لقد تحدثتُ في ھذه الدراسة عن الأدب المقارن وبدایۃ الشعر الحر، وحقیقۃ الشعر الحر، وھل الشعر الحر نوعٌ من النثر؟ وھل کانت حرکۃ الشعر الحر قویۃ ام لا، ثم تحدثت عن بعض شعراء العصر الحديث، وإتفاق الشعراء حول نازک الملائکۃ، ومکانۃ نازک الملائکۃ بین الشاعرات (النساء) في عصرھا.
ثم تحدثتُ عن الشعر الحديث في شبہ القارۃ الھندیۃ، وتکلمتُ عن الأدب النسائي، والشاعرات الباکستانیات في اللغات المختلفہ داخل باكستان، ثم الأدب النسائي في اللغۃ الأردیۃ، وأھم الشاعرات في اللغۃ الأردیۃ بعد قيام الباکستان، ثم الأدب النسائي والعھد الحاضر، وتکلمت عن الغزل و بروین شاکر، وأعطیتُ نبذۃ بسیطۃ عن بعض أشھر شعراء العصر الحديث، وعن دور النساء في الساحۃ الأدبیۃ والشعریۃ بصفۃ عامۃ، وعن دور نازک الملائکۃ وبروین شاکر بصفۃ خاصۃ، وأن لھما مکانتھما الخاصۃ في الساحۃ الأدبیۃ والشعریۃ، وأنھما مشترکتان في الأسلوب والرأي والأفکار والأحزان، وأنھما من مشجعي الشعر الحر، ولکنھما مختلفتان في اللغۃ والدُول والجنسیۃ والعمر والتجربۃ، وقد تناولتُ شخصیۃ نازک الملائکۃ منذ ولادتھا إلی وفاتھا، وأنھا تعتبر من أکبر شاعرات العرب في القرن العشرین، ولھا مکانۃ عظیمۃ في الساحۃ الأدبیۃ؛ حیث أنھا قامت بحرکۃ شعریۃ جدیدۃ (حرکۃ الشعر الحر)، وھي في نفس الوقت رائدۃ الشعر الحر، ثم تکلمتُ عن أسلوب کتابتھا، وأھم دواوینھا، وعن ممیزات أشعارھا، ثم تحدثت عن بدایۃ النظم عند نازک الملائکۃ، وإلی من تنسب ریادۃ الشعر الحر، ثم تکلمت عن الشاعرۃ المعروفۃ بروین شاکر منذ ولادتھا إلی وفاتھا، وأھم أعمالھا العلمیۃ والإجتماعیۃ والشعریۃ، وأھم دواوینھا والمجموعات الشعریۃ المعروفۃ لھا وأحزانھا وما إلى ذلك، وعن فکرتھا عن العشق وعالم الرجال ، ومکانتھا في الأدب الأردو، ثم تحدثتُ أخیراً عن الأشعار المتشابھۃ والمختلفۃ من قصائد نازك الملائکۃ وبروین شاکر، وھذا الجزء من الدراسة استغرق وقتاً أطول، وبذلتُ فیھا جھوداً أکبر، وذلك أنني قمتُ بترجمۃ بعض قصائد بروین شاکر، فشرحت ھذہ الأبیات، وشرحتُ قصائد نازك الملائکۃ بشکل مجمل بسیط مفھوم للقاريء ، ثم عقدتُ...
