طہارت و نظافت کا اصول
اسلام زندگی بسرکرنے کے ہر پہلو کے متعلق ہدایات و احکام کا جامع تصور دیتا ہے۔ اسلام میں پاک و صاف وسائل ِ حیات کے استعمال کی ترغیب دی گئی ہے۔ اسلام میں طہارت و نظافت کے معاملے میں انتہائی مثالی تعلیمات و ہدایات بیان کی گئی ہیں۔ اسلام آلودگی و گندگی سے نفرت اور صفائی و پاکیزگی سے محبت کا جذبہ پیدا کرتا ہے۔ اصول ِ طہارت پر عمل کرنا حکم الہی ہے۔ طہارت کے اصول کی پیروی سے انسان فکری پاکیزگی حاصل کرتا ہے۔ اگر کوئی انسان اپنے نفس کو پاکیزہ رکھنا چاہتا ہے تو اسے لا محالہ طہارت کے اصول پر عمل کو اپنی اولین خصلت بنا نا ہوگا۔ طہارت کے اہتمام سے انسانی قلب و رووح میں نورانیت پیدا ہو جاتی ہے۔ فقہ اسلامی کی ہر کتاب کا آغاز کتاب "کتاب الطھارۃ "کیا جاتا ہے۔ شاہ ولی اللہ ؒ نے حجتہ اللہ البالغہ میں طہارت و نظافت کے اصول پر تفصیلی اور فکر انگیز روشنی ڈالی ہے اور اصول ِ طہارت کو اساسیاتِ اخلاق کے اولین درجے پر فائز کیا ہے۔ اصول طہارت کی پیروی انسانی فطرت کا خاصہ ہے۔
علامہ راغب اصفہانی کے مطابق طہارت کی دواقسام ہیں:
" والطَّهَارَةُ ضربان: طَهَارَةُ جسمٍ، وطَهَارَةُ نفسٍ، وحمل عليهما عامّة الآيات"[1]
طہارت کی دو قسمیں ہیں: 1۔ جسمانی و ظاہری طہارت 2۔ قلبی و باطنی طہارت قرآنی آیات میں جہاں بھی طہارت کا ذکر کیا گیا ہے، وہاں یہ دونوں قسم کی طہارت و نظافت پر عمل کرنا مراد ہوتاہے۔ امام بخاری ؒ نے صیح بخاری کا آغاز نیت کے اخلاص یعنی قلبی پاکیزگی سے کیا ہے۔ یعنی دل کی صفائی کو جسم کی صفائی پر فوقیت و برتری حاصل ہے۔
This study discusses the pattern of religious guidance of learners through PKM program, learning interests, and the implications of religious guidance through PKM program in Elementary School Inpres Perumnas Palu Barat. This research is a qualitative descriptive research based on phenomenological approach, that is describing various events and its relation to learners in certain situations. Data collection is done through observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the pattern of religious guidance through PKM program in SDN Gugus IV (SD Inpres Perumnas) was greeted enthusiastically by the students. However, the interest of learners in following religious coaching is different, some are very enthusiastic, but some of them not enthusiastic. The implication of religious guidance through PKM program can correct and improve the ability of learners in reading and writing verses of Al Quran. They can also actualize memorization materials, daily prayers, and understand the procedures of worship in daily life.
Pakistan has become the sixth largest populous country and the third largest contributor of the world. At the time of independence in 1947 it was 14th in rank with a population size of 33.5 million that has explosively grown to 180 million, with annual net growth of 30 million, making population growth the real economic problem. In context of basic most resource of water Pakistan went from surplus in 1950 to relatively abundant in 1980; water stressed by about 2010 and will be water scarcity by 2035. PEDA model analysis, with the variables of Population, Environment, Development and Agriculture has proven population as real economic problem in Pakistan. Pakistani media unfortunately been used to indoctrinate nationalistic ethos like Islamization and protect military rulers, as media was govt owned. Dilemma continued and still going on even in era of private media in the country .as private media is like a pure commercial activity, trying to share power as a political actor and gathering a repute of sensationalism. Genesis of media performance and strength as institution in Pakistan can be traced from its vital role played in the independence of country. Efforts have also been made to study factors of personal and institutional barriers that may hinder the process of bringing change in people’s mindset in favour of having fewer children. The research highlights that though media has the responsibility of representing thoughts and feelings with regard to any social problem and guide people to take steps, the Pakistani media has presented the social problems like population growth but has failed in converting the thoughts and feelings into actions. Data were analysed separately for the two groups of participants. Media experts were interviewed to obtain more in-depth information on the variables of interest. The primary data findings corroborated the results of secondary data findings. The results of the surveys indicate that both the students and media experts think that the media in Pakistan is strong. It has proved its strength time and again. Still, it has never focused on population as a problem. Failure of media performance can be gauged from the fact that a high percentage of media experts, obviously with maximum media exposure, who were interviewed, did not know the rank of Pakistan in the world population and a clear majority did not know the net growth of 30 million in already overpopulated country. Without realizing how big the issue is, they cannot pay the due attention towards this issue.