الفصـل الأول : تعريف القرآن الکریم و الأدب لغة واصطلاحاً
القرآن الكريم هو الكتاب الرئيسي في الإسلام، الذي يُقدِّسه ويؤمن به المسلمون أنّه كلام الله المنزّل على نبيه محمد للبيان والإعجاز،المنقول عنه بالتواتر حيث يؤمن المسلمون أنه محفوظ في الصدور والسطور من كل مس أو تحريف، وهو المتعبد بتلاوته، وهو آخر الكتب السماوية بعد صحف إبراهيم والزبور والتوراة والإنجيل.كما يعدّ القرآن أرقى الكتب العربية قيمة لغوية ودينية، لما يجمعه بين البلاغة والبيان والفصاحة.وللقرآن أثر فصل في توحيد وتطوير اللغة العربیة وآدابها وعلومها الصرفية والنحوية، ووضع وتوحيد وتثبيت اللّبنات الأساس لقواعد اللغة العربية۔
تعريف القرآن لغة
قال الله تعالی:" إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا جَمْعَهُ وَقُرْآنَهُ فَإِذَا قَرَأْنَاهُ فَاتَّبِعْ قُرْآنَه ([1])لفظ القرآن مصدر مشتق من ( قرأ ) يقال قرأ ، يقرأ ،قراءة ، وقرآناً۔
فالقرآن لغة: الجمع. تقول: قرأت الشيء قرآنا، إذا جمعت بعضه إلى بعض.
قال أبو عبيدة: وسمي القرآن لأنه يجمع السور ويضمها([2])
اختلف العلماء -رحمهم الله تعالى- في لفظ القرآن لكنهم اتفقوا على أنه اسم فذهب جماعة من العلماء منهم الشافعي، الأشعري، ابن كثير ، الفراء، اللحياني ، الزجاج و ابن الأثير وغیر ذلک من العلماء اللغویین الذین ذهبوا إلى أنه اسم جامد غير مهموز الان نورد بعض التعريفاتهم اللغوية ۔
قرأ ابن كثير وهو اسم للقرآن مثل التوراة والإنجيل.([3])
وقال الأشعري: إنه مشتق من قرنت الشيء بالشيء إذا ضممته إلیه ومنه قولهم: قرن بين البعيرين إذا جمع بينهما ومنه سمي الجمع بين الحج والعمرة في إحرام واحد قران.([4])
وقال الفراء: إنه مشتق من القرائن جمع قرينة لأن آياته يشبه بعضها بعضا.([5]).
Firstly, I would like to welcome all the readers, authors, editorial team and management of Pakistan Biomedical Journal (PBMJ) to this new journal in Biomedical Sciences. It is an intenational peer-reviewed, open-access journal that merges the basic and clinical research for the better outcome in terms of diagnosis and therapeutics. This approach will update and upgrade the existing knowledge among the researchers and clinicians, regarding the patient care and practice as well as understanding of underlying mechanisms of diseases. The ultimate beneficiary is patient and community as a whole. PBMJ is led by an outstanding Editorial Board comprising of national and international members with multidisciplinary research background. Our goal is to promote the basic and clinical research, health and disease perspectives. We receive original studies, review articles, case reports, systemetic reviews on medical, biomedical, basic and therapeutic research. We welcome scientific contributions from all over the world. It is the need and demand of the recent world scenario to focus on biomedical research. In the current world, basic and medical science cannot be considered as two separate and independent entities. There should be coherent efforts to unveil the basic understandings of pathologies at physiological, cellular and molecular level. Furthermore, the therapeutic strategies should also be explored on regional and global levels, by keeping in mind the different genetic makeups and considering the individual identities. It leads to the field of ‘personalized medicine’. There are many other recent therapeutic regimens such as regenerative medicine, exosomes, gene silencing and gene editing technologies. The world has also advanced in diagnostic modalities. Much focus has been emphasized on rapidness, accuracy and cost-effectiveness of these techniques. Imaging, scanning, histopathological, biochemical and hematological techniques have been much advanced than before. World has been changing rapidly in medical profession. Hence, it is important to be aware of these advancements worldwide and also to share the health related researches at local level. We hope this new journal will be a good addition in this perspective of sharing the recent knowledge, advancements and create awareness among masses.
The basic aim of this placebo control study was to investigate the effects of three different preparations of Nigella sativa especially on glucose and lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) patients (group-A); however normal individuals (group- B) was also studied. Both groups were treated with N. sativa Seed Powder (NsP), N. sativa Aqueous Extract (NsE) and N. sativa Oil (NsO), in addition to a placebo in phases 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Each phase was of 80 days (40 days of treatment with N. sativa preparation followed by 40 days of placebo administration). Levels of 0 day were taken as base line (concurrent control) in each phase. Fasting blood levels of glucose, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), LDL & HDL cholesterols, triglycerides (TG), total leukocyte & platelet counts, hepatic profile and blood urea were determined in subjects of both groups on 0, 40 and 80 th day of each phase of the study. In phase-1 a highly significant fall in fasting blood glucose, TC, LDL cholesterol and TG while an increase in insulin and HDL was observed in group-A after treatment with NsP as compared to concurrent control. These levels significantly reversed at the end of placebo except the HDL cholesterol. Almost similar results were obtained in subjects of group-B. In phase-2 although a decrease in glucose and increase in insulin levels was observed in group-A after treatment with NsE; which reversed after the placebo yet the changes were not significant. However a significant fall was observed in TC and TG levels of diabetics after NsE treatment; which reversed after the placebo significantly in TG but insignificantly in TC. In group B, results regarding glucose and insulin levels were similar to that of group-A of this phase. Concerning lipid profile, a significant fall in TG and insignificant decrease in TC and LDL cholesterol was observed after NsE treatment. The changes reversed after the placebo, significantly in TG and LDL cholesterol but insignificantly in TC. In phase-3, a significant fall in fasting blood glucose and a rise in insulin levels was observed in group-A after treatment with NsO2 as compared to concurrent control levels. A significant decrease in LDL & increase in HDL was observed while TC remained statistically unchanged; however a significant increase was also recorded in TG after NsO treatment. LDL and TG levels reversed significantly, while no significant change was observed in HDL and TC levels after the placebo. Subjects of group-B behaved similar to group-A, as for glucose and insulin are concerned. Regarding lipids, a decrease in LDL cholesterol (significant) and TC (insignificant) while increase in HDL cholesterol and TG (insignificant) was observed in group-B after the use of NsO. LDL and TC increased significantly after the placebo while no significant change was recorded in HDL cholesterol and TG. Total leukocyte and platelet counts remained statistically unchanged in both groups A and B, when treated with NsP, NsE, NsO or administered with placeboes in phases 1, 2 and 3 respectively as compared to their base line levels Similarly no unpleasant effect of any of the N. sativa preparation was observed regarding hepatic profile, blood urea and the subjective feelings of the diabetic and normal individuals. In the light of foregoing facts it can safely be concluded that all preparations of N. sativa had some or more antidiabetic effect. However keeping in view the overall performance, NsP was found more effective. Further large scale human studies with different dose schedules of NsP are recommended.