The amount of data has been increasing over the last few years due to the emergence of various
end-user applications. These applications utilize cloud computing infrastructure in the data
centers. Apart from the increasing volume of data, there are other factors such as variety,
velocity, and veracity of the data which result in the problem of big data. Traditional database
management systems are not efficient to handle big data. The use of big data platform is
necessary to resolve the big data problem. Hadoop is one of the platforms which resolve the
problem of big data. Hadoop uses a distributed storage system. Hive and HBase are some of the
big data tools for storing big data in Hadoop. They run on top of Hadoop distributed file system
(HDFS). Hive is a data warehouse framework for querying and analysis of data that is stored in
HDFS.?Hive?is an open-source software that lets programmers analyze large data sets on Hadoop.
HBase is a column-oriented, distributed and high fault-tolerant database. It is used to store and
manage big data. It can store billions of rows at a time. Both Hive and HBase can be used to store
the big data in Hadoop. When the data comes from multiple sources, it is stored into multiple
tables in Hive and HBase. As a result, its performance degrades when there is a need to perform
join operations.
In this thesis, we propose an architecture which stores data from multiple sources into a single
HBase table. A new table schema with a unique row key is designed which integrates
multi-source data in a table. There is no need to perform join operation in the proposed technique
as the data is integrated into a single HBase table. We evaluated the proposed technique using a
real testbed by considering a dataset of two publishers. We compare the performance by storing
data into Hive and also in the proposed HBase table. Results show improved query performance
of the proposed technique as compared to the traditional approach of using join operations in
multiple tables in Hive.
پروفیسر اکبر رحمانی جناب اکبر رحمانی کی وفات ایک قومی و ملی حادثہ ہے، وہ درس و تدریس کے پیشے سے وابستہ تھے، اس کے باوجود بڑی سرگرمی سے تعلیمی، ادبی اور علمی خدمات بھی انجام دے رہے تھے، لیکن وظیفہ یاب ہونے کے بعد وہ محض علمی مشاغل اور تصنیف و تالیف کے لیے وقف ہوگئے تھے، اس کی وجہ سے خیال تھا کہ اب قوم کو ان کی ذہنی و دماغی قابلیت سے زیادہ بہرہ یاب ہونے کا موقع ملے گا، مگر دستِ اجل نے ان کو ہم سے چھین لیا۔ اور ۱۷؍ ستمبر کو وہ جوارِ رحمت میں پہنچ گئے، انااﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ وہ ذیابیطس اور کئی موذی امراض میں مبتلا تھے، گردے بھی خراب ہوگئے تھے، دو سال پہلے حج بیت اﷲ کو تشریف لے گئے تھے وہیں گینگرین کیے سبب سے دائیں پاؤں کا انگوٹھا کاٹنا پڑا۔ اور ہندوستان واپس آنے کے بعد گھٹنے تک دایاں پاؤں کاٹ دیا گیا مگر ایک بندۂ مومن کی طرح وہ ان آزمائشوں کا صبر و شکر سے مقابلہ کرتے اور ہمہ تن اپنے تحریری اور تصنیفی کام انجام دیتے رہے کہ یکایک ان کی وفات کی خبر نے سب کو تڑپا دیا۔ مرحوم کا اصل نام اکبر خاں اور والد کا رحمان خاں تھا ان دونوں کے امتزاج سے انہوں نے اپنا قلمی نام ’’اکبر رحمانی‘‘ رکھ لیا تھا اور اسی سے روشناس تھے۔ اکبر صاحب کا خاندانی تعلق لودھیوں سے تھا ان کے آباواجداد ابراہیم لودھی کے زمانے میں ہندوستان آئے، آبائی وطن گنگا پور (اورنگ آباد دکن) تھا ۱۷؍ اکتوبر ۱۹۴۱ء کو پیدا ہوئے، ابتدائی و ثانوی تعلیم جلگاؤں میں حاصل کی، اعلیٰ تعلیم پونا اور بمبئی کی یونیورسٹیوں میں پائی، اردو کے علاوہ فارسی، انگریزی، ہندی اور مراٹھی زبانوں سے واقف تھے، ہندی اور مراٹھی کے مضامین اور کہانیوں کے اردو...
Man is noblest creation in the universe. Prophets are the most honorable men among of all the human being. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is most exalted in all prophets. Those who saw the countenance in belief get the blessing from the highest status. There are eleven virtuous wives of the Prophet (S.A.W) to be the mother of whole Umma e Muslim. One of them is Hazrat Ramla (R.A), daughter of Hazrat Abu Sufyan (R.A). She is known as Umme Habiba. As a Makah’s Chief daughter she enjoys every facility. After embracing Islam she showed stead fastness and consistency in Islam. Because her first husband was Christian but she protects her faith, notions and honor. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) give her honor for sending marriage proposal. The Negus recited the word of nikah of all the virtuous and chaste wives of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Hazrat Umm e Habeeba (R.A) was the greatest preacher and supporter of Islam. She was always ready and assiduous to follow the teachings of Islam; and she understand it her obligation to follow the tradition of Hadith. There are sixty five traditions attributed to her in the primary sources of Hadith, which have fundamental status on different topics. In the mentioned article, the investigatory and factual study of her conditions and services has been offered and displayed
In this study, a number of compounds in the Ho2(ZryTi1-y)2O7 pyrochlore system, which undergoes an order-disorder structural transition from pyrochlore to a defect-fluorite type, were investigated. The materials were processed by mechanical milling, followed by a two-step sintering route. The structure was analyzed via Rietveld refinements using neutron powder diffraction (NPD) data, and further supported by X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify the phases and determine the composition of the pyrochlore-fluorite transformation boundary at room temperature. The NPD refinement and XRD results show that compositions with 0.0 ≤ y ≤ 0.5 crystallized into a pyrochlore structure while the ones with 0.7 ≤ y ≤ 1.0 crystallized into the defect-fluorite structure. The composition with y=0.6 was found to be a two phase (pyrochlore and defect-fluorite) mixture. Neutron refinement results confirmed that the cation disorder was independent of the anion Frenkel disorder and also the degree of Frenkel disorder O(1)-O(3) was different from the O(2)-O(3) anion disorder. The relation between x-parameter and anion Frenkel disorder was found to be linear for the pyrochlore structure. Unit-cell parameters were obtained using Rietveld refinements for the whole series and were also calculated via the Nelson-Riley function. The ionic conductivity studies were undertaken via AC impedance analysis to determine the electronic behaviour and its relationship to the structural change in the available temperature range of 300–700°C. The trends in ionic conductivity and activation energy were explained on the basis of NPD and XRD data. The composition at the pyrochlore-fluorite boundary exhibited the lowest activation energy and highest ionic conductivity.