نعت کہنے کے لئے لفظ نیا ڈھونڈیں گے
ہم بھی جامیؔ کی طرح رنگ جُدا ڈھونڈیں گے
اِن ستاروں سے بھری راہوں میں کیا رکھا ہے
نقشِ پائے شہِ انوارِ ہُدیٰ ڈھونڈیں گے
وہ تو صدیقؓ کی آنکھوں میں سمایا ہوا ہے
کس طرح اہلِ جفا نورِ خدا ڈھونڈیں گے
تاجِ شاہی بھی یہاں کاسہ بنا دیکھا ہے
تیری دہلیز کو سب شاہ و گدا ڈھونڈیں گے
نورِ بُرہانِ ہُدیٰ ، منزلِ ایقانِ خدا
ڈھونڈنے والے ترے قدموں میں جا ڈھونڈیں گے
جن کی خواہش ہے کھلے دل کی امیدوں کا چمن
گلشنِ طیبہ کی وہ لوگ فضا ڈھونڈیں گے
ہوں گے میزان پہ اعمال مگر کوثر پر
ہم ثنا گوئی کا عرفانؔ! صلہ ڈھونڈیں گے
Qur’an and Prophetic traditions (Hadith) are the fundamental sources of Islam. Muslims believe that Qur’an is the word of God (Allah). Hadith (Prophet’s Sayings, actions and silent approval and disapproval for something) likewise is based on divine revelation. Qur’an affirms also this view: (God says) Your Companion (Muhammad) has neither gone astray nor has erred. Nor does He speak of (his own) desire. It is only a Revelation revealed. Al-Qur’an (53: 2-4). Allah Almighty Himself took the responsibility to guard His word (the Qur’an): (He says : ) verily, we, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. The Qur’an) and surely, We will got it (from corruption). (Al-Qur’an: 15: 9) on the contrary the responsibility to guard the prophetic traditions (Hadith) was put on the shoulders on the Muslim Ummah. The scholars of Islam (Ulamas) try their utmost to collect and save the Prophetic traditions and guard it from any alteration. To achieve this purpose, they introduced different hadith sciences to distinguished between the true and the fabricated hadith. The authentic Sunnah is contained within the vast body of Hadith literature. Different scholars have compiled the books which contain a large numbers of authentic Ahadith (Ahadith Sahiha), one of them is Imam Ibn e Khuzaima. In this article we will discuss the Imam Ibn e Khuzaima approach towards “Ahadith al Sahiha” in his book “Sahih Ibn e Khuzaima”.
Salinity is one of the major soil problems that limits the crop growth and productivity to great extent. Increased amount of soluble salts cause osmotic stress and excessive sodium (Na+) leads to sodicity that deteriorate the soil structure and cause toxicity to plants. Potassium (K+) is an important macronutrient essential for enzyme activation, osmoregulation and charge balance in the plant cell. Higher concentration of Na+ in nutrient medium decreases K+ uptake and increases Na+ uptake by plants. Therefore under sodic or saline-sodic conditions K+/Na+ ratio in plant tissue is decreased affecting enzyme activities, photosynthesis, protein synthesis and other metabolic activities. Elevated K-fertilization under Na+ stress may improve the K+/Na+ ratio in plant tissue improving plant metabolism under saline-sodic condition. Na+-K+ interaction in saline- sodic soils was studied in light and heavy textured soils. Different levels of Na+ stress was applied to developed higher SAR of the soil using NaCl. Na+-K+ dynamics was compared with naturally salt affected soils at elevated K-fertilization. Effect of elevated K- fertilization on wheat crop growth, distribution of Na+ and K+ in different parts of the plants, subcellular Na+-K+ homeostasis of wheat under Na+ stress and proteome stability was determined in soil and hydroponic studies. Plant growth, physiological and chemical attributes, yield was significantly reduced under salt stress while application of elevated potassium fertilization improved growth and yield parameters. Application of elevated K fertilization mitigate osmotic, ionic and oxidative stress under saline condition improving subcellular K+/Na+ ratio. Elevated potassium fertilization improved proteome stability under salt stress decreasing the change in number of proteins changed by salt stress. This study suggest that K application could enhance wheat growth and yield by mitigating the deleterious effects of salt stress to a certain level at specific condition.