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Home > Ranking of Alternatives in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making by Using Interval-Valued Triangular Fuzzy Numbers With Comet Method

Ranking of Alternatives in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making by Using Interval-Valued Triangular Fuzzy Numbers With Comet Method

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Samee Ullah


Virtual University of Pakistan

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Software Engineering





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49




MCDM was established to deal with various types of applications of daily life and is considered as a valuable tool that can be applied to many complex decision-making problems. With the inception of the new techniques and approaches in MCDM to achieve an optimal solution, methods like TOPSIS, AHP, ANP, COMET, etc. were developed and modi?ed. Such methods adopt di/erent approaches to the use of TFNs, GFNs, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, HFNs etc. for decision-making. Sometimes these methods and approaches of MCDM produce results that may be questionable, uncertain and unpredictable. Also, such approaches disregard the concerns of vagueness, ambiguity and rank reversal paradox. On the other hand, these concerns are of fundamental nature and act as challenges in MCDM methods. COMET was designed to counter uncertainty and vagueness while dealing with problems of MCDM. The COMET method is basically immune to the pivotal challenge of rank reversal paradox, but yet classical COMET has not been designed for uncertain and decisional problems. In this research e/ort IVTFNs and IVIFNs are used for the purpose of decision making with COMET method for ranking of alternatives in a more suitable way in the presence of vagueness and uncertainty which are basically the extensions of the classical COMET method. Furthermore, a comparative analysis will be carried out to compare the solution of the proposed method with the result as obtained in TOPSIS method

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Background and Aim: To determine the Generalized Anxiety Disorder and its association with factors like hormonal changes, chronic illness among female students of university. Methodology: Perceptions and preferences of Female Students were determined in well-organized Institute (Superior University) with ages between 16-28 years old of all disciplines. Electronic self-administrated questionnaires consisting of two parts; demographics factors (Age, Gender, Designation, education Discipline, socioeconomic status and medical history) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD-7, were then filled by the participated female students with sample size of 231. Then the perceptions and preferences were evaluated using a pre validated questionnaire (GAD-7) from previous research article. Results: A total of 231 responses were returned. All respondents were females. About (62.7%) of total respondents reported feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge to some degree; 10% of respondents said that they experience this feeling nearly every day. A significant proportion of respondents reported mild to moderate anxiety levels. The mean score of anxiety scale was 3.87±3.32 with minimum and maximum score of 0 and 19. The study findings give us a better considerate that Traumatic disorders (39.4 %), hormone issues (45.2%), were the main causes of anxiety. 39.8% indicated that they had a family history of anxiety. Overall, moderate to high levels of anxiety among the participants were observed. Conclusion: These results illustrate the need to devise treatment strategies to alleviate symptoms of generalized anxiety and reduce the prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder among students. It is suggested that to decrease the level of anxiety among university students, regular counseling sessions should be implemented.

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