ڈاکٹر عبدالعلیم
افسوس ہے پچھلے دنوں ڈاکٹر عبدالعلیم صاحب کا۷۱ برس کی عمر میں انتقال ہوگیا اور تدفین علی گڑھ کے یونیورسٹی قبرستان میں ہوئی۔ مرحوم نے جامعہ سے بی۔اے (آنرز) کیا، پھر برلن سے پی ایچ ۔ڈی کی ڈگری لی۔ لکھنؤ یونیورسٹی میں اسلامی تاریخ اور کلچر کے برسوں لکچرررہے۔،ڈاکٹر ذاکر حسین مسلم یونیورسٹی کے وائس چانسلر ہوئے توان کویونیورسٹی میں عربی کے ریڈر کی جگہ پرلے آئے۔ چند برس کے بعد پروفیسر ہوئے،پھراسلامک رسرچ انسٹیٹیوٹ قائم ہواتواس کے ڈائرکٹر یہی ہوئے،پروفیسر شپ سے سبکدوش ہونے والے تھے کہ یونیورسٹی کے وائس چانسلر مقرر ہوئے، یہ مدّت ختم ہونے کو تھی کہ اُردو ترقی بورڈ کے چیرمین ہوگئے۔ اس عہدہ پر؟برس کی مدت پوری کرنے کے بعد گزشتہ ماہ جنوری میں ایک برس کے لیے مزیدتوسیع ہوئی تھی کہ ۱۷؍ فروری کوپیغامِ اجل آپہنچا۔ اِنَّا لِلّٰہِ وَاِنَّ اِلَیْہِ رَاجِعُوْنَ۔
مرحوم اول درجہ کے نیشنلسٹ اور فرزندانِ جامعہ وعلی گڑھ میں بھاری بھرکم شخصیت کے مالک تھے۔اردو کے ترقی پسند ادیبوں میں اُن کوایک نمایاں اور امتیازی مقام حاصل تھا۔ لکھتے بہت کم تھے ،مگر جو کچھ لکھتے شگفتہ اوردل نشین لکھتے تھے۔ اخلاق وعادات کے اعتبارسے بڑے شریف، خلیق، ملنسار اور ہمدرد و غم گسار تھے، غریبوں اور ضرورتمندوں کی مدد بڑی فیاضی اور جرأت سے کرتے، یہاں تک کہ قاعدہ وقانون اورضابطہ و آئین کی پروا بھی نہیں کرتے تھے۔نہایت باوضع اوررکھ رکھاؤ کے انسان تھے۔ مرحوم جامعہ ملّیہ کی تاریخ کاایک باب تھے، وہ ایک شخص نہیں بلکہ ایک داستان اورایک کہا نی تھے۔ حیف کہ اب یہ کہانی ختم ہوگئی،اﷲ تعالیٰ مغفرت فرمائے۔ [مارچ ۱۹۷۶ء]
Malaria is still a health problem in Indonesia. The number of malaria cases according to the 2018 RISKESDAS reached 8076 cases, and the highest number was obtained from Papua province with 3,334 cases. Multiple infection malaria in Indonesia according to RISKESDAS 2018, has a rate of 0.01% of the total cases, namely Plasmodium Falciparum malaria and Plasmodium non Falciparum malaria. A 47 year old man was referred from the clinic with complaints of high fever preceded by chills 10 days before being admitted to the hospital. Accompanied by shortness of breath, unable to get off the treatment bed due to feeling very weak, nauseous, sick and having a bulging stomach. Physical examination revealed a pale conjunctiva, ronkhi in the lower field of the right lung, dim percussion in the basal of the left lung, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, shifting dullness. Ring form vivax, on chest X-ray found a left pleural effusion. It is known that the patient previously lived in Papua from September 2018 to May 2019. During treatment, the patient was given artesunate injection therapy, dihydroartemisin + piperaquine and primaquin for seven days of treatment. At the end of the treatment, another chest X-ray was performed and re-examination of the peripheral blood smear, no more pleural effusions were found and no parasites were found on re-examination of the peripheral blood smear. Mixed infection of vivax and falciparum malaria, is a rare case that may occur in endemic areas where both plasmodium can be found. The prevalence in Indonesia according to RISKESDAS is only about 0.01% of all malaria cases in Indonesia.
Research has shown that School Management Committee (SMC) plays a key role in strengthening relationships between the schools and local communities. Having an interest to know more about the role of SMC in school improvement, I conducted a study of an economically marginalized community. The purpose of this study was to see how school management committee plays an active role in strengthening relationships between the school and local community. This study was conducted using a qualitative research paradigm. There were six primary research participants including principal, SMC members, and teachers. Focused groups of teachers, students, and parents were also involved as secondary research participants in this study. The former principal of the school and a representative of the Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan (AKES, P) were also included in the study as research participants. Interviews, observations and document analysis were used to collect the data for this study. The findings of the study revealed that SMC has a pivotal role in maximizing physical and human resources through strong linkages with parents, teachers, students, individuals and institutions. The findings also illustrated that parents, teachers, students and other key stakeholders involved in the school were aware of their roles as facilitators and supporters of the school. SMC members believed in working with collaboration and fulfilled their roles as the key representatives of the community. The findings confirmed that SMC can bring about positive changes in the school through commitment and consensus. Mutual respect and discipline is given priority and the school by-law is considered as a key document, which is to be followed. The study demonstrated that faith based community participation could bring about positive changes in schools. However, the SMC faced many problems, such as poor socio-economic status of parents, low retention of teachers and unfavorable outside school environments. Thus, SMC members act as change agents and contribute in the school governance, building strong linkages with institutions, parental involvement, monitoring of teachers and school finances, which lead to school improvement.