راز کیسے ہیں کہ جو دل پہ عیاں ہوتے ہیں
نعت لکھتا ہوں تو پھر اشک رواں ہوتے ہیں
گنگ لفظوں کی قطاریں سی لگی رہتی ہیں
جذبے آنکھوں کی وساطت سے بیاں ہوتے ہیں
کعبۂ جاں میں تواتر سے صدا گونجتی ہے
یوں بلالِ حبشیؓ محوِ اذاں ہوتے ہیں
کارِ دُنیا میں اُلجھنے سے یہ احساس ہوا
ذکِر طیبہ کے بنا لمحے گراں ہوتے ہیں
باریابی کا شرف ملتا ہے درویشوں کو
اُنؐ کی چوکھٹ پہ کھڑے کتنے شہاں ہوتے ہیں
اپنی جانوں سے ہے ناموسِ رسالتؐ بڑھ کر
اُنؐ پہ قربان سبھی خرد و کلاں ہوتے ہیں
ہم گنہگار سہی آپؐ کی اُمت میں ہیں
بات ایسی ہے کہ ایسے بھی کہاں ہوتے ہیں
Ḥajj―an annual Islamic congregation―is a supreme manifestation of Faith (Imān) in which muslims assemble to pronounce explicitly their subservience and loyalty to Almighty Allah alone. Besides freeing themselves from the squalor of Shirk, Muslims satiate their souls with the feelings of ‘Faith’ and ‘Unity.’ This fact is purely accomplished when the Muslims shed off their outer difference by donning the dress of unity (Iḥrām). Ḥajj is a perfect blend between ‘Creator’ and ‘creature’, ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’ on the one hand and an enduring and invaluable expression physically, socially, and materially on the other. From this pragmatic Institution, Pakistan―one of the premier countries of the Islamic world―can derive unprecedented benefits politically, socially, and economically. One of the important objectives of the paper is to describe the significance of Ḥajj to the people of Pakistan. In so doing, the paper examines and explores, objectively and analytically, the institution of Ḥajj and its implications on the Muslim world, particularly Pakistan. The first section of the paper, “Ḥajj―At a Glance”, presents meaning and historical background of Ḥajj. The second section “Revitalizing the Ḥajj”, besides presenting the revitalization of the Institution by the final Messenger (peace be upon him) also gives an overview of some of the very important rituals to be realized (during Ḥajj). The subsequent sections, “Socio-Economic Dimension of Ḥajj” and “Ḥajj―Implications and Impact on the Society of Pakistan”, describe respectively the socio-economic impact and leverage of the Ḥajj on the Muslim world in general and on Pakistan in particular. The study is followed by “Conclusion” wherein it has been argued that the Ḥajj can bring an immense transformation and positivity in a country if its sweetness is sought in all earnestness.
The traditional method of teaching in the different types of schools in Pakistan is mainly a transactional method with the teacher as the expert and the student as the more passive learner. The result is that students do not reach their full potential, and they are often ill prepared to step into the professional world. They are uncertain and are not aware how to contribute positively to their societies and country. Transactional learning also does not provide opportunities for those who are not academically inclined. This study has explored the effect of a Service Learning Program on the lives of the young people and on the development of their communities. The research was designed to examine the skills and attributes that young people gain by participating in a Service Learning Program, and how this would empower them. The research used a qualitative approach; data was collected through interviews that were conducted in five schools. These schools were chosen for their variety of the types of schools and further divided into varied fee structures for the private schools. The findings that emerged showed that students not only developed a host of personal and professional skills, but they also experienced a transformation in attitude. They became empowered and committed to contribute to the well-being of their societies. The impact on Community Development varied in the five schools and depended on the kind of projects the students had implemented, as well as on the sustainability of their project, and on community members' engagement. Including Service Learning in the Pakistan curriculum for secondary schools would contribute to a more holistic development of youth and would connect youth to their society and economy.