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Home > Muon Detector

Muon Detector

Thesis Info


Muzammil Abbasi


Habib University

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2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Muons travel from Earth’s upper atmosphere to ground with a velocity of almost speed of light, having an average lifetime of 2.19ms, satisfying the laws of relativistic mechanics. In this project muon’s average lifetime is measured in its own frame of reference by capturing them in a system of scintillators. The project entails analog signal processing, measurement using FPGA in nanosecond scale and then data analysis on MATLAB on computer

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المبحث الثاني: زواجها

المبحث الثاني: زواجها

 کانت بروین شاکر من عائلۃ دینیۃ ومن عائلۃ تتمسک بأصولھا وقوانینھا، وکانت من الشیعۃ، وعند ما علم والدھا بأنھا ترید الزواج من شخص یدین علی سنۃ النبي ﷺ فقد أحزنه ھذا الشيء، ورفض والدھا ذاك الشاب، فحاولت الشاعرۃ إرضاء والدھا ولکنھا لم تنجح في ذلك فأحزن الشاعرۃ ھذا الرفض وقد کسر قلبھا وأحست بالھزیمۃ، ولکن الوالد أصر علی أن تتزوج من الشخص الذي سیختارہُ الوالد وأصيبتِ الشاعرۃ بالمرض بسبب ھذا۔


 ثم تقدّم لھا الشاب ابن خالتھا الدکتور نصیر للزواج فوافق والدھا وجعلھا توافق ھي علی الزواج، فتم خطبتھا في 1975م وفي 14 اکتوبر 1976م تمّ الزواج والدکتور نصیر ھو ابن السید صغیر علي وکان یعمل في نظام القطار (والدھا کان یعمل في نظام القطار)، وکان مھرھا 14 ألف روبیہ، فحضر زواجھا من کبار الشعراء والشاعرات۔

استمرت الشاعرۃ في التدریس حتی بعد الزواج، وکانت لا تجید أعمال المنزل والطبیخ، فکانت تشاور شقیقتھا نسرین في کثیر من الأمور المنزلیۃ والطھي. وبعد الزواج لم تُغیر الشاعرۃ إسمھا (بروین شاکر) لأنھا کانت معروفۃ بھذا الإسم في الساحۃ الأدبیۃ والعلمیۃ واشتھرت دواوینھا أیضاً باسمھا (بروین شاکر)۔


وعاشت فترة من الزمن مع زوجھا نصیر عیشۃ ھانئۃ وکلھا سعادۃ وأفراح، وکان نصیر علي ضابطًا في الجیش برتبة نقيب، کانت بروین شاکر وزوجھا نصیر آنذاك في(ایبت آباد) ولکن کلما جاء إتصال من کراتشي أحسّ نصیر علي ببعض القلق، وکان یرید العودۃ إلی والدتہ لھذا قدّم استقالۃ من الجیش ورجع إلی کراتشي، ولکن بروین شاکر لم یعجبہا ھذا الشيء فأحست ببعض البعد والوحدۃ، ثم حصلت بعض المشاجرات بین الطرفین، فعادت الشاعرۃ إلی والدیھا لأنھا کانت لا ترید العیش مع والدۃ زوجھا، ولکن بعد فترۃ قصیرۃ حصل إتفاق بین الزوجین علی أن یعیشا مستقلين في بیتٍ صغیرٍ مأجورٍ، وخلال ھذہِ الفترۃ أنجبت الشاعرۃ...

سیرت رسول عربی ﷺ(از نور بخش توکلی)کے منہج و اسلوب کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

The topic of ‘Sacred role (Seerat)’ with the affinity of the Rasool (saw) having significance, status and vast acceptance is undoubtedly beyond expression. If we make analysis of a religious literature, we find most of its part consisting on such topics that are directly affiliated with the silent features of the personality of the Rasool (saw). In storehouse of knowledge and architecture of the world ‘Art of Sacred role’ has attained its prominent supremacy. The beginning of this art was based on the details of Ghazwat in Islam but with the passage of time, it was enlarged in such a way that a great piece of literary work on ‘Sacred role’ has been pin pointed in sub-continent. Many literate of persona put forth their pens on this topic out of whom Noor Bakhsh Tawakli is also the most famous name who wrote a with title of “Seerat Rasool-e-Arabi” on the personality of Rasool. The expression of the affection and following of the Rasool (saw) by Noor Bakhsh Tawakli is expressed by the leaves of this book. He is best known for his popular for this book which has its own status in this field. He wrote the book in the era during which the western civilization had strangled the youth of that time. Materialism was in its climax. A great piece of strife was being made to disintegrate the true bond of affection and following of the Rasool (saw) but the profundity of learning, recognition of knowledge, strict eye on the present condition of that time and the salient factors of love of the Rasool (saw) were quite dominant in this book. The leaves of which were enriched with the florescence of love and affection of Rasool(saw).  

Production of Biodiesel Using Heterogeneous Catalyst and Super Critical Fluid Extraction

Biodiesel is the only possible reciprocal to petro diesel and a boon to the fast depleting fossil fuel resources. Biofuel is produced from different feedstock including Algae, seeds of some terrestrial plants like Jatropha curcas, pongamia, castor, palm and oily wastes. The thesis addresses the multi-dimensional areas associated with the biodiesel production processes, covering the entire scope from seed based to non-terrestrial microalgae feedstock cultivation, extraction and its efficient conversion into liquid fuels. Design and development of efficient screw press expeller for oil expression from jatropha curcas seeds was the first investigation. This study is aimed to make efficient screw expeller to cater massive Jatropha biomass and its oil extraction. Experimental validation of the simulation is used to improve oil expeller for Jatropha seed by fabricating the expeller following the design and analysis by ANSYS FLUENT codes. An oil yield in excess of 98%, as compared to a maximum 75% for existing screw expellers, was achieved in practical runs which is very promising. An innovative airlift tubular photobioreactor was developed for growing algae in simulated conditions. Algal strain Chlorella sp was inoculated in photobioreactor which was sparged with air and carbon dioxide. The novel photobioreactor recorded a maximum experimental average yield of 0.65 g/ (13.3 g/ as compared to theoretical modeled yield of 0.82 g/ (14.26 g/, suggesting the device can be efficiently and cost-effectively employed in the production of algal biomass for biofuels. Supercritical Carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) fluid extraction (SCFE) was carried out to extract oil from Jatropha Curcas L. and microalgae (Chlorella Vulgaris) for biofuel production. The extraction was performed at temperature ranges of 40-80 oC and pressure of 4000-9000 psi in-order to investigate the optimum process parameters for Jatropha Curcas and microalgae biomass. The optimum yield for Jatropha was found to be 30.6 wt% and for microalgae it was 17.7 wt% (based on total oil contents present in the biomass) which was in close agreement with the time consuming traditional n-hexane based solvent extraction. The algal oil was then transesterified into biodiesel using nano-photo heterogeneous catalyst. The biodiesel produced using photosensitive catalyst was then characterized by using analytical techniques like GCMS and NMR and results are discussed. The physical properties of biodiesel are also analyzed according to ASTM standards.