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Home > Fdi laws for legal framework of foreign direct investment policy Critical analysis based on upstream oil fields, mining and mineral development regulations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Fdi laws for legal framework of foreign direct investment policy Critical analysis based on upstream oil fields, mining and mineral development regulations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Thesis Info


Sehrish Khan


Samia Maqbool Niazi


Department of Shariah




International Islamic University

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MS 332.6732 SEF


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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( شیخ نذیر حسین )
عصر حاضر کے ممتاز مراکشی مصلح، عالم، ادیب اور مورخ استاد عبداﷲ کنون نے ۹؍ جولائی ۱۹۸۹؁ء کو بیاسی برس کی عمر میں انتقال کیا۔ ان کی ساری زندگی تعلیم و تدریس، تصنیف و تالیف اور دعوت و تجدید میں گزری۔ وہ ۱۳۲۶؁ھ؍ ۱۹۰۸؁ء میں فاس میں پیدا ہوئے، انھوں نے دینی اور روحانی ماحول میں پرورش پائی۔جب مراکش پر فرانسیسی سیادت قائم ہوگئی تو ان کے والد عبدالصمد طنجہ (Tangier) کے بین الاقوامی شہر میں چلے آئے۔ اس کے بعد وہ ہجرت کرکے مدینہ منورہ جانا چاہتے تھے، لیکن پہلی جنگ عظیم کے باعث وہ اپنے خاندان سمیت طنجہ ہی میں ہمیشہ کے لیے مقیم ہوگئے۔
استاد عبداﷲ کنون نے ابتدائی تعلیم اپنے والد ماجد اور اعلیٰ تعلیم مراکش کے مشاہیر علماء سے پائی۔ بیس برس کی عمر میں وہ تعلیم و تدریس کے علاوہ اخباروں اور رسالوں میں مضامین لکھنے لگے۔ اس وقت سرکاری مدارس میں فرانسیسی زبان کا چلن تھا اور عربی زبان خارج ازنصاب تعلیم تھی، اس لیے استاد عبداﷲ کنون نے مسلمان بچوں اور بچیوں کی تعلیم کے لیے طنجہ اور تطوان میں آزاد مدارس کھولے، جہاں ذریعہ تعلیم عربی زبان تھی۔
۱۹۵۳؁ء میں فرانسیسیوں نے سلطان محمد خامس کو معزول کرکے ایک غیر مقبول شخصیت کو مراکش کے تخت پر بٹھادیا تو سارا ملک سراپا احتجاج بن گیا۔ سلطان کی بحالی کی تحریک میں استاد عبداﷲ کنون نے قائدانہ کردار ادا کیا۔ جب سلطان محمد خامس مراکش کے تاج و تخت پر دوبارہ متمکن ہوئے تو انھوں نے عبداﷲ کنون کو طنجہ کا حاکم اعلیٰ مقرر کیا۔ اس کے بعد جب طنجہ کے بین الاقوامی علاقے کا مراکش میں انضمام ہوا تو وہ سیاسی اور مالی معاملات طے کرنے کے لیے دول یورپ اور حکومت...

تعلیم کی اسلامی تشکیل نو ناگزىر ہے

Education system plays a vital role in personality development of an individual. That is why Allah ordained the Prophet (SAW) to develop personalities of his followers in light of the Holy Book. The education system prevailing in Pakistan today lacs Islamic perspective because it is continuation of the eduation system devised by the colonial power for its vested interests. It should have been reconstructed in light of Quran and Sunnah after creation of Pakistan but rulers and ulama both failed to do the needful. To do this job effectively all segments of education system, such as teachers, curriculum, educational administrators, students, and& nbsp; environment of the instituion need to be Islamized; rather a new role-model education institution has to be established. Those who decide to do this must be properly qualified for this hall mark task. This article discusses all these points in detail.

Consensual and Conflictual Political Culture in Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis of Jamaati Islami & Jamiat Ulema-I-Islam Socialization Process

This study reflects on the consensual and conflictual political culture in Pakistan and specifically in two religio-political parties i.e. Jamaat-i-Islami and Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam. It validates the argument that consensus and conflicts within political parties are because of the socialization process of their workers. It fundamentally tries to investigate the questions of “how a culture of consensus or conflict is developed through the process of socialization”. How JI and JUI socialize their workers? And “how far socialized workers in JI and JUI accommodate people of other political parties and ideologies”? The scarce literature on Jamaat-i-Islami and Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam failed to explain the political behavior of the workers of these two parties. In the political socialization scholarship, socialization is a continuous process and different agents and factors have significant roles during the whole process, which shape specific preferences of the “socialized” workers. For JI and JUI, socializing and politically educating the future citizens of the polity is the primary duty of the family. Political and social conceptions along with religious ideas and values found among members of JI and JUI are thus transmitted through, especially, parents’ in the family, more than schools, peer groups and mass media. Family transmits the parents political values and disposition to the coming generation, thus provides a continuous ideological commitment and man power to the parties. It also validates the argument that certain aspects of children’s lives, such as civic participation, shaping voting behavior and party identification etc. are in the domain of families and parents in JI and JUI affiliated families. Educational institutions established by the workers of these parties also socialize and indoctrinate the ideology of JI and JUI in the children. In terms of communicating the curricula contents and messages to the students, the role of teacher is much important. His personal values, likes and dislikes and political affiliation greatly affect the classroom discussion, learning and the intellectual growth of the youth. Student organizations (IJT and JTI) in the education institutions across Pakistan are providing a significant environment to the students and prepare them for their active political roles in the society. They work as nurseries for JI and JUI by providing them man power (socialized workers) and future leadership. Both the organizations are having regular systematic training and socialization procedures, which are missing in other contemporary student’s organizations in Pakistan. However, both JI and JUI are not much successful in utilizing the modern communication tools as compared to other political parties. The excessive commercial nature of the traditional media caught up both the parties to get maximum advantage of it in terms of propagation of their ideology and political program. Though JI is trying to fill this gap with the maximum use of social media, JUI affiliates and leadership is neither that familiar with the modern social media and communication tools nor having much involvement in the social media. D. I. Khan and Dir districts were selected for this study primarily on the basis of the parties overwhelming presence, their extensive activities in engaging their workers, their electoral gains as compared to other political parties, and lastly, in addition to belonging of the central leadership of both the parties and their electoral constituencies in these regions.