پیرسید حسام الدین راشدی
افسوس ہے کہ گذشتہ ماہ اپریل میں ہمارے دوعزیز و محترم دوست اور برصغیر کے نامور محقق اورعالم پیر حسام الدین راشدی اورمولانا محمد جعفر شاہ پھلواروی رحلت فرما گئے۔ اناﷲ واناالیہ راجعون۔ اوّل الذکر کاانتقال لندن میں ہوا جہاں وہ کینسر کاآپریشن اورساتھ ہی دل کی بیماری کاعلاج کرانے کی غرض سے مقیم تھے اور تدفین سندھ کے ان کے اپنے آبائی وطن کے قبرستان میں ہوئی اور موخرالذکر کاانتقال کراچی میں ہوا اوریہیں تدفین بھی ہوئی۔
پیر صاحب لاڑکانہ کے بہمن نامی ایک قصبہ میں۲۰ستمبر۱۹۱۱ء کوسندھ کے نامی گرامی خاندان راشدیہ میں پیداہوئے، علمی ذوق موروثی تھا، دولت وثروت میں بھی یہ خاندان ممتاز تھا۔ذہانت اورطباعی کاجوہر خداداد رکھتے تھے اس لیے از خود تعلیم کی طرف راغب ہوئے اورفارسی اردو اورسندھی زبان وادب کے نامور ادیب،محقق اورمصنف بنے، عربی اورانگریزی سے بھی واقف تھے۔ ذاتی کتب خانہ جو اباً عن جداٍ تک پہنچتا تھا مطبوعات کی کثرت کے ساتھ نوادرمخطوطات پرمشتمل پہلے سے تھا ہی، مرحوم نے اپنی ذاتی کاوش اورتلاش وجستجو سے اس پر جونہایت وقیع اضافہ کیا اس کی وجہ سے آج تک یہ کتاب خانہ کراچی کے کتب خانوں میں ایک خاص مرتبہ ومقام رکھتا ہے۔ پیرصاحب عمر بھر مجرد رہے، ان کا شب و روز کا مشغلہ مطالعہ،تحقیق وتصنیف اوراحباب سے ملاقات کے سوا کچھ اور نہ تھا۔ ان کے علمی اورتحقیقی کارناموں پرانشاء اﷲ برہان میں عنقریب ایک مقالہ شائع ہوگا ان سطور سے مقصد صرف رسم تعزیت اداکرناہے۔
کراچی اربابِ علم وادب اوراصحاب دانش وہنر کی کثرت کے باعث آج کل برصغیر کاقرطبہ وبغداد بنا ہواہے لیکن ایک پیرسید حسام الدین راشدی اور دوسرے مشفق خواجہ، اس مجمع علم وفضل میں دونوں کامرتبہ ووقار ایسا ہی ہے جیسا کہ کسی ایک بزرگ خاندان کاہوتاہے۔ مشفق خواجہ اوران کے خاندان سے راقم الحروف کاتعلق بہت...
With the growing economic industry, the importance of bill discounting is not obscured any more. It is undoubtedly one of the most important tools of trade financing. Now it has become very easy for importers and exporters to sale any product to a complete stranger anywhere in the world and get the bill against it discounted before its maturity date. That is why this tool is in the practice of all conventional banks. But regarding to shār’iah rulings its prevailed practice in conventional banks is not shār’iah compliance as this transaction consists of debt sale and interest. But due to it’s vitally need, Jurists of Islamic shār’iah have stepped forward with its different alternatives based on Můrabaha, Wākalāh, Můshāārkāh and Bāy’ Sālām in currency. In this article we have covered the causes behind the shār’iah rulings of prevailed bill discounting in conventional banks and addressed the Bāy’ Sālām as an alternative in currencies and its executive model in Islamic banks. Furthermore I have discussed the different opinions of modern scholars regarding these issues.
