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Home > An Exploration of Interactive and Interactional Relationship Metadiscourse in Research Discourses of Pakistan Through Corpus-Based Techniquesan Exploration of Interactive and Interactional Relationship Metadiscourse in Research Discourses of Pakistan Through Corpus-Based Techniques

An Exploration of Interactive and Interactional Relationship Metadiscourse in Research Discourses of Pakistan Through Corpus-Based Techniquesan Exploration of Interactive and Interactional Relationship Metadiscourse in Research Discourses of Pakistan Through Corpus-Based Techniques

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Akhtar Abbas




Air University







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Linguistics and Literature





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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Various manifestations of English language including English for specific, academic and research purposes have been witnessed in the recent two decades owing to expansion of English as a global language (Mauranen, 2013; Crystal, 2012).These manifestations have led, in the recent years, register and genre based investigations on variations of language, culture and disciplines which have revealed distinct cognitive schema of the discourse practitioners. These investigations offered new discursive and pragmatic insights of exploring a current shift from text to text producers and text consumers as metadiscourse (Hyland, 2005). This focus has sensitized many researchers across languages, cultures and disciplines to investigate interactive and interactional patterns grounded in discourses in general and research discourses in particular (Hu, & Cao, 2015; Akbas, 2014). However, disciplinary variation of this twofold interaction needs to have more attention of the researchers (Hyland, 2017) to find out distinct set of metadiscursive attitudes and behaviors of different academic tribes. Therefore, the current study aims at exploring this two-way interactive phenomenon of negotiation, persuasion and engagement in a corpus of 354146 words comprising of 104 research articles published in Pakistani research journals from Hard Sciences and Soft Sciences. Hyland’s (2005) framework of interpersonal model was applied through an exclusive corpus tool i.e MetaPak (Abbas et al., 2017b) in the present study. Along with discovering prototypicality in intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary variation of metadiscourse, I found a new phenomenon of interpersonal role of author exclusivity in Pakistani research discourses. This new dimension of self-mention may serve as a significant framework for investigating interactive and interactional role of author exclusive pronouns. In addition, variation of metadiscourse found across disciplines of Hard Sciences and Soft Sciences in the current study also contributes in the existing exegeses of knowledge pertaining to metadiscourse. This disciplinary variation was found with various quantitative patterns. For example, Code Glosses were found the most dominant interactive metadiscursive strategy employed in both the fields of Hard Sciences and Soft Sciences. In this study I have identified and established few more forms of Code Glosses marked off by parentheses including numeric, acronyms, and abbreviation as sources of meaning elaboration. In addition, more employment of Evidentials in Soft Sciences than Hard Sciences with normalized values of 442.6 and 324.8 respectively were also noticed.And more importantly, the development of MetaPak as a result of this study would facilitate enhancing the research of metadiscourse.

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Present and Prospective Role of Electronic Media in the Dissemination of Agricultural Technologies Among Farmers of the Punjab, Pakistan

In this age of information technology revolution, extension can empower the farming community with latest knowledge through electronic media for the development of agricultural sector. In Pakistan, this important sector has been facing various challenges like increasing population, declining trend in terms of GDP, fluctuated agricultural growth, globalization, weaker dimensions of agricultural extension. Obviously, the impediments of physical distance and logistic problem cannot be overcome only through personal contacts. In this context, strengthening extension services with effective use of electronic media seems indispensable. Thus, the research was conducted to get the real picture of the farmers’ perceptions regarding present and prospective role of electronic media for dissemination of agri. technologies among farmers. The research was conducted in Faisalabad district of the Punjab province, Pakistan. Multistage random sampling technique was used. The total sample size comprised 330 respondents. The collected data through a validated and reliable interview schedule were analyzed through computer software SPSS. Percentages, mean, standard deviation and scores were obtained. Kendall''s tau_b correlation were computed to find out the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The results showed a trend change from radio towards TV and from telephone towards mobile phone as far as the general use of electronic media was concerned. As a whole the awareness of various electronic media based programmes and contacts was very low. Further, the use of electronic media for getting agri. information was not encouraging. The range of using electronic media specifically obtaining agri. information was from very low to low levels. Three extreme cases of not using electronic media for agri. information were audio cassettes/CDs, video cassettes/CDs and internet. Lack of awareness and lack of interest appeared as common impediments hampering the agri. technology transfer through electronic media. In the present scenario, as a whole, electronic media did not show a healthy picture in all the areas both in sense of extent of agri. information as well as respondents’ perceived effectiveness thereof. Concerning various positive aspects of agri. information obtained through electronic media, TV was at the top in each aspect with total score value. Mobile phone occupied the 2 nd position, radio was at 3rd position. Telephone and agri. helpline were perceived to be at the bottom. Concerning relationship between the demographic characteristics and use of electronic media for getting agri. information, there existed highly significant positive relationship between farming experience and use of radio. There also existed a positive significant correlation between age and use of radio. However, significant negative correlation was found in case of landholding and farmers’ annual income with radio. In case of TV, highly negative relationship was found with age and farming experience. In case of mobile phone, highly significant positive correlation was found with education. Similarly, significant positive relationship was also seen between the use of mobile phone and farming experience. Concerning the preference for obtaining agri. information in future, TV was rated at the top. The other subsequent electronic media were mobile phone, radio, agri. helpline and telephone. However, level of preference was reduced in cases of audio cassettes/CDs, video cassettes/CDs and internet.