خلیج نغمہ
غروب آفتاب کے بعد ہم بس میں سوار ہوئے تو رہبر نے عربی زبان میں اعلان کیا کہ اب ہم خلیج نغمہ جائیں گے ۔کچھ دیر کی مسافت کے بعد ہم خلیج نغمہ کے ایک پر رونق بازار میں تھے ۔خلیج سویز کے کنارے آباد اس خوبصورت قصبے میں عیش و نشاط کے سارے سامان میسر تھے ۔یہاں کسینو ،مساج سنٹراور شراب خانوں کے ساتھ ساتھ ایسے متعدد ہوٹل بھی ہیں جہاں حلال خوراک اور سمندری غذائوں پر مشتمل کھانے دستیاب ہیں ۔ ہوٹلوں کے کارکن گاہکوں کو اپنی طرف راغب کر نے کے نت نئے طریقے اور سلیقے اپنائے ہوئے تھے ۔دکانیں فرعونی تہذیب سے منسلک اشیا ء میں فرعونی مجسموں کی بھرمار تھی ۔قلو پطرہ اور نفرتیتی کے مجسمے کچھ زیادہ ہی تعداد میں تھے جبکہ ابوالھول کے مجسمے تو چوراہوں میں بھی لگے تھے ۔ابوالھول اور قلو پطرہ کے ناموں سے مجھے واقفیت تھی مگر نفرتیتی میرے لیے بالکل نیا نام تھا ۔دکتور محمد علی کہ نفرتیتی فرعون بادشاہ اخناتون کی بیو ی تھی جو بہت حسین و جمیل اور امورِ حکمرانی کا فہم رکھنے والی خاتون تھی ۔مذہب کے حوالے سے بھی اس کی شہرت باقی فرعونی ملکائوں سے مختلف ہے ۔ اخناتون نے جب مذہب تبدیل کیا اور آمون کے خدائوںسے انکار کر کے خدائے یکتا پر ایمان کا اعلان کیا تونفرتیتی نے بھی ان کا بھرپور ساتھ دیا۔تاریخ نفرتیتی کی خوبصورتی کے ساتھ ساتھ اس کے ایک اورعمل سے بھی پردہ اٹھاتی ہے ۔کہا جاتا ہے کہ چشمِ غزال اور دلکش خدو خال رکھنے والی نفرتیتی جنسی عمل میں نت نئے انداز اپنانے کے لیے بھی شہرت رکھتی تھی ۔فرعونیات کے ماہرین کے مطابق دنیا میں ’’اور ل سیکس ‘‘دہن لذتی کی ابتدا ء اس خاتون سے ثابت ہے ۔کہا جاتا ہے کہ اس کے حنوط...
Poverty is a global issue, particularly, related to the developing countries. The whole world is taking measures to eradicate it. People have different types of talent to earn money. Some are skilled, some have good entrepreneurship ideas and some others are good at manual work. We find that a great number of such skilled people are suffering from lack of resources in Pakistan and therefore not properly able to exert their skills to their utmost. Pakistan, being a developing country, is suffering from the issue of poverty. Many efforts were made for the alleviation of poverty during various regimes. Pakistan People’s Party introduced the Benazir Income Support Program. The same program has been maintained by the present Muslim League (Nawaz) government, due to its so-called utility. However, the fact is that its utility is not promising, as the meager amount given to the needy ones consumes in the daily expenditures and produces no lasting good. Contrary to this thesis of alms-giving, an anti-thesis is provided by the tradition of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (S. A. W), which emphasizes the provision of interest-free loan. The loan without interest, can enable a person to run his or her business, according to his or her capacity and the person can become independent. The present paper explores the prospects that how interest-free loan is more effective in removing poverty than alms-giving on a regular basis by the government.
It is attempted to assess the status of poverty in Sindh and its possible alleviation through economic up-gradation of the society with use of appropriate technology at the micro level and determination of relationship between the two. The phenomenon is termed as Micro Techno-Economic Dynamics (MTED). A new literature review framework termed as GRD- Framework is developed and successfully used for this study. It is limited to the use of solar thermal technology, identified as an appropriate technology. It has provided global, regional (national) and domestic (Sindh) perspective for technology utilization for poverty alleviation and MTED. On the basis of literature surveyed and the background research already done by the author, two indigenous research frameworks Primary and Secondary are designed to conduct this research. The primary framework provides the basic MTED scenario for poverty alleviation in Sindh, whereas the secondary framework sketches the in-depth MTED scenario. The research methodology of the Primary framework based upon the process laid down by Cai et al (2009) is applied through a field study in a community comprising of mainly farmers, who form a large portion of poor in the society. The survey under this framework has helped further in identifying the major institutions underlying the innovation system that shapes the MTED in Sindh. Afterwards, the Bergek et al (2008) framework is merged with the Primary framework to produce the Secondary framework. The Secondary framework utilizes the data collected from the institutions identified in Primary framework through another survey. It is based upon seven functional parameters identified by the Bergek et al (2008), which are modified for this study in the context of Sindh. xii The data collected further identifies the significant difference in perceptions at the levels of an individual and the society, as a whole. It helps in testing hypotheses formed to identify the hurdles in promotion of MTED for poverty alleviation in Sindh. These hurdles are mapped with such issues identified and addressed in the national policies before and some more realistic policy recommendations are framed. And the key policy recommendations that emerge are: Ø The Government of Sindh should strengthen the Science and Technology (S&T) Cell in the Department of Planning and Development or better revive and reestablish the separate Department of Science and Technology established earlier but abandoned soon after. Ø The S&T Cell or the Department should frame a comprehensive policy and its plan of action to introduce the MTED, rather make it feasible though out Sindh up to village level, to alleviate poverty. Ø The policies framed and action plans introduced in this respect be reviewed on regular basis. Ø A detailed survey of human and natural resources and other requirements be conducted for each feasible unit at Taluka, Village, etc. level for whole of Sindh and a relevant appropriate technology (s) be identified for each different unit to introduce MTED phenomenon for poverty alleviation effectively in that area. xiii Ø An appropriate comprehensive program be launched for vocational education and technical training for generation of suitable manpower in Techno-Economic Development and Innovation to promote MTED. The concepts may be introduced in general through special topics/ courses at secondary level of education to generate creative minds in this field. Ø Financial Incentives may be provided to promote RETs/STTs and other relevant technologies in order to keep the wheel of MTED in Sindh moving. Ø The Government must encourage linkages among different concerned organizations to form themselves into an Innovation System to achieve the objectives of poverty alleviation through MTED Ø The role of NGOs and private sector be strengthened in MTED effort to rapidly bring the benefits of RETs/STTs and other appropriate technologies to common people. Ø Funds be provided for small pilot field studies and training to provide RETs/STTs and other appropriate technologies first-hand knowledge to common people.