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Home > A Gis Based Impact Assessment of Urbanization on Eco-System Services in Islamabad & Rawalpindi

A Gis Based Impact Assessment of Urbanization on Eco-System Services in Islamabad & Rawalpindi

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Bokhari, Syed Atif




International Islamic University







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Environmental Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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The challenges accompanying socio-ecological and demographic transformations in the urban areas necessitate for coordinated efforts to ensure urban ecological resilience. Trans-disciplinary analytical construct of urban eco-system services (UES) empowers the policy makers and urban planners to synchronize the orientations of human impacts and resilience of ecological resources in urban areas. The current study provides a systematic overview about the research orientations, approaches and techniques used in the recent studies regarding UES. The study examined: what types of evaluation methods were adopted in the recent UES research? What is their spatial and temporal pattern? What types of UES were focused and environmental components relied upon for the assessment? To address these questions, 116 relevant publications were scrutinized by using a set of assessment criteria. The findings indicated a lesser focus in research towards UES in developing countries as compared to the volume and increasing share of their urban population. The study also establishes that an overwhelming proportion of the UES research was carried out in the industrialized countries of the northern hemisphere but rather skewed towards studying regulatory eco-system services. The recommendations for improving the relevancy of contemporary research for stakeholders were made. The present study deciphers the impacts of urban planning and role of socio-economic determinants on the perception about urban vegetation. The residents inhabiting the planned (Islamabad) and the semi-planned (Rawalpindi) urban centres were the study population. Both urban areas, lying in close proximity, face rapid transformations in LULC due to urbanization. Despite their closeness, such variants as discrepancies in the standards of urban-planning and socio-economic characteristics of inhabitants make them apt study-sites. The inhabitants’ perception was tapped regarding the importance of urban vegetation, temporal and spatial changes and their impacts. The majority concurred to its efficacy, a substantial proportion observed transformations in it over time while a reasonable number perceived these changes as negative and unwelcome. Such socio-economic determinants as location, education, gender, ownership status of residence and income of respondents were studied, deploying Statistical analyses (KW). Responses varied, with location and income weighing-in more heavily. Pairwise comparison (WRST) further vindicated the results. Urbanization is sure to tarnish the environmental sustainability of both cities. Synchronized efforts from all stakeholders are a must. LULC changes transform everything. They test the resilience of natural environment making their study imperative.Such advanced tools as remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) were deployed and assessments made by developing codes in the Google earth engine (GEE). The current investigation used Islamabad and Rawalpindi as contextual settings. These physically close cities are distanced by contradictory policies and management frameworks rendering them as perfect locales for research. Temporal quantitative fluctuations in the selected LULC were observed and shrinkages and expansions noticed according to the varying human needs. Population-growth and migration have, primarily, triggered these transformations. The intrusion of private conglomerates for their business gains, made urbanization unruly.The study reveals how organized land-management policies succeeded in Islamabad and compromised policies failed in Rawalpindi. Effective legislation and compelling implementation are indispensable for sustained urban growth. Urbanization is proving stressful for the supply-demand budget of eco-system Services (ESS) and a real challenge of the present times. It is accelerating in Pakistan and demands enhanced focus on ESS research. Keeping in view the contextual constraints, the land cover-based Matrix Model was relied upon. It linked the LULC types of the study area for assessments of supply and demand potential of ESS by integrating expertbased judgments. The findings established that the built up areas are the principal consumer and ecological resources as producers of ESS in the study context. The degeneration in the performances of ecological infrastructure is more acute in Rawalpindi as compared to Islamabad. The observed variations are rooted in the differences in the socio-demographic aspects planning and management.The findings confirmed that the matrix model is a pragmatic option for assessing the supply-demand potentials of ESS in developing regions.

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Japanese Personnel Management Style: A Link Between Training and Performance

This study investigates the link between training and performance of four international organizations in the United Arab Emirates which shows how does the linkage (Independent variable) in terms of: 1) The candidate’s proper selection, 2) Effective training programs, 3) Personnel loyalty, and 4) Sound motivation system impacts the organizational performance (Dependent variable). The significance of this study is to draw the attention of decision makers to better realize the negative consequences associated with poor quality of working life and is also to emphasis the importance of keeping employees motivated to encourage them to move onto more innovative and committed tasks. The current study is primarily based on the interpretation the attitudes of 300 employees collected with a use of a structural questionnaire of five-points Likert measurement scale ranging from 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. Overall, the statistical results developed through the descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS software showed a vital link between training and performance and is a critical to the organizational performance. Concerning the linkage between training and performance in terms of the candidate’s proper selection, the correlation analysis results revealed that the true job-related information, organizational goals and the employment legal and balanced legislations respectively tend to be the most significant variables influenced organizational performance in the United Arab Emirates. In relation to the linkage between training and performance in terms of employee effective training enhances his efficiency, the findings of the results revealed that personnel orientation (employee socialization with working community) tends to be the most significant predictive variable of the employee efficiency, while effective training programs relevant to the real work life tends to be the second predictive variable influenced employee efficiency. With respect to the linkage between training and performance in terms of personnel loyalty leads to organizational success, the statistical analysis clearly appeared that effective communication systems which is interactional justice based found to be the most predictive factor of personnel loyalty, whereas fair and equitable promotion policies which is based upon relevant qualification, good interpersonal relationship, leadership quality and understanding the working system within working unit found to be the second predictive factor of personnel loyalty. According to the linkage between training and performance in terms of motivational dimensions enhances employee job satisfaction and higher performance, the correlative findings demonstrated that the achievement recognition which is tied to employee efforts and distributive justice seems to be the strongest significant motivational dimension stimulates employee job satisfaction and high- working performance. Additionally, the documented evidence disclosed that the flexible working hours to fulfill personal commitments ranks the second predictive motivational dimension stimulating employee job satisfaction and higher performance. Further, the results indicated that a job which is based upon smart objectives ranks the third predictive motivational dimension stimulated employee job satisfaction and higher performance, meanwhile the pay rate variable does not play the same major motivational role of achievement recognition and flexible working hours. Based on the significant results, several recommendations are suggested for effective training and performance programs to move from apposition of reaction (consumption culture) to a position of action (production society) by changing work life style and well-being of employees, the key is in changing organizational behavior in a way that make innovation, commitment and engagement a natural course over the life span, moreover adaption and implementation of effective motivational communication systems which are procedural, interactional and distributive justice based to enhance psychological satisfaction, high-morale, organizational performance, organizational effectiveness, large market share, strong marginal revenue and long-term sustainability. Finally; the findings of the present study will have a significant contribution in the existing literature in general and towards the emerging literature in the field of training and performance especially in the context of Middle East where the subject has not been fully explored. This will also set research guidelines for the future researchers and will provide a theoretical framework in the field of HRM with a special reference to training and performance.