Prisoners’ reintegration is the core concept of almost all penal systems in the world. One of the potent tools to ensure prisoners’ reintegration is effective network of religious services within prisons. This paper aims at exploring the role of religious interventions in the reintegration of prisoners with specific focus on Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) jails. Six high profile jails---Central Jail Peshawar, Haripur, Bannu, and District Jail Timergara, Mardan and Kohat of KP were purposively selected. Mixed methodology, more specifically concurrent triangulation technique, was used to collect and analyze the data. Of all 261 respondents, 250 comprised of jail inmates (under-trial and convicted adults and juveniles male prisoners) were randomly selected within the six jails of the province and interviewed through semi-structured questionnaire. The remaining 11 respondents, purposively selected and interviewed through interview-guide included jail officials of all the selected prisons (6 in numbers) and ex-prisoners (5 in numbers). It was found that a clear majority of the respondents considered religious interventions instrumental in accomplishing the goal of prisoners’ reintegration i.e, making them law abiding, productive, contributing and pro-social citizens. Many of the apparently incorrigible and potentially dangerous prisoners altered the course of their lives once they went through religious programs inside prisons. It was also discovered that in KP prisons, there was no effective network of chaplaincy services, and often these services were provided by self-motivated religious prisoners and rarely by the prison management with the collaboration of NGOs. Yet, the existing religious interventions had an extraordinary impact in terms of reforming the inmates. Hence, it is recommended that any prisons’ reform strategy must incorporate a well-designed framework of religious programs to transform criminals into an asset for society.
Pakistan is endowed with enormous agricultural resources for production of vegetables. The productivity of vegetable is stagnant from decades in the country. Improving productivity leads to food security. Vegetables constitute major element of human diet globally. Among vegetables tomato is important for its use in human diet. Average yield of tomato was 9.17 ton/ha in 1985, which slightly increased to 9.6 ton/ha in 2016 as against world average of 24.22 to 34.53 ton/ha. during the same period. Gap between demand and supply of tomato is increasing forcing Pakistan to import tomato since 2003. The present study was designed to address the issue of productivity stagnation through hydroponics technology and harvesting the fruit of globalization through exporting vegetables to the food deficit regions. The study constitutes primary and secondary data and Global trade analysis project (GTAP) database. Primary data was collected from hydroponics firm for fifty seven months on productivity, cost, revenue and trade parameters. Secondary data of agriculture input and output was collected from secondary sources. For CGE modeling GTAP database version 9 was used as a tool to analyze impact of changes in productivity on macroeconomic factors. GTAP version 9 included 140 regions 57 commodities and 8 factors of production. These factors are aggregated to analyze global effects of productivity improvement through hydroponics technology in Pakistan. Three scenarios I, II and III were built with productivity shock of 25 percent, 50 percent and 50 percent coupled with tariff free regime with importing country and relaxing tariff on importing hydroponics inputs. Results indicated that production of tomato is rising by 5.41 percent per annum and demands by 6.27 percent per annum from last many decades in Pakistan. The gap in demand and supply of tomato was fulfilled by importing tomato which is growing by 17 percent per annum since 2003, ultimately posing substantial burden on foreign reserves of the country. Average productivity of tomato in hydroponics was found to be 162±6.6 ton per hectare from 2009 to 2013 in Pakistan. The technology has been characterized for input use, output and trade potential in Pakistan. Cost benefit analysis of commercial hydroponics at two hectares was found to be positive. Return from hydroponics increased significantly by use of family labour. Small value of domestic resource cost indicate the comparative vi advantage of Pakistan in the production of hydroponics. Breakeven volume of hydroponics firm was found to be 150 ton. Labour cost and supply chain management cost of hydroponics was found to be significantly affecting total value product of hydroponics. Results of secondary data analysis using ARDL model revealed that seed, water, credit, tractor and fertilizer have both long run and short run relationship with area under vegetables in Pakistan. Global trade analysis indicated that simulation II and III has significantly contributed in improving macroeconomic indicators like real GDP, real export, real import, real investment, terms of trade, rental rate of return in Pakistan. Local prices of fruits and vegetables were decreased due to these simulations explaining consumer welfare in the country. On the basis of this, global horticultural productivity improvement model is proposed for Pakistan which would help the developing countries to solve the problem of productivity stagnation in the country and earning foreign exchange through export promotion (ultimate target of Strategic Trade Policy Framework of the Government of Pakistan).