Insulin-like growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland to increase the growth of skeletal muscles by stimulating myoblast proliferation of an individual by promoting cell division. There are two genes which are playing an important effect over the growth known as IGF1 and IGF2. The growth of the organism increases as the activity of IGFs increase. The mechanism is complex as IGF1 and IGF2 interacts with different receptors as Insulin-like factor 2 Receptor (IGF2R) and binding proteins to perform its function orderly. To study the effect of IGF2 gene Japanese quail bird (Coturnix japonica) was selected. The length, width, weight, expanded wings length, drum stick length and circumference, shank length and diameter will be calculated from the 50 quail birds. 1ml blood from each sample was collected and refrigerated. The 200?l blood from the 50 samples was used for the DNA extraction using the standard organic method with some modification. There were four transition variations at nucleotide 12,998 G>A, 13,009 T>C, 13,023 C>T and 13,072 C>G were found in the CD3 region of IGF2 gene while ten transition at nucleotide 13,855 C>T, 13894 T>C, 13,933 C>T, 13,939 C>T, 13,957 A>G, 14,020 C>T, 14,032 G>A, 14,034 T>C, 14,040 A>G, 14,056 A>G and two transverse variations at nucleotide 13,897 T>G and 13,921 T>A were identified at CD4 region of IGF2. All these variations are synonymous. The present work will be helpful to find the role of IGF2 gene in Japanese quail.
مولانا عبدالحفیظ بلیاوی ابھی چند روز ہوئے (۲۶ ؍جولائی کو) مولانا عبدالحفیظ صاحب بلیاوی بھی ہم کوداغِ مفارقت دے گئے۔انا ﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ مرحوم دارالعلوم دیوبند کے قدیم فارغ التحصیل تھے اوراب ادھر ایک عرصہ سے ندوۃ العلماء لکھنؤ میں عربی زبان وادب اوردوسرے علوم وفنون دینیہ کے نامور استاد تھے۔استعداد بڑی پختہ تھی اورمطالعہ وسیع تھا۔عربی زبان وادب کاذوق فطری تھا جس کی شاہد عدل ان کی مشہور متداول کتاب ’’مصباح اللغات ‘‘مطبوعہ مکتبہ برہان ہے اور جس پران کو وزارت تعلیم اور یوپی گورنمنٹ کی طرف سے انعامات بھی ملے تھے۔ طبعاً بڑے متواضع، خوددار اور خلیق و ملنسار تھے۔ ابھی گزشتہ مئی کی ۱۷؍ تاریخ کوان کی قیام گاہ پران سے ملاقات ہوئی تھی ۔چند ماہ سے بیمار تھے لیکن اس وقت اس کا خیال بھی نہیں تھاکہ یوم موعود اتنا قریب ہے۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ ابرار وصلحا ء کامقام جلیل عطا فرمائے ۔آمین [اگست ۱۹۷۱ء]
It is an undoubted fact that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. All teachings of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) are contrary to any kind of extremism, radicalization and terrorism. Although the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) and his Companions faced injustice, persecution and terrorism directly by the disbelievers of Mecca and were forced to leave their homeland, yet, they always treated very peacefully and never demonstrated any kind of extremism. When the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) established the first state of Islam in Medina, it faced many atrocities and conspiracies by its enemies, but Muslims never chose the path of injustice and terrorism even against its worst enemies. Muslims always preferred peace treaties and covenants with everyone, so that people can live peacefully. The life of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) is a practical model of moderation, integration and harmony. In this article, we will shed light on the religious view of international terrorism in the light of the Prophet’s biography. Starting with the detailed definition of terrorism, we will discuss this word from a political perspective also. Then we will move towards the international scenario and would point out that how some countries are committing the phenomenon of terrorism to achieve their goals. In the end, we will give some examples from the Prophet’s biography to address the phenomenon of terrorism, extremism, and to establish the atmosphere of tolerance and harmony. We will also discuss that how Islamic state faced international terrorism by Meccans and some tribes, and how Muslims countered it in a peaceful way. Then we will discuss that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, nor with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him). Those who use the name of Islam to spread extremism and terrorism, have nothing to do with Islam. Islam does not allow anyone to commit any kind of terrorism. Some Qur’anic rulings will also be presented to highlight the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice, and the political and democratic struggle against injustice and oppression
Assesment of vulnerability of a community to climate change requires a holistic understanding of the exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of that particular community. The extant literature on the issue emphasizes importance of enhancing the adaptive capacity of households to improve their resilience to climate change. This study intends to analyze the factors that could define the adaptive capacity of the farming communities of Pakistan.Moreover, role of adaptive capacity in adaptation to climate change and then indirectly its influence on the yield of the major crops of Pakistan has also examined. The accomplishment of above mentioned goals entails a series of analyses.To identify the factors that influence households’ adaptive capacity, we constructed composite Household Adaptive Capacity Index (HACI). The index is constructed by employing assets based approach of Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF), where assets are categorized as human, physical, social, and natural capital. SLF views that availability of these assets enables people to respond to climate indicators and other stresses. This part of analysis helps to identify the factors needed to target in order to enhance the adaptive capacity of the households, hence to increase resilience of farmers to climate change. Given the fact that adaptive capacity of farm households functions as the driving force for adaptation, the analysis was further extended to study the adaptation decision and adaptation strategies undertaken. We study the impact of adaptive capacity on decision to adapt and, further examine thereof the expected increase in crop output when farmers are adapting to climate change. To evaluate the influence of different adaptation strategies—in isolation or in combination— on crops productivities, Multinomial Endogenous Switching (MES) Regression model is employed. This technique is adopted to account for the heterogeneity in the decision to adapt or not. Analysis to understand the impact of adaptation to climate change on yield was limited to four major crops of wheat, basmati rice, cotton, and sugarcane. It is asserted here that the analysis was controlled for socioeconomic and demographic characteristics shaping the adaptive capacity and adaptations of the farming community. The findings demonstrate a great deal of IX inequality in adaptive capacity in Pakistan especially among farm households of Sindh compared to Punjab and KPK. The findings further suggest that farmers should be assured with the provision of low-interest rate loans so that they could opt for off farm business, hence improve their livelihood portfolio and reduce dependence on farming. More resources should be deployed on the improvement of health status of farm households, quality of the houses, and provision of gas as a source of cooking. Social security should be provided to decrease the burden on bread winners from elderly and non-working members. Obstacles in effective linkages and collaboration with social groups and networks should be highlighted and removed. Gender should be taken seriously in climate change adaptation, with the provisions of rights and opportunities for the women in rural areas. In order to remove obstacles in farmers’ adaptation to climate change policies should be designed to increase the farm size, quality of extension centers and of the sources of information on climate change, and farmers’ should be facilitated with easy access to credit. Findings of the study further highlight that maximum gains in yield of wheat could be gained by introducing changes in irrigation practices. While, basmati rice producers could earn these gains by adapting the combination of input intensification and irrigation change. The evidence further suggest that cotton producers could receive maximum benefits from an adaptation by combining the change in time of sowing, input intensification and change in the irrigation practice. However, highest gains in the yield of sugarcane could be received when farmers adapt in the combination of input intensification, irrigation change, and varietal change