پروانے جل اٹھے
5جولائی 1977ء یوم سیاہ
جب چئیر مین ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کے پروانے جل اٹھے تھے۔ ہے کوئی جو اپنے لیڈر کے لیے خود پر تیل چھڑک کر آ گ لگا لے ۔تقریباََ سات کارکنوں نے اپنی جانیں ذوالفقار علی بھٹو شہید پر قربان کیں چئیر مینذوالفقار علی بھٹو نے سپریم کورٹ میں کھڑے ہو کر کہ کوئی کسی کے لیے اپنی انگلی کو نہیں جلا سکتا میرے جان نثاروں نے اپنی جانیں قربان کر دیں ۔
جب پروانے جل اٹھے تھے۔ یہ قبریں پنجاب اور ایک تصویر آزاد کشمیر کے ان پروانوں کی ہیں جو اپنے قائد کو پھا نسی چڑھتا ہوا نہیں دیکھ سکتے تھے اور خود پر تیل چھڑک کر خود سوزی کر کے اپنے قائد چئیر مین ذوالفقار علی بھٹو شہید پر قربان ہو گئے ۔پہلی قبر گوجرانوالہ کے وحید قریشی کی دوسری تیسری فیصل آ باد کے رشید عاجز اور یعقوب پرویز کھوکھر ،چوتھی تصویر آزاد کشمیر کے خود سوزی کر نے والے عزیز ملک کی ہے ۔
During these troubled times fallacious notions are being deliberately and repeatedly spread throughout the world by many biased, ill-informed and even mischievous persons regarding Islam and Holy Prophet Mohammad(SAW). Those writers have tried to damage the graceful and towering personality of Mohammad(SAW) in the eyes of the world. Thus, Islam is under the pressure of media, politicians, and even financial world donor institutions. The result of all this propaganda is that Muslims are considered a threat to Western way of life. Muslims are portrayed as fanatics, fundamentalists and terrorists. This article presents the Islamic view about interfaith dialogue especially in the light of the Quranic verses and Hadith of Prophet (SAW). Certain events from the life of the Prophet (SAW) have also been quoted when the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) held interfaith dialogue with the rulers, envoys and other factions. These incidents include different strategies of the prophet (SAW) calling DAWA and preaching for interfaith dialogue. At the same time Prophet (SAW) presented Islam as a religion of harmony and peace.
Literature (Foster, 2004), agrees that there is a relative absence of research that documents the experience of male and female headteachers leadership in relation to school improvement. This qualitative life history study explores a male and female head teachers' experiences of leading school improvement in two secondary schools of Azeem Education System, Northern Areas of Pakistan. Semi-structured interviews, observations and document analysis were the main source of data generation. The study revealed that the context of leadership and school improvement are relative and are influenced by the contexts of a school and the communities in which the school is situated. The needs, demands and future trends as viewed in these contexts shape and guide headteachers' leadership practices and their school improvement efforts. So, an explanation of headteachers' experiences of leading school improvement also needs to be taken into account not only their personal skills but also to see, how well they were able to respond to the school context. Studies showed that gender may play an important role in teachers' ascend to headship. Male teachers have better chances to avail headship position due to their better academic qualification. While female may need to struggle longer to achieve better academic and professional credential in order to prove their ability of assuming headship position. In order to enhance headteachers' efforts in leading school improvement, some recommendations to the organization were made, that the organization needs to acknowledge headteachers' diverse leadership practices for school improvement. This also requires recognition of headteachers' unique life histories (personal and professional), which shape and guide their unique perceptions and practices of leading schools for improvement. In this connection, the study recommends that professional development programmes for headteachers may include life histories of the headteachers, in order to understand their perceptions and practices of leadership, particularly in the context of their efforts to school improvement.