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Analysis and characterization of CDHI/E-CADHERIN germiline mutations in breast caner a computational perspective

Thesis Info


Faiza Munir


Sobia Tabassum; Abdul Hameed


Department of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology




International Islamic University

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Bioinformatics & Biotechnology




MS 576.549 FAA


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37



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روشن امکانات کی شاعرہ: فضا موسیٰ
ڈاکٹر رحمت علی شادؔ
ہجر اثاثہ رہ جائے گا درد خلاصہ رہ جائے گا
شعر نگر میں نام ہمارا اچھا خاصا رہ جائے گا
شہرِ فرید میں جنم لینے والی ایک نو عمر، دوسروں سے ذرا ہٹ کر سوچنے والی، عام لوگوں سے قدرے مختلف مگر سنجیدہ، ہونہار، باشعور اور روشن امکانات کی ابھرتی ہوئی شاعرہ فضاؔ موسیٰ پاک پتن کی شعری فضا میں ایک خوش گوار اور کیف پرور جھونکے سے کسی طرح کم نہیں ان کا تازہ شعری مجموعہ’’ فضا سے کہنا‘‘ منصہ شہود پر آنے کے لیے بے قرار ہے۔ ان کا کلام پڑھنے کے بعد راقم اس نتیجے پر پہنچا ہے کہ ان کی غزلیات کے کچھ مصرعے اور اشعار اپنے تیکھے پن، ندرتِ خیال، پختگی فکر ، داخلیت اور خارجیت سے بھرپور رومانوی انداز لیے چونکا دینے کے ساتھ ساتھ دعوتِ فکر دیتے ہوئے نظر آتے ہیں۔
فضاؔ موسیٰ عہدِ جدید کی ایک منفرد لب و لہجے کی حامل شاعرہ ہیں جنھوں نے بالکل تھوڑے عرصے میں اپنی ذہنی اپج سے پاک پتن کی ادبی فضا میں اپنی نمایاں انفرادیت اور اپنا شعری تشخص قائم کیا ہے۔رومانوی فضائوں میں فضا کی شاعری عشق و محبت کی داستان لیے اپنی تمام تر رعنائیوں اور لوازمات کے ساتھ جلوہ گر ہے۔ ان کی غزلیات میں محبت کے مختلف رنگ جا بجا بکھرے نظر آتے ہیں، کبھی کبھی یوں محسوس ہوتا ہے کہ وہ زندگی کے کئی رازوں سے آشنا ہیں اور اس طرح وہ اپنے باطنی احساسات و جذبات کو حقیقت کا روپ دینے پر قادر نظر آتی ہیں۔ عشق و محبت کے کئی کئی رنگ ان کے کلام کا جزو لا ینفک ہیں۔ محبت اور محبت کے رنگوں کے متعلق وہ لکھتی ہیں:
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Investigating Peace Education and Peace Culture Activities in the Curriculum of Secondary Schools of Pakistan

Peace has always been a fundamental need of humanity and social beings. Despite of all the worldly, scientific and materialistic progress in almost every domain of life, eternal peace is missing. Peace education is a process of achieving peace, at personal, inter-personal, national and international levels, through education, focusing on promoting universal brotherhood, fraternity, global citizenship and the culture of peaceful co-existence. This article aims to institutionalize peace education and culture at secondary government schools of Lahore, Pakistan. A questionnaire focusing on peace education and inculcating of peace culture was used for data collection. The data revealed peace education is implicitly taught but it is not practiced in schools and hence, is not part of school curriculum. Also peace culture-related activities are missing in the school curriculum and there is a dire need of such activities.

Repeatability, Genetic Gain and Path Coefficient Analysis in Sugarcane Saccharum Officinarum L .

