مفتی اعظم فلسطین سید امین الحسینی
افسو س ہے گزشتہ ماہ عالم اسلام کی ایک اورنہایت بلند پایہ شخصیت یعنی مفتی اعظم فلسطین سید امین الحسینی۷۷برس کی عمر میں وفات پاگئے۔اناﷲ و اناالیہ راجعون۔وہ ۱۸۹۷ء میں قدس کے ایک معزز گھرانے میں پیداہوئے تھے۔ ابتدائی تعلیم اورثانوی تعلیم وطن مالوف میں ہی پائی اس کے بعد مصر چلے گئے اوروہاں جامعہ ازہر میں علوم دینیہ واسلامیہ میں تکمیل کے مدارج ومراتب طے کئے۔ جنگ عالمگیر اوّل(۱۹۱۴ء۔۱۹۱۸ء) کے دوران ترکی افواج سے وابستہ رہے۔۱۹۲۱ء میں فلسطین کے مفتی اور۱۹۲۲ء میں وہاں کی مجلس اعلیٰ اسلامی کے صدر مقرر ہوئے۔ ۱۹۳۱ء میں قدس میں جو موتمر عالم اسلامی ہوئی تھی اُس کے صدر منتخب ہوئے۔۱۹۳۶ء میں جب انگریزوں کی مداخلت بے جا کے باعث فلسطین میں شورش اورہنگامے بپا ہوئے تووہ لبنان آگئے اور۱۹۳۷ء سے۱۹۳۹ء تک یہاں مقیم رہے پھر عراق چلے گئے اورسید رشید عالی الگیلانی نے انگریزوں کے خلاف جو بغاوت کی تھی اُس میں بڑی سرگرمی اور جوش سے حصہ لیا۔ لیکن جب یہاں کے سیاسی حالات میں انقلاب رونما ہواتووہ بھاگ کرپہلے ایران اور پھر وہاں سے جرمنی گئے اور۱۹۴۱ء سے ۱۹۴۵ء جب کہ دوسری عالمگیر جنگ میں جرمنی کوشکست فاش ہوئی اوراتحادیوں نے اُس پرقبضہ کرلیا،وہاں مقیم رہے جنگ کے خاتمہ پرفرانس میں قید ہوگئے۔۱۹۴۶ء میں رہا ہوکر مصر آگئے۔ مرحوم کی پوری زندگی فلسطین کی آزادی وخودمختاری اوریہودیوں کووہاں سے بے دخل کرنے کے لیے وقف تھی چنانچہ پہلی جنگ عظیم عالمگیر کے خاتمہ پرجب مجلس اقوام متحدہ کی ایک قرارداد کے مطابق۱۹۲۲ء میں فلسطین پربرطانوی انتداب قائم ہواتواُس وقت اس کی مخالفت میں اوراس کے بعد ۱۹۴۷ء کے خاتمہ پرجب فلسطین کی تقسیم اوراسرائیل کے قیام کافیصلہ ہواتواب اُس کی مقاومت میں کوئی سیاسی اورجنگی تدبیر ایسی نہیں تھی جوانھوں نے اختیار نہ کی ہو۔ وہ ہرمحاذ پرلڑے، ہرمورچہ پرانھوں نے دادشجاعت...
Extremism is a challenge facing the societies both on secular and religious level, which has damaged the society with disrupting peace and creating caos in the world. There is a dire need of an academic discussion regarding the various aspects of the issue in Islamic and social perspectives. This is an attempt to realize the sensitivity of the subject and providing a balanced approached in the light of Islamic teachings. This article draws attention of the concerned authorities to play their role for the stoppage of blasphemous activities by implementation of the existing law and its development by determining the punishment against false accusation. The article also explains that what Islam expects from the Muslims and guides them in expressing their feelings and showing their attitudes, behavior and fixing their responsibilities regarding the issue with true Islamic spirit. The article draws the attention of the non-Muslim countries and communities as well to display impartiality, truth and realistic attitude and appropriate legislation by considering the blasphemous activities as a heinous crime.
