امجدؔ حیدرآبادی
افسوس ہے کہ پچھلے دنوں حضرت امجد حیدرآبادی کا۸۳ سال کی عمر میں انتقال ہوگیا۔مرحوم بڑے قادر الکلام اورنغز گوشاعر تھے۔نثراورنظم دونوں میں یدِ طولیٰ رکھتے تھے۔لیکن رباعی گوئی اُن کا خاص فن تھا۔اس میدان میں وہ اپنا کوئی حریف نہیں رکھتے تھے،اس اعتبار سے و ہ درحقیقت اردو زبان کے سرمد تھے۔ چنانچہ مولانا گرامی نے بجاطورپر کہاتھا:
امجد بہ رباعی ست فردا مجد
کلکِ امجد کلیدِ گنجِ سَرمد
گفتم کہ بودجوابِ سرمدؔ امروز
روحِ سَرمد بگفت امجد امجد
بلند پایہ شاعرادیب اورمصنف ہونے کے علاوہ بڑے صاحب ِدل،صاحبِ معرفت،خوددار،غیور اورپابندِ وضع بزرگ تھے۔زندگی بالکل درویشانہ ا ورقلندانہ تھی۔عسرت وافلاس سے ہمیشہ سابقہ رہا مگراربابِ ثروت ووجاہت کے ساتھ نیازمندی کاتعلق رکھ کراپنے فن اورکمال کی توہین کبھی گوارا نہیں کی۔سیلاب رودِموسی کے واقعہ کے بعد جس میں اُن کے دیکھتے ہی دیکھتے بوڑھی ماں اورجوان بیوی بہہ گئیں اورغرق ہوگئیں تھیں وہ سوزوگداز مجسم اورپیکر عبرت ہوکررہ گئے تھے لیکن کیا مجال کہ تسلیم و رضا کی پیشانی پرکوئی بل بھی پڑا۔مولانا سید مناظر احسن گیلانی اورمرحوم میں بڑے مخلصانہ تعلقات تھے اوردونوں ایک دوسرے کی دل سے قدرومنزلت کرتے تھے۔مرحوم سے راقم الحروف کی پہلی ملاقات ۱۹۴۴ء میں حیدرآباد میں مولانا کے مکان پرہی ہوئی تھی۔یہ ملاقات اگرچہ سرسری تھی، لیکن مرحوم کے حافظہ کاکمال یہ تھا کہ ۱۹۵۸ء میں جب سفرحیدرآباد کے سلسلہ میں موصوف کے مکان پرحاضر ہوا تو اگرچہ ضعیفی اورحافظہ اورمسلسل علالت کی وجہ سے بہت کمزور ہورہے تھے اوربینائی بھی بہت کمزور ہوچکی تھی، مگر باایں ہمہ میری آواز سنتے ہی فوراً زنانخانہ سے مردانہ میں آگئے۔ بڑی شفقت ومحبت سے خاطر تواضع کی، دیر تک باتیں کرتے اوربرہان و ندوۃ المصنفین کی خدمات کاتذکرہ کرتے رہے۔چلنے لگا تواپنی تمام کتابوں کاسیٹ عطافرمایا،میں نے اُن کاہدیہ پیش کیا تومیرے سخت اصرار کے بعد بادل نخواستہ قبول فرمایا۔...
Renowned Yemeni poet and freedom fighter Muhammad Mahmood Al-Zubairi, also known as the father of freemen, born in Sanna in 1910 in a middle class family. He was one of the Yemeni iconic revolutionaries who opposed the Imamate. He took part in the revolution in 1962, bringing about Yemen’s transition from a monarchy to a republic. He was one of the founders of the movement of liberals and the leader of opposition against the Imam’s rule. This led to his persecution and he suffered destitution and exile outside his country, settling finally in Pakistan where he had opportunity to translate the poetry of Pakistan’s national poet, Muhammad Iqbal into Arabic. Finally, in 1962, when the revolution against the Imam erupted in Yemen, he went back to his country and became the minister of education. He fallen victim to the royalist forces in 1965 and has been regarded since as one of the Yemen’s most acclaimed martyrs. Al- zubairi published several collection of poetry. In 1978, a volume of his collected poems was published entitled Diwan al-zubairi. His work reflects a real originality of themes, ideas and method of treatment. This article discusses the literary work of Abu Ahrar Muhammad Mahmood Al-Zubairi.
Title “Impact of formative evaluation and fixed interval schedule reinforcement on academic achievements of secondary school students” The study was designed to find out the impact of formative evaluation and fixed interval schedule reinforcement on academic achievements of secondary schools students. It was experimental design and completed in two phases with the duration of 120 days, 60 days for each phase. In first phase experimental group was evaluated by formative evaluation and in second phase experimental group was evaluated formatively and also was given fixed interval schedule reinforcement. In first phase 60 students were randomly selected from 9 th class of Govt. High School Fateh Jang. This sample was divided into two equal groups. One served as control group and other as experimental group. A pretest was conducted to both the groups in the subjects of Math and English. Both groups were taught by subject specialist of Math and English. Control group was only taught and was not given any treatment whereas experimental group was taught and evaluated by teacher made test during session. After completion of 60 days teaching, a post test was conducted in Math and English. In second phase 60 students were randomly selected from 10 th class of Govt. High School Fateh Jang. This sample was divided into two equal groups. One served as control group and other as experimental group. A pretest was conducted to both the groups in the subjects of Math and English. Both groups were taught by subject specialist of Math and English. Control group was only taught and was not given any treatment whereas experimental group was taught and evaluated by teacher made test and reinforcement was given with a fixed interval schedule, after every six days, during session. After completion of 60 days teaching, a post test was conducted in Math and English. It was found that formative evaluation and fixed interval schedule reinforcement has significant relationship with learning and academic achievements in the subjects of Math and English at secondary school level. It is recommended that educational institutional management may arrange capacity building programs for teachers to familiarize them with evaluation, its importance and its process. The iimanagers of educational institutions may monitor teaching learning process with a view to implementing formative evaluations policy. Curriculum designers and developers may design and develop formative evaluation tools within curriculum documents for each subject keeping in view the requirements of fixed interval schedule reinforcement in the manuals for textbook instruction.