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Brand loyalty of Toyota Corolla vs Honda City

Thesis Info


Zohaib Shakoor


Department of Management




International Islamic University

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MA/MSc 658.827 ZOB


2021-02-17 19:49:13


2023-01-06 19:20:37





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مولاناسید عطا ء اﷲ شاہ بخاری

مولانا سید عطاء اﷲ شاہ بخاری
ابھی مولوی عبدالحق کودنیا سے سدھارے پوراایک ہفتہ بھی نہیں ہواتھا کہ مولانا سیدعطاء اﷲ شاہ بخاری کے ملتان میں وفات پاجانے کی خبرملی۔اناﷲ واناالیہ راجعون۔شاہ جی نجیب الطرفین یعنی والد اوروالدہ دونوں کی طرف سے سید تھے۔حضرت شاہ عبدالقادر جیلانی،سید محمد شاہ بخاری اورسید عبدالغفار بخاری جو اکابر اولیاء وصوفیاء میں سے تھے اسی خاندان کے مورثان اعلیٰ میں سے ہیں۔ شاہ جی کے خاندان میں جو بزرگ سب سے پہلے ہندوستان آئے وہ سید اکمل الدین بخاری تھے جنھوں نے حضرت شاہ غلام علی دہلوی سے سند خلافت حاصل کرکے مہاراجہ رنجیت سنگھ کے عہد حکومت میں پنجاب کے ضلع گجرات میں مستقل بودوباش اختیارکرلی تھی۔ مرحوم کی والدہ سیدہ فاطمہ اوراُن کے دادا میر سید عبدالسبحان کشمیر سے منتقل ہوکر عظیم آبادپٹنہ میں آبسے تھے، ان کی بیٹی حضرت خواجہ باقی باﷲ کی نواسی تھیں۔ اس طرح خواجہ شاہ جی کے ننھیالی بزرگوں میں شامل ہیں۔شاہ جی کی والدہ کے انتقال کے بعداُن کے والد سید ضیاء الدین نے بیٹے کو نانا نانی کے پاس چھوڑا اورگجرات لوٹ آئے جہاں عقد ثانی کرلیا۔اس طرح شاہ جی کی ابتدائی تعلیم وتربیت پٹنہ میں ہوئی جودلی اورلکھنؤ کے بعد اردو زبان اورشعروشاعری کاتیسرا مرکز تھا اوراُسی کااثرتھا کہ شاہ جی نسلاً پنجابی ہونے کے باوجود اردوزبان ٹکسالی بولتے اور اُس کے محاورات وضرب الامثال پربڑی قدرت رکھتے تھے۔
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The Aligarh Miracle

Social movements are considered to be a modern phenomenon but they have existed in the past as well. Aligarh movement initiated by Sir Sayyid Ahmed khan is a typical social movement from 19th century, aimed at modernization and uplift of the Muslim community of India. It emerged in a period when the Indian Muslims were facing a sharp decline in their socio-economic and political status. This decline had created a psychology of retreat among them wherein they suspected any attempt to reform their lot. For instance, the introduction of modern education by the British rulers was adopted by the Hindu majority for obvious economic benefits. Conversely, the Muslims remained wary of modern education, particularly the English language as a conspiracy to destroy their age-old culture and religion. In this backdrop Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan’s tireless drive to inculcate modern education proved to be a miracle that transformed the Muslim middle classes for the next century. Although Aligarh movement has attracted tremendous scholarship, there has been virtually little attempt to theorize it as a social movement. In this context the present paper aims to study Aligarh Movement on the parameters of contemporary theories highlighting the causal dimensions of social movements. It will particularly explore the relevance of the elements of deprivation, resource mobilization, political processes, structural strain and those highlighted by the new social movement theory as causal factors in the emergence and evolution of Aligarh Movement.

Impact of Brand Knowledge on Brand Equity: Typology of Higher Education Institutions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Brand equity has been realized as central to the marketing of any business including services of higher education institutions (HEIs). Being the direct recipients, students grow firsthand experience about the higher education institution’s brand and therefore, develop specific knowledge about it. Hence, the aim of this study is to enrich the understanding of student’s brand knowledge and its effect on brand equity and to further develop a typology of higher education institutions. This offers the HEIs the capacity to diagnose and solve problems that may help in maximizing the value of their brands. The study encompasses the customer-based brand equity perspective, which concentrated on the effect of two dimensions of brand knowledge that is brand awareness and brand image on brand equity. The study further focused on the relationship of brand knowledge with brand equity in developing a typology of HEIs. For this purpose, a cross-sectional analytical study conducted to verify the proposed model from a population that comprised of the major universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Using simple random and stratified sampling techniques, the data collected through 42 items survey questionnaire from a sample of 765 students of 12 HEIs. The instrument was adopted from the measures already certified as good, used successfully in different studies, and implemented after establishing the validity and reliability of the scales to suit the setting. The Pearson’s correlation and multiple-regression analyses conducted to test the hypotheses in the model. The results offered empirical proof partially validating the outcomes of previous studies with image related factors of brand knowledge deemed more significant than awareness related factors. Further, a four quadrant strategic typology identified and categorized based on the suggested framework. The study of typology development was an instant success however, with slightly unexpected results as only two typologies identified by the study results. Except for three HEIs all of the remaining Institutions were placed in the “champs” category in the typology which is by far the best category in the typology. The limitation and future directions for research are also discussed.