Partial Least Square-Multigroup Analysis (PLS-MGA) was used to test the similarities and /or difference in the impact of Job-related demands and Resources on motivation, commitment and performance outcomes. It was found that Job Demands and Job resources of both sectors were different from each other. Similarly, the impact of Burnout on Employees commitment and the influence of Job Resources and Work Engagement on improving Job Performance of IT employees working in both Public and Private sector organizations of Pakistan sectors were also found to be significantly different from each other.
The findings of this research have had practical implications for Information Technology managers to formulate sustainable policies that reduce job burnout, encourage engagement, boost effective organizational commitment through retention of experienced employees and produce a productive and valuable workforce that contribute to improve organizational performance.
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