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Home > المناسبات بين الآيات وبين السور في تفسير السراج المنير للخطيب الشربيني

المناسبات بين الآيات وبين السور في تفسير السراج المنير للخطيب الشربيني

Thesis Info


محمد عابد الجشتي


محمد طنطاوي جبريل


Department of Tafseer & Quranic Sciences




International Islamic University

Institute Type






Thesis Completing Year


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Quranic Sciences




Available at Dr Hamidullah Library,Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Pakistan on T/1528


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-02-19 12:33:56





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A Study of Pakistan’s Various Reform Policies Regarding Islamic Seminaries

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Before the establishment of Pakistan, there was a strong tradition of Urdu satire and humorous poetry. After the disintegration of subcontinent, due to the geographical, cultural and political charges a new era of Urdu humorous poetry has been started. It has adopted the effects of changes due to the creation of Pakistan in 1947 and gradually has reflected the political, social, cultural and economical changes of the new born country. Therefore, satire and humorous poetry is considered as the historical literature of Pakistan's political and social circumstances. It also collects materials and topics from the changes in political and social fields of national and international levels, and whenever it founds any weakness, it hits that point. That’s why there was started a great addition in the Urdu humorous poetry's treasure on one side, and on the other side new possibilities were introduced in the development of Urdu language and critical literature. There was less attention towards humorous poetry in comparison to the serious poetry, while the humorous poetry also accepts the effects of political and social changes as the serious poetry does. As the serious poetry supports the critical literature, humorous poetry also isn't lagging behind in throwing light on such facts. The under view research has been written to highlight the importance and usefulness of humorous poetry on the above basis. To make this research a complete work the distribution of chapter has been done as under: 1st Chapter: Throwing light on the principles and basic topics on satire and humorous poetry with discussion on humorous before creation of Pakistan. 2nd Chapter: Humorous poetry from 1947 to 1960/discussion on social and political conditions of this era. 3rd Chapter: Humorous poetry from 1960 to 1971 study of humorous poetry in the light of political and social conditions of that era. 4th Chapter: 1971 to 1990 / Social circumstances and political environment and humorous poetry. 5th Chapter 1991 to 2013 political and social conditions and its effects on humorous poetry. Last Chapter: An overview, conclusion and recommendations were presented.