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Islamic banking in Pakistan

Thesis Info


Sheikh, Muhammad Ali


Department of Technology Management




International Islamic University

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Thesis Completing Year


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Technology Management




BS 332.1 SHI


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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ہسپتال دی نرس

ہسپتال دی نرس
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لوکی تینوں سسٹر کہندے، کریں علاج بیماراں
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لوکی تینوں سسٹر کہندے، کریں علاج بیماراں

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The preachings of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) are equally beneficial for both  believers  and non-believers. While Muslims have reaped many benefits from prophetic teachings, those who do not believe in the Holy Prophet (saw) are also inclined to study his teachings and conclude that the scientific  principles we are  formulating now, were revealed by the Prophet  (P.B.U.H) many centuries ago. Whether it be the secrets of hygiene, medicine  and treatment, or matters of implicit principles of creation, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s teachings contain golden principles that encompass   the secrets of success in all matters ranging from the survival of human health to the matters of creation. The purpose of this article is to explain the sayings of the holy prophet*( P.B.U.H) which lead to scientific proofs and indicate that it is the teachings of the Prophet (P.B.U.H), from which today’s intellectuals deduce principles. But the Prophet ( PBUH) many years ago, made those golden principles clear  through his edicts and rulings in the time of technology scarcity.

Tetra-Primers Based Genotyping of Rs6511720 Polymorphism in Ldlr Gene and Association With Ldlcholesterol Levels

Dyslipidemia is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g. triglycerides, cholesterol and/or fat phospholipids) in the blood. It is classified as presentation in the body (together with the specific type of lipid that is increased and underlying cause for the ailment (genetic, or secondary to another condition). Low density lipoprotein receptor gene is known as most important in the development of dyslipidemia. In this study, blood from patients (n=25) and normal individuals (n=25) were used to estimate lipid profile and DNA extraction. Lipid profiling was done through spectrophotometer technique. DNA extracted using standard organic method. DNA quantification will be done on agarose gel electrophoresis and nano-drop. Tetra-primers were designed for rs6511720 polymorphism in the LDLR gene to genotype through ARMS PCR technique. Designed ARMS PCR primers will be useful run on agarose gel to identify the genotype. Genotyping data was analyzed using statistical technique. 389bp was achieved in all of the samples which was control band and will be used to produce allele specific bands i.e. of 257bp and 192bp. Though the intensity of control fragments was weak, the samples are correctly genotyped as evident from the sequencing and BLAST results. Statistical analysis has shown the conformance with HW-principle showing that the samples were collected randomly. But association was not found because of low sample size. T-ARMS may be proven as rapid test to diagnose the mutation in LDLR gene causing the early prognosis of the dyslipidemia