ؑحضورؐ! آپؐ نے ریگِ تپاں کو لعل کیا
جہانِ دشتِ کو یوں شہرِ بے مثال کیا
رفیقِ خاص کو صدیقؓ کا لقب بخشا
وہ ترجمان تھے ماضی کے ، شانِ حال کیا
جسے تھی اونٹ چرانے میں دقّتیں بے حد
دعا کے ساتھ اُسے صاحبِ کمال کیا
غنیؓ کی دولتِ دنیا کو حسنِ دیں بخشا
حیا کے پیکرِ احسن کو خوش خصال کیا
لعابِ پاک کا فیضانِ خاص تھا جس نے
علیؑ کو شوکتِ خیبر سے مالامال کیا
مقامِ احسنِ تقویم پایا ، اسفل نے
جہاں میں منصبِ انسانیت بحال کیا
تمام روئے زمیں سجدہ گاہ کر ڈالی
خدا نے اُمتِ محبوبؐ کا خیال کیا
رہِ حیات میں جب بھی چلے ہیں تیرِ الم
تو یادِ مونسِ جاںؐ کو غموں میں ڈھال کیا
یہ نعتِ پاک کا عرفانؔ! فیض ہے جس نے
ہر ایک حرفِ سخن تیرا لازوال کیا
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Perushaaan Kontraktor dan Suplayer di Kota Dumai yang kinerja karyawannya kurang baik karena banyak perkejaan yang tidak diselesaikan sesuai dengan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan Tujuan Penelitian ini melihat apakah Kinerja di Perusahaan ini dipengaruhi oleh Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kemampuan Kerja, Jumlah Sampel dalam Penelitian ini sebanyak 59 Orang Karyawan Perusahaan di Kota Dumai menggunakan Metode Sensus dimana Seluruh Karyawan dijadikan Sampel Penelitian , Metode Pengumpulan Data menggunakan Kuesioner dan Intervieew kepada Pimpinan Perusahaan di Kota Dumai, Teknik Analisis Data menggunakan Analisis Deskriptif Kuantitatif , Hasil dalam Penelitian ini Nilai korelasi (R) yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 0,812. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat antara variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Sedangkan nilai R Square sebesar 0,659. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kemampuan Kerja secara keseluruhan memberikan pengaruh sebesar 65,9% terhadap variabel Kinerja, Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 34,1% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam Penelitiian ini.
Modern optical fibers require a double-layer coating on the glass fiber in order to provide protection from signal attenuation and mechanical damage. The most important plastic resins used in optical fiber and wires are plastic polyvinyl chloride, low- and high-density polyethylene, nylon, and polysulfone. One of the most important things that affect the final product after processing is the design of the coating die. This thesis presents the theoretical analysis of double layer optical fiber coating extrusion process inside a pressure type die. From the modeling of Single and Double-layer fluids in coated process, a number of guiding results in general may be identified. Generally, it is concluded that coating thickness is directly controlled by die design, boundary of the die, polymer used for coating the optical fiber and the dragging velocity of the optical fiber. The analysis concentrates on flow conditions around the die exit: particularly so on shear and strain rates, and identification of the influence of slip. It is analyzed that the bond between the polymer and the continuum can become stronger by applying high pressure gradient and using the shear thickening polymer for coating. Moreover, it is observed that the thickness of coated fiber optics increases with the increase in slip parameter, dilatant parameter, elastic and Deborah number, while the temperature distribution decreases with the increase of these quantities. Shear stress decreases with increase of slippage at the boundary of the die only for a limiting value of the boundary slip coefficient. It is also found that for , the thickness of coated wire increases and decreases for It is also established that as we increase lies in the range the distribution of temperature increases while, decreases when we increase the power law index in the domain . The flow rate, force on coated fiber optics and the thickness of coated fiber optics increases as the pressure gradient through the annular gap is increased. The force on the surface of coated fiber optics and thickness of coated fiber optics increases as the elasticity of the polymer increases. It is observed, that the elasticity of the liquid reduces the speed of flow. Furthermore, it is concluded that the elasticity of the liquid decreases the temperature within the region.