شیخ محمد اسماعیل
دوسرا حادثہ شیخ محمد اسماعیل صاحب صدر مسلم لیگ کی وفات کا ہے، وہ ملک و ملت کے پرانے خدمت گزار تھے، ایک زمانہ میں کانگریسی تھے، پھر مسلم لیگ میں شامل ہوگئے تھے، جنوبی ہند کی سیاست میں ان کو نمایاں مقام حاصل تھا، یہ انہی کی شخصیت تھی کہ ملک کی تقسیم کے بعد جب ہندوستان میں لیگ کی کوئی گنجائش نہیں رہ گئی تھی جنوبی ہند میں اس کو دوبارہ زندہ کیا، پھر ملک کے مختلف حصوں میں اسکو پھیلا دیا، مگر اسکو فرقہ پروری سے اتنا دور رکھا اور ملکی حالات سے اتنا ہم آہنگ کردیا کہ اسکے مخالفین کو بھی گرفت کا موقع نہ مل سکا اور کانگریسی حکومتوں تک کو اس سے معاملت کرنا پڑی، اب ملت کے ایسے بڑی غم گسار مشکل سے پیدا ہوں گے، اﷲ تعالیٰ ان کی مغفرت فرمائے۔
(شاہ معین الدین ندوی، اپریل ۱۹۷۲ء)
Horoscopes are considered as one of the important content items in the mass media. Many people perceive and believe that these Zodiac signs have an impact on their lives. That is why they check these signs on different media regularly. The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of Sindh University students about horoscope. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from 100 students of Sindh University through a close-ended questionnaire. The results concluded that girls are more interested in horoscope than boys. The sources for horoscope prediction were mainly newspapers among the Sindh University students. The students reported that they read horoscope daily to skip the pressure and try to satisfy their minds. This research is limited to the University of Sindh students. In the future, the researchers should conduct a large-scale study with a more significant population to determine the perception of the public about horoscopes.
This action research, in the qualitative research paradigm, is an effort to help the students of grade VII to develop English writing skills in a private school in Karachi. Six students with their English language teacher participated in the study. Through purposive sampling the participants were selected from different levels of learners. The study was conducted in six weeks, working five days every week. Activities and materials for teaching writing skills were prepared according to the emerging needs of the students. Data were collected through two different diagnostic tests comprising: multiple choice questions and a short essay question. In addition, interviews, classroom observations, documents’ analysis and field notes were also employed as data collection tools. The analysis of the learners’ work revealed that learners had difficulty in vocabulary knowledge to support their writing, getting frequent feedback on their work, approaching different strategies to learn writing skills, verb tense agreement for sentence construction, and reading for writing. It was found that teaching strategies such as differentiated instruction strategies, scaffolding instructions, collaboration with competitors, reading-integrated writing, and use of written, oral and peer feedback provided better opportunities for the learners to enhance their writing skills. These approaches also helped me and the teacher to improve our teaching styles. The study offers valuable methodological contributions for future researchers in the field. The findings of this research will also be helpful for teachers who are involved in teaching English writing skills.