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Determining a role for value co-creation in social marketing:empirical analysis of social services' branding

Thesis Info


Ali Raza Hamid


Muhammad Kamran Naqi Khan


Department of Management




International Islamic University

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Thesis Completing Year


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PhD 658.8 HAD


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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Investigation into Health and Environmental Hazards of Pesticides Use to Farming Community in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Pesticide is any agent used to kill or control pest thus helps in preventing crops from being harmed by insects, weeds or pathogens etc. Besides their advantages, the pesticides may cause unfriendly effect both on health and environment if not dealt with care. Human health and environmental risks associated with pesticide exposure are a global concern. The present study was thus an endeavor to investigate the health and environmental hazards of pesticides use to farming community in Khyber Pakthunkhwa, Pakistan. The prominent objectives of the study was investigate the toxic pesticides used by farming community in reference to the WHO toxicity classes, health and environmental risk to farmers due to improper use, possible ways to reduce the use of pesticides and part of Agriculture Extension Department in judicious use of pesticides.Cross sectional survey design was utilized as a part of the current investigation. Four union councils through multistage sampling technique was selected i.e. UC Band Kurai, Khanmai, Baffa and Baidara from districts D.I.Khan, Charsadda, Mansehra and Swat respectively. Sample size of 384 respondents was selected for the present study. SPSS ver. 20 were used for analysis of data collected. Simple frequencies, percentages were calculated whereas chi-square test, t-test and binary logistic regression model was utilized. Statistical analysis of the data revealed that majority of the respondents were using pesticides from the last 10 years. The respondents were not using proper personal protection measures while using pesticides and re-enter their fields the following day thus increases the odds of health issues to the farming community and were suffered from various acute poisoning cases i.e. headache, sneezing, cough, nausea, dizziness, feeling weak, difficulty in seeing, eye irritation, shortness of breath, burning sensation etc. Moreover, the knowledge of the farming community regarding the health and environmental hazards was also low. Overall 49 different sorts of pesticides were reported by the farming community as the most commonly used by them and majority were insecticides. Mostly the insecticides were from Class-II (moderately hazard) of the pesticides toxicity level followed by the Class III (slightly hazard) and Class U (unlikely to present acute hazard). Only two insecticides i.e. Carbofuron and Cartap from Cartap Hydrochloride chemical group were from Class-Ib which are highly hazardous. Moreover, number of sprays in field crops were low as compared to vegetables and fruits and mostly they pick their produce in 3-5 days of pesticides application in vegetables and fruits.Similarly the other unhealthy practices of pesticides observed were the re-spray of the leftover pesticides in the same season or in the upcoming season which results in increase in number x of sprays per season. Disposing the left over pesticides in field or solid waste and overdosing & low dosing against the prescribed/recommended was also an un healthy practice recorded during the study which was due to the fact that majority of the respondents had less knowledge about the prudent use of pesticides and not checking and following the guidelines on labels. In this connection the role of the Agriculture Extension Department (AED) was also not palatable. Almost half of the respondents got training regarding the pesticides application, and other health and environmental issues related to pesticides but still the respondents were not fully aware of the healthy practices which showed that the office didn‘t not completely conferred or imparted the knowledge about the highly toxic pesticides, calibration of pesticides, pesticides application techniques, safety measures, understanding the labels/instructions on pesticides containers and so forth to the respondents. It is concluded that farmers on account of less extension services regarding pesticides, uses the pesticides improperly, having no idea of proper selection of pesticides and their application time. This improper use causes various health hazards like nausea, vomiting, headache etc. it was also concluded that farmers were not been trained properly. Therefore it is suggested that farmers should be properly trained for the safe and efficient use of pesticides. Furthermore, it is also suggested that the Agriculture Extension Department ought to strictly check the sub-standard and highly toxic pesticides in the market.