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Home > An Integrated Model of Psychological Entitlement and its Behavioral Outcomes: A Study of Service Sector of Pakistan

An Integrated Model of Psychological Entitlement and its Behavioral Outcomes: A Study of Service Sector of Pakistan

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Khalid, Maria




Foundation University







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Management Sciences





2021-02-17 19:49:13


2024-03-24 20:25:49



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This research study examines the association between psychological entitlement and employee negative behavioral outcomes i.e. knowledge hiding behavior and instigated incivility accompanied by mediating role of abusive supervision perceptions. Furthermore, the intervening effect of job stress between psychological entitlement and instigated incivility is also analyzed. Apart from testing these underlying mechanisms, this study elaborates the moderating impact of hostile attribution bias on the association between psychological entitlement and abusive supervision perceptions. The buffering influence of rumination on the linkage between abusive supervision perceptions and two behavioral outcomes i.e. knowledge hiding behavior and instigated incivility is also analyzed. In addition, this research highlights that whether the sense of job calling moderates the positive impact of job stress on instigated incivility or not. Current study follows a sequential explanatory mixed method design where the first phase is quantitative in nature and the second phase is qualitative. In the quantitative phase of the study, data were gathered from 513 respondents in three time lags. Moreover, stratified random sampling technique was used for the stratification of the service sector followed by convenient sampling for data collection from the sample. In order to further explain and validate the quantitative results, unstructured one to one interviews from eight participants using the maximum variation sampling technique were conducted. Ten themes with corresponding subthemes were emerged in the qualitative phase. Integrated analysis of both phases was conducted at the end in the form of elaborate discussion. The quantitative results revealed that psychological entitlement is positively and significantly associated with knowledge hiding behavior and instigated incivility of employees. Furthermore, the mediating impact of abusive supervision perceptions and job stress were found significant. Moreover, the moderating impact of hostile attribution bias and job calling were also proved. However, the boundary level effect of rumination on the association between abusive supervision perceptions and knowledge hiding behavior and between abusive supervision perceptions and instigated incivility was found insignificant. The results of all the hypothesized relationships were further elaborated in the light of qualitative findings. The themes generated as a result of thematic analysis explained significant and insignificant findings of the quantitative phase. This research study also unfolded certain theoretical implications, practical implications and future research directions.

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مقاصد العقدية بين الإفهام والتكليف

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Alleviation of Salt-Induced Adverse Effects by Exogenously Applied 5-Aminolevulinic Acid in Sunflower Helianthus Annuus L.

Keeping in view the substantial role of a newly discovered plant growth regulator, aminolevulinic acid (ALA), in salinity tolerance, an initial experiment was carried-out to optimize ALA dose at which sunflower plants showed maximum response in terms of different gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll pigments and growth under saline conditions. After fifteen days of seed germination, two sunflower cultivars (ORI-42B and ORI-48B), were subjected to 0 (control) or 150 mM NaCl. Ten varying levels of ALA (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 100 mg L -1 ) were applied as a foliar spray to 32-day old plants. Of all ALA levels, 20, 50 and 80 mg L -1 were relatively more effective in improving photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll a and b, a/b ratio, photosynthetic rate (A), water-use efficiency (WUE), transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (gs) in both cultivars of sunflower under non-saline and saline conditions. Overall, ALA-induced growth improvement in salt stressed sunflower plants was positively correlated with A and chlorophyll pigments. The three levels (20, 50 and 80 mg L -1 ) of ALA found relatively more effective in the first experiment were used in the yield experiment to appraise the role of ALA in detail on growth, yield, seed oil contents and a variety of physio-biochemical attributes in two sunflower cultivars (Hysun-33 and S-278). The ALA treatments were applied as a foliar-spray after 21-day of salt (NaCl) treatments. Salt stress caused a significant suppression in gas exchange characteristics, chlorophyll contents, essential nutrients in addition to growth, yield, oil percentage and α-tocopherols of seed oils, while enhanced tissue Na + and Cl - , proline, GB, relative membrane permeability (RMP), H 2 O 2 , MDA and activities of CAT, POD and SOD in both sunflower cultivars. Of both sunflower cultivars, cv. S-278 was higher in growth, proline, SOD activity, while, cv. Hysun-33 in α-tocopherols under saline regimes. Foliar-applied different levels of ALA were effective in improving root fresh and dry weights, chlorophyll a, seed-oil α-tocopherols, water relation attributes, K + /Na + ratio and SOD activity and decreased seed oil contents under control and saline regimes. Overall, ALA was found to be effective in causing root fresh and dry weights improvement in sunflower plants which was found to be due to increased chlorophyll a, leaf K + /Na + ratio, seed-oil α-tocopherols, leaf SOD activity, and decreased leaf H 2 O 2 and RMP.