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Home > Fucnctional Differential Equations in Cell Growth Models

Fucnctional Differential Equations in Cell Growth Models

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Humiara Aziz


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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A functional di erential equation for growth, ssion and loss of cells struc- tured with size is presented.Size refers to the content of DNA.Partial di er- ential equation explain the asymptotic functioning behavior of cell -growth models,are taken in to account.Here we discussed the symmetric fur- ther- more the asymmetric division of cell.Through probabilistic approach we ob- tained simple proof of existence of the steady size distribution and derivation of functional equation.We then move along the study of binary asymmetric cell division.Asymmetric cell division also takes to initial and boundary con- dition problem this relates to linear partial di erential equa- tion with two functional terms,which have order one.We consider the asymmetric binary cell division also show that the solutions for partial di erential equation converge to the separable solutions for large time.

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