المبحث الأول: بداية الشعر الحر
نُشِرت قصیدۃ ’’الکولیرا‘‘ في بیروت ووصلت نسختھا ببغداد في أول کانون الأول عام 1947م وفي النصف الثاني من الشھر نفسہ صدر دیوان بدر شاکر السیّاب (أزھار ذابلۃ) في بغداد، تقول نازک بأن في ھذا الدیوان قصیدۃ حرۃ الوزن ولہ في بحر الرمل عنواناً (ھل کان حباً) ولکن علق علی ھذہ القصیدۃ في الحاشیۃ بأنھا من "الشعر مختلف الأوزان والقوافي" وھذا النموذج منھا :
ھل یکون الحبّ أني
بتّ[1] عبداً للتمني
أم ھو الحب أطراح الأمنیات
والتقاء الثغر بالثغر ونسیان الحیاۃ
واختفاء العین في العین انتشاء
کانثیال عاد یفني في ھدیر
أو کظل في غدیر[2]
ثم وضحت الشاعرہ نازک الملائکۃ في قضایا الشعر المعاصر بأن ظھور قصیدۃ (الکولیرا) و (ھل کان حباً) لم یلفت نظر الجمھور والقراء؛ ولکن حصل تعلیق واحد فقط في مجلۃ (العروبۃ) علی أسلوب ووزن قصیدۃ (الکولیرا) ولکن مضت سنتان لم یکتب أحد شعراً حراً ولا تعلیقاً آخر علی الشعر الحر۔ ولکن عندما ظھر دیوان نازک الملائکۃ (شظایا ورماد) عام 1949م قامت ضجۃ شدیدۃ في صحف العراق ومناقشات في الأوساط الأدبیۃ، فبعضھم تنبأوا لھذہ الدعوۃ الجدیدۃ بالفشل وبعضھم تشجعوا واستجابوا لہ۔
[1] بتّ ، مأخوذ من بات والمقصود قضى الليل
[2] الملائکۃ، نازک، قضایا الشعر المعاصر(بیروت، لبنان: دار العلم للملایین) الطبعۃ الثانیۃ عشرۃ،
ینایر 2004م، ص36 ۔
Dengue fever is a vector borne disease and is caused by DEN Virus. This virus has four different serotypes. The vectors are two mosquitoes known as Aedesaegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) and Aedesalbopictus(the Asian tiger mosquito). First case of dengue fever was reported back in 1994 in Karachi. A complete outbreak of this epidemic shook the whole nation in 2012. Uptill now, Lahore a city full of culture, witnessed about 16,580 confirmed cases and 257 deaths. About 5000 confirmed cases with 60 deaths were reported from the rest of the provinces. Under guidelines of WHO, Government has made efforts to combat this epidemic. Although the overall efforts have minimized the outbreak on controllable levels but dengue fever is a continuous threat. Since no permanent cure is available, the transmission of DEN virus is controlled indirectly. So the prime focus is to control mosquito population and decrease the possible hot spots i.e. Mosquito breeding sites in human habitations. Every year, the country witnesses monsoon season which brings vast areas full of clear standing waters providing breeding sites for mosquitoes which ultimately leads to increased number of patients suffering from dengue fever. Efforts have been made to fight against dengue including formation of dengue wards in hospitals, vector surveillance, community education, reactive vector control etc. A study has shown prevalence of four mosquito genera in Pakistan including Aedes, Culex, Armigeresand Anopheles. All of the above mentioned genera are associated with disease transmissions as they are the vectors of different viruses and parasites. It is the need of hour to do a collaborative effort stressing the community mobilization and management in war against dengue.
Twenty diverse genotypes of sunflower helianthus annus L. were exposed to naturally occurring population of H. armigera under preliminary screening trials. Nine out of twenty comprising three each resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible were selected on the basis of egg count and larval infestation. The layout of the experiment was a RCBD with four replications. These selected genotypes were further sown for further experiments. Data for various physico- morphic plant characters was taken at different stages of the growth of the crop. The nine genotypes were subject to laboratory analysis to find out the chemical plant characters as part of host plant resistance. Various physico- morphic and plant chemical characters and their correlation with eggs and larval population of the pest was studied. Data regarding temperature, rainfall and humidity was taken during the growing period of the crop. Correlation of weather factors with population build up of H. armigera was also studied. Data regarding egg and larval population, physic- morphic, chemical plant factors and weather factors was subject to multiple regressions to find out the basis of host plant resistance. One comparatively resistant and relatively susceptible genotypes (G53) and (ORB-100) were subject to experimentation for evaluation to different pest management techniques and data were taken before and after the application of treatments on these genotypes.Yield data on the basis of heads of genotypes was taken to know the impact of these treatments on resistant and susceptible genotypes. Genotype (G53) showing potential on all other genotypes, when different set of treatments were applied as part of sustainable pest management methods. Cost benefit ratio of each treatment was compared There was significant difference among the treatments C:B ratio.Our investigation showed potential for developing H. armigera resistant genotypes that would reduce seed feeding injury, prevent yield loss and increase growers profit.