برگِ سبز است تحفہء درویش!
عموماًکسی کی جناب میں کوئی نذرانہ پیش کرتے ہوئے کہتے ہیں’’یہ فقیر کا ناچیز تحفہ ہے قبول فرمائیے‘‘۔کسی شاعر نے اس بات کو یوں کہا تھا……
ع برگِ سبز است تحفہء درویش
منیر شکوہ آبادی نے فارسی کے اس مصرعے پر گرہ بھی لگادی :
نذر جو میں نے کی ہے یہ درپیش
برگِ سبز است تحفہء درویش
نذر عابد صاحب اردو کے استاد ہیں، انھوں نے اپنے نعتیہ نذرانے کو ’’برگِ نعت‘‘ اسی استعاراتی پس منظر میں کہا ہے۔ کتاب کے نام ہی سے ظاہر ہے کہ شاعر ،نبیء کریم علیہ الصلوٰۃ والتسلیم کی بارگاہِ بے کس پناہ میں عاجزانہ ، انکسارانہ اور فدویانہ انداز میں تحفہ پیش کرنے کا متمنی ہے ،تاہم وہ اپنے تحفے کو آپﷺ کی شان کے شایاں ہرگز نہیں سمجھتا۔
نذر عابد کائنات کو اللہ سبحانہٗ تعالیٰ کا ایسا نگارخانہ تصور کرتے ہیں جس میں لحظہ بہ لحظہ رسولِ گرامی علیہ ا لصلوٰۃو السّلام کی تعریف و توصیف کا عمل جاری ہے۔ اللہ ربّ العزت کی طرف سے، حضور ﷺ کی جناب میں درود و سلام پیش کرنے کا حکم بھی دیا گیا ہے اور آپﷺ کے ذکر کو آپﷺ کے لیے بلند فرمانے کا بھی التزام کیا گیاہے۔ ایسی صورت میں اگر کائنات کو استعاراتی زبان میں ’’جہانِ نعت‘‘ کہا جائے تو یہ تکوینِ کائنات کی بہترین تعبیر ہوگی۔درج ذیل شعر میں سارے جہان کو نعت کا نام دینے سے شاعر کی یہی مراد ہے:
یہ زمیں نعت ہے، آسماں نعت ہے
سوچیے تو یہ سارا جہاں نعت ہے
سارے جہاں کی وسعتوں اور سرکارِ دوعالمﷺ کی عظمتوں و رفعتوں کے پیشِ نظر، شاعر کو نعت گوئی، انتہائی گرانقدر ، انتہائی مشکل اورحد درجہ نازک ،مقدس اور venerable معلوم ہوتی ہے۔اسی لیے نعت کہنے کے ہنگام، اپنی کم مائیگی کے ساتھ ساتھ...
The purpose of this study is to determine whether earnings per share, profitability, leverage, sales growth and research and development intensity have a significant effect on firm value. This research method is quantitative research by taking samples using a purposive sampling technique based on predetermined characteristics of 7 telecommunications sub-sector companies listed on the IDX for the 2018- 2022 period. The type of data used is secondary data and the method of analysis used is panel data regression using Eviews. The results showed that the calculation of the hypothesis that is earnings per share has no significant effect on firm value with a significant level of 0.1905 > 0.05. Profitability has a significant positive effect on firm value with a significant level of 0.0015 <0.05. Leverage has no significant effect on firm value with a significant level of 0.1873 <0.05. Sales growth has a significant positive effect on firm value with a significant level of 0.0276 <0.05 and the intensity of research and development has no effect on firm value with a significant level of 0.2800 > 0.05. For simultaneous testing, it is obtained F count of 2.202910 with a probability of 0.000159 <0.05 meaning that earnings per share, profitability, leverage, sales growth and research and development intensity influence simultaneously on firm value.
This dissertation is a comparative study in the literature of resistance between the two famous writers: (Ghassan Kanafani and Kreshan Chandar) in Arabic and Urdu languages respectively. It is obvious that the similarity between the global literatures is a well-known phenomenon and we find this similarity clearly in the literature of Arabic writer Ghassan Kanafani and Urdu writer Kreshan Chandar, because Ghassan Kanafani tasted the bitterness of immigration and asylum after the occupation of Palestine by the Jews with the help of British conspiracy. Similarly, Kreshan Chandar grew up in the affected areas of the occupied Kashmir, and he also tasted the bitterness of immigration and asylum after the liberation of the Indian subcontinent from British colonial rule in 1947and he saw injustice closely. This dissertation contains on preface and four chapters: 1- Preface includes the concept of comparative literature, concept of resistance and concept ofliteratureofresistance. 2- Chapter 1 includes the brief history of Kashmir and Palestine. 3- Chapter 2 Ghassan Kanafani, his life briefly and his literature of resistance. 4- Chapter 3The life of KershanChandarbrieflyand his literature of resistance. 5- Chapter 4 comparative study of the resistive literature of the two writers with similarities and differences. Themajor findings of the researchare: 1- Both writers have agreed to urge women and laboring classes to resist injustice andoppression,theyalso urging them to renounce optimism and despair. 2- Both refused defeat, and confirmed to resist all kinds of the problems and hurdles. They alsoresisted blind imitation of foreign culture. 3- Both haveagreedthat before making anyrevolution revival of peoples and nations must be done. 4- Both have tried through their stories to reflect the images of their communities and the realities of theirenvironment without anyfear. I have also highlighted the differences between the two writers as below:1- Kanafani stresses upon resistance of death, Zionist occupation, incapable leaders, migration, weak national identity, and wrong direction in the bios, he also realized that dignity, greatness and lost cannot be restored by the tears in the history of nations. 2- Kreshan Chandar violates the idea of war, and wants to change the outdated system, hated colonialism, feudal lords and capitalists in general, he also strongly resists the exploitation of religion for personal purposes, splitting countries on the basis of religion sectarian violence, injustice with woman, religious education, counter extremism in all formsand forced marriage We hope that this study will be a useful addition in the field of comparative literature, and has opened up new opportunities for the students of Arabic language and researchers in the field of comparative literature in general, and literature of resistance especially, In Sha’ALLAH.