A set of 16 sugarcane genotypes comprising two check cultivars (CP-77/400 and Mardan-93) were assessed for repeatability, genetic gain and path coefficient analysis during 2012-14 and 2013-15 at Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI) Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The data were recorded on growth, cane, quality and yield traits for three crop seasons. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among genotypes, crops and genotypes x crops interaction. Repeatability (h2 broad sense) under plant crop, for different characters showed varying levels and it was moderate forinternode length (43%), cane yield (41%), number of nodes (39%), cane length (39%), millablecane (35%) and 2nd plant height (30%). Low repeatability was noted for 2nd tillering (12%) and 1st tillering (10%) under plant crop. Under ratoon crop, moderate repeatability was noted for 2nd tillering (47%), 1st tillering (39%) and internodes length (34%). Low repeatability was noted for brix (28%), cane yield (25%), cane diameter (23%), 1st plant height (19%), millablecane (17%), number of node (16%), recovery (16%) and cane length (15%) under ratoon crop. Across crops low repeatability was noted for internode length (26%), number of nodes (23%), 2nd tillering (14%) and 1st tillering (10%). Genetic gain under plant crop was higher for cane length (36.53 cm), 2nd plant height (31.84 cm) and 2nd tillering (12.98 tillers per 9 m2).Under ratoon crop, the genetic gain was higher for 2nd tillering (54.86 tillers per 9 m2), 1st tillering (40.88 tillers per 9 m2) and 1st plant height (15.63 cm). Genetic gain across crops was higher for 2nd tillering (15.52 tillers per 9 m2), cane length (9.55 cm) and 1st tillering (9.24 tillers per 9 m2). Under plant crop, highly significant and positive correlation of 1st tillering (rg = 1.00 , rp = 0.85), 2nd tillering (rg =0.96, rp =0.83), 1st plant height (rg =0.89, rp =0.77), 2nd plant height (rg =0.95, rp = 0.81), cane length (rg =0.90, rp = 0.76), number of nodes (rg =0.79 , rp = 0.67), internode length (rg =0.80, rp =0.74) and millablecane (rg =0.96, rp = 0.87) was noted with cane yield at genotypic and phenotypic levels. Similarly brix showed positive and highly significant phenotypic correlation with POL (rp =0.84) and recovery (rp = 0.71). Under ratoon crop, highly significant and positive correlation of 1sttillering (rg = 0.89 , rp = 0.81), 2nd tillering (rg = 0.92 , rp = 0.84), 1st plant height (rg = 0.86 , rp = 0.75),2nd plant height (rg = 0.96 , rp = .78), cane length (rg = 0.97 , rp = 0.69), internode length (rg = 0.77 , rp = 0.71), recovery (rg = 0.83 , rp = .64) and millablecane (rg = 0.85 , rp = 0.67) was noted with cane yield at genotypic and phenotypic levels. Brix showed positive and highly significant phenotypic and genotypic correlation with POL (rg = 0.99, rp = 0.98) and recovery (rg = 0.68, rp = 0.65). POL also has highly significant and positive correlation with recovery (rg = 0.72, rp = 0.70) at both the levels. Across crops, highly significant and positive correlation of 1st tillering (rg = 0.78 , rp = 0.70), 2nd tillering (rg = 0.86 , rp = 0.76), 1st plant height (rg = 0.95 , rp = 0.73), 2nd plant height (rg = 1.00 , rp = 0.77), cane length (rg = 0.77, rp = 0.63), internode length(rg = 0.85 , rp = 0.77) and cane diameter (rg = 1.00 , rp = 0.72) was observed with cane yield at phenotypic and genotypic levels. Millablecane showed highly significant and positive correlation at genotypic level while significant at phenotypic level (rg = 0.64, rp = 0.57) with cane yield. Brix showed highly significant and positive correlation with POL (rg = 1.00, rp = 0.95) and recovery (rg = 0.66, rp = 0.67) at genotypic and phenotypic levels. POL also has highly significant and positive correlation with recovery (rg = 0.74, rp = 0.79) at both the levels. Path analysis showed direct positive phenotypic effect on cane yield by 2nd tillering (P1,10 = 0.12), 2nd plant height (P2,10= 0.13), number of nodes (P3,10= 0.14), internode length (P4,10=0.32), brix (P5,10= 0.39), purity (P7,10=0.36) and millablecane (P9,10=0.39)under plant crop. However at genotypic level direct positive effect on cane yield was showed by 2nd tillering (P1,10=0.21), 2nd plant height (P2,10=0.42), number of nodes (P3,10=0.03) and millablecane (P9,10=0.63. Under ratoon crop, path analysis showed direct positive phenotypic effect on cane yield by 2nd tillering (P1,10=0.28), 2nd plant height (P2,10=0.04), cane length (P3,10=0.33), internode length (P5,10=0.32), cane diameter (P6,10=0.08), recovery (P8,10=0.06) and millablecane (P9,10=0.37). The direct positive genotypic effect on cane yield was exhibited by 2nd tillering (P1, 10= 0.16), 2nd plant height (P2, 10=0.40), cane length (P3,10=0.07), internode length (P5,10=0.24) and recovery (P8,10=0.73). Across crops, direct positive phenotypic effects on cane yield was showed by 2nd tillering (P1,10=0.20), 2nd plant height (P2,10=0.27), cane length (P3,10=0.19), internode length (P5,10= 0.28), recovery (P8,10=0.42) and millablecane (P9,10=0.05), however cane length (P3,10=2.36) and recovery (P8,10=1.94) had direct positive genotypic effect on cane yield. GenotypeMS-91-CP-523 had the highest path index values of 240.39 and 439.69 and performed better than rest of the genotypes under plant and across crops, respectively. Under ratoon crop genotype MS-2000-Ho-360 had the highest path index value of 141 and performed better than rest of the genotypes. Results further suggested that path analysis technique combined with development of path index could be successful in selection of sugarcane genotypes for improving overall selection approaches. The parameters with more broad sense heritability and genetic gain can be exploited in sugarcane breeding programs. The parameters having direct effect on cane yield must be given more importance in the breeding and selection strategies. Research should be focused on the selection of genotypes which has good performance both under plant and ratoon crops conditions. The genotypes with good performance may be tested further.