A research study entitled “Influence of thinning intensity, calcium and gibbrellic acid application on fruit yield and quality of peach” was conducted at Horticulture Research Farm and Post harvest Laboratory, The University of Agriculture Peshawar (UAP) in the year 2014-15. The present research project consists of four interlinked experiments. The 1st experiment entitled “Effect of thinning intensity and time on quality fruit yield of peach”. Various thinning intensity i.e. 0, 20, 40 and 60% and thinning time i.e. 7, 14 and 21 days after fruit set) were carried out in peach fruit trees. The experimental results showed that peach fruits trees thinned 60% after 7 days of fruit set significantly improved all the studied attributes but showed more split pits incidence and inferior quality yield of peach. However, the results of 60% fruit thinning were statistically at par with peach fruits thinned 40% after 14 days of fruit set with less split pits incidence and good quality fruits, hence recommended for better quality fruit production of peach. In order to overcome the problem of split pits, another field experiment entitled “influence of irrigation intervals and gibbrellic acid concentrations (GA3) on the split pit incidence and fruit quality of peach” was conducted during the year 2015. Keeping irrigation intervals in main plots and various concentrations of GA3 in subplots, peach trees were irrigated with different intervals (5, 10 and 15 days), sprayed with gibbrellic acid (GA3) concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 ppm) in already thinned plant (40% fruit thinning after 14 days of fruit set) optimized from the previous year experiments. The experimental results showed that peach fruit trees irrigated after every 10 days significantly increased the leaf area and other fruit and quality related attributes but most importantly reduced the incidence of split pits. Moreover, application of 100 GA3 concentration proved to be the best in controlling split pit incidence of peach with improving the yield and quality related attributes of peach. Hence, peach fruit trees could be irrigated after every 10 days along with 100 ppm GA3 concentration for better quality fruit production of peach with minimum incidence of split pits. As peach is a highly perishable commodity with short post harvest life. Hence, the third pre and post harvest experiment was conducted to retain the quality attributes of peach with longer shelf life. Various calcium sources (Calcium chloride, calcium nitrate and calcium sulphate) were sprayed at different concentration (0, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0%) on peach fruit trees and the 2 harvested fruits were kept in storage for 30 days with 10 days interval having storage temperature of 8±2 0C at 50% Relative Humidity. The experimental results showed that some of the quality attributes like fruit firmness, fruit calcium content, TSS, TSS-acid ratio of peach fruits were better retained for 30 days by the pre harvest foliar application of 1.0% CaCl2 with minimum percent brown rot incidence, weight loss, ion leakage from cell membrane and cell wall. However, the effect of calcium sources and concentration on other quality attributes such as ascorbic acid content, percent acidity, reducing sugars and non reducing sugars of peach fruits were found non-significant. Pre harvest application of calcium chloride at 1% significantly retained the pre harvest and some of the post harvest attributes but could not retained the other studied quality attributes of peach, so to further enhance the quality of peach fruits, another post harvest experiment entitled “effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) concentrations on storability of Peach fruit cv. Early Grand” was conducted during year 2015. Optimum source and dose of calcium (optimized from the previous experiment i.e. calcium chloride at 1%) was applied pre harvest to peach fruit trees. The treated fruits were then dipped in different levels of 1-MCP (0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 μg L-1), stored for 40 days at temperature of 8±2 0C with 50% RH. The experimental results showed that 1-MCP at 0.9 μg L-1 reduced weight loss, fruit decay, total soluble content, TSS-acid ratio while retained fruit firmness, acidity, ascorbic acid, reducing sugars, free radical scavenging assay, catalase activity, total phenols and antioxidant activity of peach fruits. Peach fruits stored for 40 days showed better performance for most of the quality attribute up to consumer preferences. However, free radical scavenging assay, catalase activity, total phenols and antioxidant activity increased up to 30 days but declined up to 40 days of storage. Therefore, an integrated management of peach fruits with 40% thinning after 14 days of fruit set, irrigated after 10 days, sprayed with 100 ppm GA3 concentration enhanced the fruit size, weight, yield and quality of peach fruits with lower split pit incidence. Moreover, peach fruits trees could be sprayed with CaCl2 at 1.0% and later on treated with 0.9 μg L-1 1-MCP solution for retaining the quality attributes of peach fruit up to 40 days of storage (Temperature = 8±2 0C and 50% RH).