ڈاکٹر محمد مصطفےٰ زرقاء
گزشتہ دنوں عالم عرب کے ممتاز ماہر فقہ ڈاکٹر محمد مصطفےٰ زرقاء نے بھی اس جہاں فانی کو خیر باد کہا، اناﷲ وانا الیہ راجعون۔
ڈاکٹر صاحب اسلامی فقہ وقانون میں سند کا درجہ رکھتے تھے، ان کی کتاب المدخل الفقھی العام اصول فقہ میں نہایت بلند پایہ خیال کی جاتی اور مرجع و ماخذ کی حیثیت رکھتی ہے، وہ اپنی غیر معمولی فقہی بصیرت کی بنا پر شام میں وزیر انصاف کے عہدہ پر بھی فائز ہوئے۔ ان کے عالمانہ و محققانہ مضامین کے اردو رسالوں میں ترجمے برابر چھپتے رہتے تھے معارف کو بھی ان کے مضامین کے ترجموں کی اشاعت کا فخر حاصل ہے۔ مجلہ البعث الاسلامی لکھنو میں ان کے متعدد مضامین شایع ہوئے ہیں۔ فقہ کے علاوہ دوسرے اسلامی علوم خصوصاً تفسیر و حدیث سے بھی ان کو خاص مناسبت تھی۔ الولدسرلابیہ کے مصداق ان کے فرزند ارجمند ڈاکٹر محمد انس زرقا بھی فقہ اسلامی کے ممتاز اسکالر ہیں جن کے بعض مضامین کا ترجمہ معارف میں شایع ہوچکا ہے۔ اﷲ تعالیٰ علم و دین کے اس خادم کی مغفرت فرمائے۔ آمین!! (عارف عمری، اگست ۱۹۹۹ء)
The study explore the relationship between social media communication and social anxiety among undergraduate students. The respondents were selected using a simple random technique. The data was collected by self-administered interview among 100 undergraduate students in Universiti Putra Malaysia. The Instruments used for data collection includes; Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (SAQ-A30) and The Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Study revealed that Facebook was the most common social media patronized with 36 (36.70%) patronage, followed by Instagram with 33 (33.70%), WhatsApp 19 (19.40%) and finally Twitter with 10 (10.20%). Based on the respondents, most students use the social media for social communications and seeking information. The level of social anxiety among most undergraduate students of Human Ecology faculty in Universiti Putra Malaysia is high because approximately two third of the respondents possessed the higher score in social anxiety level. This implies that most undergraduate students of Universiti Putra Malaysia are up to date in information gathering and the use of social network has helped to facilitate social interaction among fellow students and friends thereby reducing the likelihood of students suffering social anxiety disorder.
This small-scale action research explored the possibilities of using poetry for teaching English as second language. The study was based on the rationale that literature can be used as a resource for enhancing language development of students in our context. The assumptions were that poetry would stimulate students' interest and would create opportunities of using and learning language. The study was conducted in a secondary classroom of a private English medium school in Karachi, Pakistan. The action research studied the existing teaching practices of English language as well as the problems faced by teachers and students in teaching and learning English and students' language needs. The action was implemented in two cycles consisting of reconnaissance, planning, implementation, and reflection. Planning and implementation was in response to emerging needs and issues from each action. The data was collected through interviews, discussions with teacher and students and was analyzed after each reflection and action. The study reports some possible strategies of teaching poetry for language development. It also discusses some key findings such as that students' interest in poetry can be stimulated by providing relevant and appropriate poems and by enabling students to articulate their own understandings. Furthermore, it provides multiple opportunities to the students for enhance their language skills and meaningful contexts for using the language. The study concludes by presenting my key learning as a teacher, teacher educator and an action researcher. It ends by suggesting some recommendations for schools and further research.