Production of quality cereal food grains in adequate quantity to cope with the demand of growing population (> 3% especially in Asia) and maintaining the soil fertility, productivity and quality have been the query of objective for these studies. It is one of the challenges in the currently ongoing agriculture scenario that sole and excessive use of chemical fertilizers for rapid and massive crop production is reducing soil fertility, productivity and quality. Fertilizers application is causing health and environmental hazards and climate change due to global warming also increased threats to agriculture production. Researchers are trying to find alternate, indigenous, organic and comparable economic sources of nitrogen rather than synthetic chemical sources. A field experiment to evaluate the effect of pigeonpea green manuring on performance and the subsequent nitrogen fertilizer requirement of wheat crop, was conducted at the Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar during 2013-14 and 2014-15. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangements having four replications. Wheat variety Atta Habib at 120 kg ha-1 was sown in the experimental plots and advance lines of pigeonpea were sown for green manure. Five pigeonpea green manuring levels at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days post emergence were planted to main plots, whereas 5 nitrogen levels 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha-1 were assigned to sub plots. All the data collected for various parameters were analyzed to explain the variations among the applied treatments. The integration of pigeonpea as green manure increased wheat yield and its related components. Green manuring at 90 and 120 days post emergence showed increase in emergence m-2, number of leaves tiller-1, leaf area tiller-1, leaf area index, productive tillers m-2, days to anthesis, days to maturity, plant height, number of grains spike-1, thousand grains weight, biological yield, grain yield, soil organic matter, concentration of soil nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. On the other side non-productive tillers m-2, soil pH and soil bulk density showed decreasing trend with green manuring. Less days to tillering (55.1 and 55.5), non-productive tillers (15.8 and .15.7), soil .pH (7.62), soil bulk density (1.42 gcm-3) as compare to no green manuring. Harvest index and soil electrical conductivity were not affected by green manuring. Nitrogen application at 90 and 120 kg.ha.-1 increased number of leaves tiller-1 (5.9 and 6.0), leaf area tiller-1 (123.8 and 128.2 cm2), leaf area index (3.2 and 3.3), days to anthesis (119), days to maturity (159 and 160), productive tillers m-2 (233.1 and 236.3), plant height (102.3 and 102.5 cm), number of grains spike-1 (53.8 and 54.8), thousand grains weight (41.8 and 43.8 g), biological yield (10248 and 10674 kgha-1), grain yield (3601 and 3766 kgha-1) and concentration of total soil nitrogen in soil (0.084 and 0.086 %) compared to lower rates. While decrease in days to tillering (57) and number of unproductive tillers m-2 (16.7 and 15.2) were measured with application of nitrogen at high rates, increase in days to tillering and number of unproductive tillers m-2 were found with less or no application of nitrogen fertilizer. Emergence m.-2, harvest index, soil electrical conductivity, soil .pH, soil organic .matter, soil phosphorus, soil potassium and soil bulk density showed no significant effect with nitrogen fertilizer application. Year as source of variation showed considerable increase for leaf area tiller-1 (121.7 cm2), leaf area index (3.2), productive tillers m-2 (225.0), thousand grains weight (38.8 .g), plant height (99.9 cm), biological yield (9135 kg.ha.-1), organic matter (0.95 %), phosphorus (3.41 mg kg-1) and potassium (121.20mg kg-1) and unproductive tillers (17.6), soil .pH (7.72) and soil bulk density (1.45 gcm-3) during the second year. In case of interactive effect of green manuring and nitrogen fertilizer application, with 90 days post emergence pigeonpea green manuring along with 90 kg nitrogen ha-1 improved wheat vegetative growth and economic yield, soil quality and maximum economic benefit. Conclusively, the incorporation of green manures 90 days post emergence integrated with 90 kgNha-1 produced net income of Rs.1,88729/-ha.-1 as the best combination for grain yield of wheat. It is concluded from the current observations that 90 days post emerged green manures combined with 90 kg N ha-1 are the best for sustainable wheat production and which could be an environment friendly approach as well as economical for the farmers.